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Generic Yellow Space Marine


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Hi there thought I'd post up a little test project I did last night. You may have seen my Blood Angels Captain I was using to test my weathering techniques, well I decided that a Chaplain was a far better HQ choice than a captain.

Anyhoo. Took an old Blood Raven and painted him yellow. Using Iyanden Darksun and then Gryphonne Sepia for shading. Then went to town with the weathering. Difficult to paint due to the state of the original mini but on the whole quite pleased with it for an hours work.





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Wow i like it allot; I use a similar technique on my dwarfs but with Mechanicus Red and Morandian Blue with a delivan mud wash but I didn't think it would work on marines because you paint fantasy by the kilogram and want to have it done quickly.
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A very nice yellow youve got going on there mate ;) could i be so bold as to suggest lamentors? thats all there armour is in basic form, you'd just have to paint a chessboard on his shoulderpad and you'd be done :blush:


of course, if youre merely doing this to improve on painting, then i suppose, leave as is ;) one thing i would suggest though; have a very light base so that it makes the model stand out a bit more. maybe its just your lighting, but he seems a bit too...unoticeable? i can understand about the weathering, but your model doesent realy have a focal point, that is to say, something that catches your attention, and then you start noticing the small and lovel detail. as is, the marine is very hard to look at. our eyes are programmed to focus on something, and without this "key point" our eyes dismiss a lot of detail. i would suggest either doing some sort of bright trimming, checkers, a bright trophy of some sort, or even a small banner, just something to draw the eye.


aside from that, your weathering is beutifull carried out, and doesent make the model look too cluttered. overall, a ver decent model, just a few things too tuch up on here and there :)

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What would you suggest for the base? I didn't want to use grass as I thought it would make the battle weary Marine look out of place. I'm not very imaginative when it comes to bases so any input would be gratefully appreciated. I like the idea of the Lamenters though it would certainly make a change from Imperial Fists.
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So, let me get this right...


You undercoat the model (Black/White?)

Then basecoat with Iyanden Darksun

Then wash with Gryphonne Sepia for shading

And that's it?


If it's really that easy, it looks like my Imperial Fists Notion has just been revived ^_^


Anyway, very nice work there! As for the base, you could try the Citadel Basing Kit, if you really want to complete the image. That's my suggestion :)


But seriously, is painting really that simple? If so, any chance of a tutorial? Please? :yes:


Edit: (Re-read the original post)... AN HOURS WORK? Mate, we NEED that tutorial now. :)

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Yup mate it really is that simple. I'll see if I can explain it.


You'll need a few coats of Iyanden Darksun to get complete coverage. Then you begin the shading once its dry. It seems that the new washes don't stain the foundation paints like they do with the regular GW ones. It seems they pool into the right places. Use the Gryphonne Sepia across the whole model not just the recesses. For deeper shading on the joins you can add a bit of Devlan Mud to make the shading a bit deeper. For highlights you can then apply some Iyanden Darksun to the edges followed by some Bleached bone for extra pop.


The weathering is simple too, just go at the edges of the armour with a fine detail brush with Chaos Black. Then, when that's dry go over the Chaos Black with Boltgun Metal. Make sure you leave some Chaos Black poking through to give a 3D effect. The dust was achieved with a light drybrush of Codex Grey just on the lower greaves and feet and a bit on the shoulder pads. Not so much that you can't see any chips and scratches underneath it though. if you think it's lost some of the definition use some Gryphhonne Sepia to get the definition back.

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Cheers for the kind words everyone. Garden Ninja, my camera's not that great but I'll try rigging up a photo box and get some good lighting going on and post up the results.


As usual I may end up with more than one of these guys. Might do a squad to go with my Ultras.

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What would you suggest for the base? I didn't want to use grass as I thought it would make the battle weary Marine look out of place. I'm not very imaginative when it comes to bases so any input would be gratefully appreciated.


im not sure, but maybe lightly coloured sand and then the scorched grass that GW do? if your were willing to put in the time, then using epoxy resin to create something like a stream running between his feet? (acid stream or something, as, by the looks of his armour, hes stationed on a deathworld). as ive said, its not necacerrily the base that needs doing. you could paint his eyes blue or some realy eye catching colour, that would help a lot :wallbash:

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I dont know were he has been fighting, but in my DKOK army I have them very muddied up. I start with a scorched brown basecoat, followed with a dry brush of bestial brown and a light dry brush of bleached bone. Its a very "muddy" looking base but i like it a lot. wish i could post pics for you but they dont got their power armor on :P you could actually weather the legs a bit with mud and it would look pretty awesome.
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Thanks for the suggestion I'll give it a go. Just 'finished' a dreadnought so I thought I'd post it up. I like what Shrike.ex said about a corrosive death world so went to town on the dreadnought adding rust patches and what not. I've still got a bit to do with some inks and washes and sort some of the lenses out, but essentially he's done. It's only taking a year to get round to completing him!





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I'd recently been considering switching from Lamenters to my old generic silver DIY Marines to get some paint on my army, but this thread has really inspired me to continue with Lamenters. Thank you. :(


Now, to get hold of some of those washes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Cheers man. The rust is real easy. First I washed the metallics with Badab Black (thinned down Chaos Black is just as good), then I watered down some scorched brown and hit areas like the joints or bolts, let that dry. Then I watered down some fiey orange to a really thin consistency and just put it on the bolts and such, I let that dry too. After that I used Devlan Wash on the metallics to dull it down a bit. Simple rust effect. :tu:
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Awesome weathering. Actually, the subdued yellow and chipping/rusting really fits well with the idea of a hard-fighting, battle weary Imperial Fist siegebreaking force. I find it hard to believe painting yellow could be THIS easy; believe it or not I'm going to show this to a buddy of mine that's been thinking about doing a Fists army, but shyed away because painting bright yellow is so difficult/time consuming. This may just change his mind.
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