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Master Toddius' Grey Knight WIPS

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Welcomed to my new adventure outside the realm of my Dark Angels and travel along as I try and paint 500pts worth of Grey Knights in 30 days.

The Los Angeles Battle Bunker is doing a 500pt painting contest that requires 1 HQ and 1 Troop selection, and then anything else you can shove into 500pts. My grey knight army, of around 2500pts, has been built and played at a couple tournaments and I tore these guy apart to start all over again. They need to be pinned and I need to create thier bases. Plus I'll add bitz here and there to make them a little more unique.


The group consists of:

HQ 275pts

Brother Captain: Psycannon / 4x GreyKnight Terminator Retinue

TROOPS 225pts

Power Armor Grey Knight Squad x7

Justicar / PAGK: Psycannon / PAGK x5

Hopefully I can pull this off. Usually it takes me FOREVER to do just a tactical squad. So this will be a challenge for me.


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Go you big red fire engine! i am in the process of stealing ideas for my GK force so will be watching intently from the shadows :D


what would be your approach to the painting, as in step by step? do you have pics of your already assembled force for reference?





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