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Imperator Mos' WIP AoBR=][=Wing!

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Welcome to the WIP blog of my mostly Assault on Black Reach ( excluding only three models at this point) Inquisitorial (because I love me some =][=) Deathwing ( needed to get rules from somewhere!). This army started in my head as a way to build a first company for my Constrictors, but I haven't added any units to my Inquisition army in a while, and I wanted to make use of three models I had lying around. Anyway time for some pics!

First up, all the termies getting clipped, shaved and drilled..


Next, Lord Inquisitor Belial :D ( got this piece from a buddy, and will remedy his handicapped status shortly)


The only completed model, and inspiration for color scheme and basing...


This is a very old model, and will be brought to the same standard as the Dread...


The only bits I need will be purchased this afternoon in the form an assault termie box. I will appreciate comments and questions, thanks for looking!

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Love the idea, love the hector rex mini, love most of what you've done with him...



i say most cos, well the left arm.. the pose gives me a "soft, what light through yonder window".. feeling :P


mental image -: soppy, poetry espousing =][= Lord wanders battlefields.. "lo, is this an ork i see before me".



Well, in my defense... his left arm comes bent since he's holding a shield, and I haven't seen any other kind of plastic lightning claws. In any case, I am pleased with the result. After all, there's only so many ways to stand with those weapons without hurting yourself.


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