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Here's my recent Vindicators.


After painting BA's I decided that the Codex wasn't for me, so I went a Marines Codex Army instead... anyway after a few months of painting I'll now throw pictures up at random!


First... the heavies.

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Basis are resin bases by this guy off ebay..




I'm not advertizing for him, but he makes some decent stuff. Other then that, its just a coat of graveyard earth, washed with devlan mud, then highlighted again with graveyard earth.


I have quite a few marines, I can put up a finished army pic soon.

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An entire army shot will come Sunday after a tournament so I can use a table as a backdrop, I just don't have the room to take it all out and set it up so it doesn't look like they're all ganging together on some white Bristol board.


Lots of tanks, and drop pods, and a Pedro.


There will be a LRC added to the army shortly. I could do a WIP of that.

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You're really letting yourself down with the decals - lovely paintjobs spoilt by silvering!


Gloss your models before decalling, decal using a setting solution, then flat coat them afterwards - this will help prevent the decals having a visible film around them. Seriously, if you're gonna use decals, spend some time on them - you won't regret it. Oh, and do the weathering after the decals, obviously. :-)

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Bummer... another trick that sometimes works is laying the decal *in* future / klear, that is wet the area with klear, then slide the decal into it, then brush another layer of klear on the top... but if the sheet itself is yellowed...
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Is there a trick or any helpful tips for painting so clean? My army is mostly dark blue and I would greatly appreciate any hints. Anyway, nice looking paint job!



I wish I could tell you that there was some sort of secret.... but the only secret I have is an Airbrush :(



I picked up some solvaset today and went over the decals with that... poking a hole in them to see if it was air... they look so much better all of a sudden when the solvaset got behind the decal.

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Here's my fist in their entirety.



I should do some better shots on the white bristol board, but this is what you get with my amateurish camera skills you can still see where I threw solvaset on the front decals. Honestly if you look at it normally you can't even see it. Cameras bring out all the crap you did on your models, so you know what to do for next time.


Ahh well live and learn.

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Great work man. You throw some scout in there and you would have about the whole chapter at this point. Question, why the 2 Vindicators and no preads? Dosen't that leave you a bit shy on the moble heavy support?



You're absolutely right. But, personally I enjoy the look and general gameplay of them. They're mainly for a 2v2 1000pt army I run with a friend of mine, and don't usually see 1700+ tournament play. If I did prefer heavies "which I'm on the fence about" I'd probably go for autocannon, hbolter preds due to the low cost.


Ultimately the answer to your question is " Cause I like the look of them ;) and.. yes yes it does. "

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nice looking army, im a really big fan of the way youve painted them, it gives them an almost dusty look as though they are dirty from combat.


and its good seeing an army after my own heart,


fast hitting with vindicator support!


ps, are you going to paint the squad banners?

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