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Dusk Raider's World Eaters WIP

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Cool, thanks! My own WE are a bit brighter than your method, but I want to do something different with my daemon engines to make them stand out. This is perfect for those, as they're very old and untouched by human hands.
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Wow... Long time, no update! Well I've been quite busy recently with my World Eaters. My Brass Scorpion is coming along well, but I needed to walk away from both it and my Death Guard. so here we are! I currently have 32 Berserkers, 5 Terminators, Lord Zhufor, a Tactical Squad of 10 Marines, and soon to be 8 Chosen. The following are pictures of Zhufor, 4 of the 5 Terminators, and 2 Heavy Weapons Tac Marines. Feedback is appreciated, enjoy!









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Thanks, bud! Yeah, it's all I had lying around and I thought it'd look cool with an Astartes one handing it. I was at first going to use the Havoc ML, but it has the arm built into it so that's a no-go. I did use the power cell with the vent on one side, and I also added a missile on one side as well as two mortar (which I'm saying count-as frags) on the power cell itself. The kits actually really look awesome setup as Tectical Marines instead of the usual Berserker.
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I don't have any of the new PA FW kits yet, but even the regular 'zerker plastics look really good mixed with standard CSM and dev parts. I started my own WE havoc squad a ways back, but that kinda petered out. I may have to finish them now!


Any chance of getting some shots of the back?

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