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Dusk Raider's World Eaters WIP

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Alright, well I WAS posting these under my Death Guard WIP thread, but I've decided that they've become a big enough part of my painting time that perhaps they should have their own topic. I've completed 5 thus far and I'll be moving onto the Terminators and Zhufor soon as well. The idea behind these guys is that they never changed their armour colors and are still stomping around in their Legion scheme. As I've mentioned previously, my goal with my World Eaters is to focus more on their martial prowess and the honor of their Legion more then bloodthirsty lunatics. Yes, they have a lot of arterial spray on them, but that's to be expected!


I'll be getting more Forge World kits soon, as I intend on making "Assault" Berserkers (Raptors) and Chosen armed with ACTUAL weapons. Yeah I know, heresy in the eyes of Khorne. In any case, here's some pictures of my completed pieces thus far, I have two more that are just about done as well.








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Very nice :lol: Just how I envision the World Eaters when they assault the Emperor's palace - old colours, but corrupted amour and spattered with gore! Hey, how did you do the BLOOD (for the Blood God, of course)? Looks amazing...
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Thank you for the kind words. My blood recipe is as follows:


GW Red Ink (old stuff)

GW Red Gore

GW Devlan Mud

GW Black Ink


Put it all in a mixing pot and shake it up! You'll have to figure out the ratios yourself, I don't keep track of that. What I tried to do when applying it was to imagine where the blood would spray... if you actually turn my World Eaters to their pistol side, it'll look as though their armour is clean. That's because that side of their armour wouldn't have blood on it, the side with the Chainaxe would though. I tried to go for at least a little realism on them instead of just covering them in blood and calling it a day, haha.


I've finished two more, I'll throw them up at some point today.

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Indeed, wow! Amazing :D

What I love the most is indeed that you used the pre-heresy colours, makes me happy. You see Iam about to make a pre-heresy World Eater squad (count as Khorne Berzerkers) for my Sons of Horus, although mine will look abit less chaosish :) I was planning on giving them a blood bath aswell, and as I see how good yours look Iam really 110% convinced to do that!


Consider the blood recipe stolen!!

Cheers :)

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Haha, steal away! They're fun to paint... looking at these pics I feel something is missing, though. I can't put my finger on it. Perhaps it's because I'm not used to these colors? I'm not sure. In any case, I'll post the next two up soon, I'm still adding little details here and there. Once they're done, it's back to my Death Guard for a little while (to keep up with CoCIII).
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That is the way World Eaters are described in the Horus Heresy books and how they should be!!!

Covered in blood from top to bottom!!!Why not make it a bit more "chunky"?

I saw someone else do it with chunks in it and it also looked great!!!

Yours really look violent too!!!

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Thanks for the recipe :rolleyes: If ever I do World Eaters, that'll be what I'll use! Did you just apply the blood with a brush or did you actually "spray" it on (by flicking the drenched brush, for example)?
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Well, another update. My reinforcements have arrived for my World Eaters! Another 15 are ready for their paint job and then the battlefield. Luckily I have a camera again, still on a cell phone, only better then before. Regardless, the lighting for these pics suck. But you get the jist. It's two Skull Champions, one is a possible Lord... I'm not sure, could use some opinions. In any case, one's painted in the scheme he came to me in, he'll also get the Legion treatment. They were both duel wielding a chain axe and power sword, but I really can't see World Eaters using Power Swords... at all. So I scrounged through my vast bits lying around and found two axe weapons, one power axe and another chain axe from I'm guessing 2nd Ed, which I've turned into a 2 handed great chain axe that this guy's swinging around with one hand. Anyhow, the one with the Power Axe I may make my Lord, using more skulls on his person and Zhufor's cape, and make the power axe a Bloodfeeder.






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Aye, the FW pieces are sick. I've got a few heads left over, not sure what I'll do with them. My next purchase (probably in the fall) will be Rhinos, the Pre-Heresy Land Raiders, and a bunch of World Eater pieces from FW. Probably a couple full-CCW Dreads thrown in, and some more World Eater kits to make my Havocs and Raptors.
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Another update...

I've decided to mod the weapons a bit more to make them multi-purpose. As you can see, I've given the Skull Champion a spear / voulge on the head of his Great Chain Axe, and I can see this being great for follow up swings, thrusts, jabs, and felling multiple foes. His Chain Axe has a simple upgrade of a spike / spear on the butt cap, great for back swings. As for the other Skull Champ / Lord, I've removed the daemon face from his Power Axe. I just don't feel it fits the overall idea of this guy. I've also added a spike at the head of the Power Axe, which would be optimal for thrusts. Finally, I also added a hook on the back of his Power Axe, ala the Lochaber Axe. Great for grabbing and disarming foes. I'd love some opinions on these mods. Do they look good? Too much? Let me know! Thanks.






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Just a little sneak peek at my next venture... I'm sure some of you know what it is by the picture, the others well... you'll just have to wait and see!



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oooh that


is going to look really nice


nice paint jobs too the blood and gore is very bloody and gory

















aaaahhh fooled ya! you thought i was going to reveal the mystery model :huh:

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Haha, thanks for the comments. Yeah... this is definitely going to be a big project, but it'll be well worth it when it's finished. Stay tuned, I'll have more pictures soon!
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Here's an update for you on the "teaser".


By now some (if not most) of you know, or should know, what it is. It's the claw from the controversial Forge World Brass Scorpion (controversial as many hate it and feel it's not what a Brass Scorpion should be... as you can see I'm not in that camp). I've decided to paint one of these behemoths finally, as it's such a killer model and I've yet to touch either of mine. I'm going for a very antiqued look, as if it has seen the battlefield for thousands of years. As such, I've gone with a faded black coloration on the armour platings instead of straight red, and for the trim it shall look like a rustic copper or bronze coloration. I'm trying to avoid metallic colors if at all possible, and I despise NMM (looks too cartoonish to me). The whole background for these is the following:


The Brass Scorpion is deployed by the World Eaters as a last option, city to planet wide destruction device. Made by the Dark Mechanicus, it is neither daemon nor machine, but a combination of both. Possessed by the most powerful of the Blood God's greater daemons, Brass Scorpions are so enraged and fanatical to Khorne's cause that they will attack anything on the battlefield, enemy or ally.

It is such that instead of conventional planetside orbital bombardments, the World Eaters favor the tactic of dropping a number of these behemoths, along with their smaller kin, the Blood Slaughterer, onto the emplacement of an enemy who has proven too difficult to uproot, or is simply too large to battle in hand to hand combat. The Brass Scorpion is the pinnacle of Khorne's desire for wanton destruction, ripping enemy armoured units and even titans to pieces with their immense claws and battle cannon, and massacring enemy troops with their flame belchers and stingers. But their lust for death does not end here. So devoted are these daemon engines to their God, that when brought to the brink of destruction, they will attempt to cause a nuclear meltdown in their power core, thus having the potential to raze an entire city in their death throws.


And finally, here's a WIP picture of the claw:



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@ wiplash - I was thinking about it, but I tend to leave the rust more for my Death Guard and Nurgle in general. I don't know how it'd go over on a Khorne model.


In an update, I had something new arrive today!



Now the question I have for everyone is this: Should I do them as more Berserkers (giving me 35 in total), as Assault Marines (Raptors), or Chosen? A company called MAXMINI makes excellent Pre-Heresy type jetpacks, and I'd love to model some of these on the World Eater kits as Assault Marines, as Pre-Heresy Angron's boys made large use of them. The other option, Chosen, would definitely give me more anti-tank power, as I'd probably give a couple Melta Guns.... for some reason though, I think the World Eater kits would look awesome with Rocket Launchers too. Don't ask why. And then of course, more Berserkers. Can't ever have enough! So please, give me some opinions here, I need them!!


Lastly, some updates on the Brass Scorpion... Both claws are finished, and I've started on the armour plating on the model. Oh boy! I'll have to remember to take pics of the other side of the claws...




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Sure... Well, I'll do it in steps:


1. Prime Black

2. Drybrush Bleached Bone (basecoats are for girls!)

3. Layer of Devlan Mud

4. Drybrush of Scab Red covering all but the very edges of the armour, leave those black

5. Layer of Devlan Mud

6. Stipling of Red Gore in a smaller radius then the Scab Red

7. Layer of Devlan Mud

8. Stipling of Blood Red in a small area, mainly the very middle of the armour

9. Layer of Devlan Mud

10. Do just a little Red Gore around the Blood Red, mainly to blend it with the now darkened Blood Red

11. Layer of Devlan Mud


Takes a long time, uses a lot of wash, but it's worth it. The trim is easier, you could probably use Beastial Brown. I use Reaper Miniatures Oiled Leather followed by 3 layers of Devlan Mud. Some spots are brighter then others to make it look more varied. I guess the point of this is... Have a lot of Devlan Mud ready, haha. Some people may look at this and find it all unnecessary, but it works for me and it comes out how I envision it.

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