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From a fun aspect, I enjoy it a lot. The nice thing is, that the Sternguard are very similar to my tactical squads, so they can double up with some extra special weapons for more tactical goodness.


From a hard tournament aspect, I need more experience playing marines before I can really let you know how they'll do competitively. There's many other items in this army that need to be finished as well.


Some armies I've played against I've tabled in 1 turn due to having a truckload of anti mech. Other faster armies have caused me a world of pain being able to get way too close, way too fast. Librarians should fix this now that they're done. I have yet to play Green Tide, but I'm looking forward to that slugfest.


First I want to reward myself with a LRC/Redeemer *magnets...? we'll see how hard that'll be otherwise its a pure LRC*. It should be here this week sometime, I'm really looking forward to painting it. I'll be doing a WIP / on it.


Once I hit a real tournament *read full 5 turn 6x4 table tournament* I'll definitely throw bat reps out :P

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I approve of this army, which isn't to say my opinion matters but I feel that this is exactly the way the Adeptus Astartes should be represented: cleanly painted, modestly converted/posed/modelled, with plenty of weathering. It's nice to see not everyone just glues spikes and random bits all over their figs nowadays. Just because I'm playing Salamanders doesn't mean I have to glue Lizardman bits all over my stuff, seriously. :)

Ranting aside, the basing is awesome and Pedro in particular is quite nice. Bravo!

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Aint the chaplains both hands supposed to be red, since he is a veteran for the chapter?


Just wondering because I've made all my HQ's with both hands red, including all my sergeants.


Otherwise you've painted em really nice, just wondering if you use transfers for the hands on the shoulders?

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I kept the hands normal black and did the knee up in red. You could be right about the red handed Chaplain, but if you were a Chaplain, I imagine you could paint whatever you wanted, whatever colour you wanted, and nobody would say much to you anyway ;)


The shoulders are all regular transfers yes. Just using some Solvaset on them.

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I was wondering how you got all the combi-meltas for the sternguard? I need a bunch for mine. Did you order them all somewhere or convert them or what?



Ebay :P


Could you be more specific? I've been scouring E-bay for weeks.


Do you know the seller? The search String? What kit they came from?

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Combi Melta



I just took a quick look. There wasn't any online. I bought mine off a chap in the UK. He was selling a pile of 7, I already had 4. They're rare and hard to come by on ebay since they're in high demand, as well as only available on one sprue :tu:


I guess I just got lucky with them.


Good luck in your search Legacy40k, hopefully you pick up a few.

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