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Albino Skinks Army blog


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Well i've started this chapter a couple of years ago, it changed their colour scheme a lot until i decided for a an urban assault scheme (fluff for the army, ill post it when i finish it ^^). The Chapter master of this army is an old saurus warrior (as in fantasy lizardmen :P)... i mean nothing says "have faith in the emperor" than a 3 foot tall lizardman charging at you with a terminator armour :D.


If someone knows where i can find those template of the marine ill be really happy :P


So Here are the first pics of the army (1500 points):


Chapter Master and 5 Assault Terminators




Their Land Raider "Grymloq"




Brother Tulkas "The First Born" (Ironclad Dreadnough) and its holy carrier :P




The Sternguard with a Razorback




Predator a.ka. "Junior"




Land Speeder




Scouts Squadron




Tactical Squadron (plasma cannon and a flamer)





So ill be updating this post as i keep adding units o finishing my wip proyects :P.


C&C more than welcome!


P.s: Soon Fluff, colour scheme template and more ;)

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Sure, the head is from a saurus warrior from fantasy lizardmen sprue. He wears the first colour scheme honouring it, its the only marine allowed in the chapter to bear those colours.






Side 1




Side 2









Its fluff wise, when i finish it you'll why this fellow ended up as a chapter master :D


Anyway C&C always more than welcome


K http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/5788/emotpurge1.gif

Nice looking army!

Great colors that are well painted, I've got to say i'm not a fan of the Saurus head, though he does look pretty menacing.


The broken tiles are probably the coolest thing I've seen done to a base in a while too; you've managed to make Terminators look fast, and heavy. Well done.

It looks pretty good but exactly why does your Chapter Master have a Dinosaur head? Secondly I think you mean a 3 meter tall lizard man, not a thre foot tall lizard man, which while startling is not exactly that conducive to asking for the Emperor's protection. Now a Chapter Master wearing a helmet with lizard or rhino features would be pretty cool and better then an actual head.



So here are some pics of my Master of the Forge, its still unpainted but hey at least finished the WIP ;) . Any comments or suggestion about the conversion beam are more than welcome!


















Shorlty ill update the progress on this Mechanicus mass destruction weapons lover :(

I really like the chapter master's paint scheme but i think the rest of the terminators look a bit... unfinished.


I like that thing the master of the forge is ponting at, but really, the master if the forge is supposed to be a super decked out awesome techmarine, minus the servo harness. I think his armor needs a lot of bulking up, the axe he's holding needs to be bigger and meaner looking, etc. The conversion beamer looks like a lascannon mounted on his back....


It's a bit harsh but yeah. Just what i was thinking when I looked at the pictures.


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