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Deathwing Ahoy!

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Belial - Lightning Claws - 130


Librarian - Terminator armour - 145


5 terminators- (sergeant with LC) (banner bearer with TH/SS), (AC,PF), (LC), (Apothercary with SB/PF) - 300


5 terminators- (sergeant with SB/PW) (TH/SS),( Cyclone ML, SB/PF), (LC), (SB/PF) - 235


5 terminators- (sergeant with SB/PW) (SB/CF),( Cyclone ML, SB/PF), (LC), (SB/PF) - 240


5 terminators- (sergeant with SB/PW) (SB/CF),( Cyclone ML, SB/PF), (LC), (SB/PF) - 240


Venerable Dreadnought, A.cannon, EA - Drop Pod, - 210


All Terminators constructed!







Squad 1:







Squad 2:






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Squad 3:







Squad 4:







WIP Librarian:




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Flagged for movement :D


The armour is painted as follows:


-black undercoat

-cover with Iyanden Darksun

-Wash with Badab black wash.

-Highlight with Desert Yellow

-Highlight with a mix of Desert yellow and Bleached bone, 2:1

-Highlight with bleached bone,

-Highlight with white and bleached bone, 1:1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried a new bone scheme, just Iyanden Darksun with badab black wash and highlights, didn't turn out too nice so went back to original scheme.


No idea WHAT I was thinking , the bone is clearly the better scheme.

Got three terminators started today,






I decided to leave the insides of the legs brown, it's a bugger to paint and adds a nice bit of contrast and gives the illusion of "layers" of armour. Like they're weaker at the back or something ::)




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I can't think of anything to point out in sense of ways to improve these guys. But I am curious as to what the second terminator in the post above has. Is it meant to be a new type of cyclone missile launcher?





Ahh I should have explained that XD

He's an apothecary, He has a pair of strobe lights for seeing in the darkness of the hulk :)



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Life got in the way of what I had planned today. However I got all the basecoat and badab black wash done on ALL the termies and Dreadnought!



Only thing I'm not looking forward to doing is that drop pod. Plus I need some more badab black before I do start it!

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Very nice. Your stuff is doing better than my own =-P

About that Apothecary, very funky contraption! Super lights =-D What did you use for his arm thingie, it doesn't look like the norm, but I can't quite figure out what its from!

Whats the dreadnought's other arm? All I see is the assault cannon.


Everything is looking good so far!

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Very nice. Your stuff is doing better than my own =-P

About that Apothecary, very funky contraption! Super lights =-D What did you use for his arm thingie, it doesn't look like the norm, but I can't quite figure out what its from!

Whats the dreadnought's other arm? All I see is the assault cannon.


Everything is looking good so far!


His other arm is a FW power claw, I think it'a around the pile in a few pieces somewhere B)


Ah, the Apothecaries arm thingie is from the Xenos dissection table from Forgeworld, the table with lots of robotic arms.


Cheers ;)

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Excellent work so far and I really liked the Apothecary. Very clever idea, though I may have to find something else to represent all the cool gadgets you have on the left arm.


Keep up the good work!



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Been painting today!

Got the armour done on belial, the dread and a squad of terminators! In one batch too.


If I can do that again for the next few days I can get all the armour done. Then just details and bases!








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I managed to get ELEVEN terminators done today, well, the armour. That's all 26 termies and a dread with their armour painted, also:



Well a long time a go I promised a tutorial on how I paint my Deathwing armour.

Here it is!

Paints Needed


Iyanden DarkSun

Desert Yellow

Bleached Bone

Skull White

Badab Black wash


The Tutorial



  • Start by under coating the model with Black Primer.

  • Once this is dry paint the modelwithe Iyanden Darksun Foundation paint

  • Give the model a good wash with Badab Black.






  • Leave this to dry fully.

  • Once dry give the model a coat of Desert Yellow, leaving some of the previous scheme showing in the recesses.

  • I tend to leave the inside of the legs in the current colour, mainly because I'm lazy but also adds some depth to the model






  • Next you'll want to mix up a 2:1 part mix of Desert Yellow and Bleached Bone.


  • Apply this like before, leaving some of the previous layer showing





  • Now you'll want to apply the bleached bone, do this in a line (or streaky) pattern, generally keeping all the lines vertical as if the model had his arms by his side.



  • The final highlight is a 1:1 mix of Bleached bone and skull white applied as above but only on the "outside" of the model, where light would hit the model





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Thought I'd update with a WIP shot of my terminator, so far you've only the armour.

Started painting the greys on the weapons and other parts. I'm really making up the scheme as I go along, painting them in batches before moving on, so all I'm doing is painting grey!

I think it needs one more layer of lighter grey as it looks a little flat. I don't want to mix paint so will have to fetch some soon.

Things like the skulls etc will eventually be painted white.




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Worked on the Dreadnought today:




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Stupid pod. Looks *ok*. The "weathering" doesn't really work on large flat surfaces <.< So adding a landraider is a big no no!




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Fantastic! Only one gripe the plate you put on the Apothecaries arm is supposed to be a radar dish for a Rhino you know that right?



Actually you're mistaken :D

it's from the Xeno dissection table from FW, it's resin :)




Ohh, I thought you mean the attachment.


is it? It looked like a shoulder shield, I knew it wasn't designed for that but it looked cool :)

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Fantastic! Only one gripe the plate you put on the Apothecaries arm is supposed to be a radar dish for a Rhino you know that right?



Actually you're mistaken ;)

it's from the Xeno dissection table from FW, it's resin B)




Ohh, I thought you mean the attachment.


is it? It looked like a shoulder shield, I knew it wasn't designed for that but it looked cool ;)


It's for the master of the ravenwing in landspeeder from the Ravenwing upgrade sprue - not a Rhino kit.


...leave it to a Salamander...


And I do like the drop pod, my only gripe is - it's not charred enough!

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