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Three More to the Blood Brothers


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I had previously created a thread showcasing my Vault the Bloody Fisted, one of my 5 Blood Brothers.


I have finished painting the next 3 Blood Brothers and am still working on the last one.


Keyes the Ork Headhunter



Keyes is a headhunter, specifically against Orks, for he treats them as nothing but animals and game to be hunted and added to his trophy rack.


Locke the Fraterfector



Locke is a murderer, but not any murderer, he kills his brothers. Once an arrogant but capable Marine of the Salamanders Chapter, he butchered his comrades during a botched mission against the renegade Hollow Eye Clan in exchange for his life. Now he serves under the Clan, but under the ever watchful eye of his overseer, Vault the Bloody Fisted


Banks the Gutwrencher



Banks is a sadist, and a psychopath. An avid collector of bodily fluids (the red stuff) from his enemies, he personally does his best to not damage his merchandise, often seeking to kill his enemies silently with blunt force if possible to avoid spilling the blood so it can be safely brought to his own pool where his victim is cut open and left to drain over it.


He often swims and soaks himself in the pool in which he believes "rejuvenates" him, giving him an edge in combat.


Pardon if the photos look grainy to you, but i seriously have no idea why either.


Check out my deviantArt page for my other models.

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Damn, i cam back to the thread and i saw something wrong with my thumbnails, i accidentally doubled Locke's thumbnails.


Well, i dont do bloody miniatures all the time, im just playing with a new technique on new models. My normal models dont have blood and gore all over :3

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The third guy's blood is done by first gluing the marine to his base AFTER you paint him. The base should have been painted flat blue or red, depending on the color of the water you want, i used blue. Use UHU General Adhesive Glue and slowly fill the base, be careful not to spill it, if you add to much, the glue will flow off the base, just add is successive layers till you achieve the height of water you want, heck you can even raise it to knee level.


Then on the last level immediately after u place the glue, you use a disposable stick, or a toothpick, and muck it around, connecting it to the nearest part of the model, like i did with the bolter strap.


Then using tamiya clear red and a drybrush, paint the water, and the parts of the model you want to have blood splattered on. After five seconds, use the same brush and stiple it to give it some texture.


Create a second batch of tamiya clear red, this time add ONE drop of black ink to probably about 10 parts tamiya clear red, mix it with the dry brush and repeat the same as above, but try not to cover the previous layer, merely paint the epicenter of the previous layer.

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