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Squad Solinus Mk II


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I painted up my first two combat squads of Ultramarines recently, and thought my Veteran Sergeant turned out much better than the rest of his squad. Part of it was the extra bits (the back banner, the Power Fist, etc.), but I think a significant part of it was just because he was more colorful than the rest of his squad.


Veteran Sergeant Solinus



So, gritting my teeth, I decided to start over and repaint Squad Solinus to match its sergeant.


The current official color scheme for Ultramarines is blue and metallic gold, with black bolters. While the 3rd edition color scheme of Ultramarine Blue, pale Yellow & Blood Red bolters bordered on gaudy, I felt that the current one was a little drab. So what I did was aim for something in between (basically, I took the 3rd edition scheme as a starting point and made everything darker).


I like to paint my plastic minis in pieces and then assemble them, so that I can paint all the hard-to-reach places before they become hard to reach :woot: I basecoated the power armor with Regal Blue (actually two coats, because I had used a white primer, which was still showing a little after the first coat). Imagining light was shining from up above, I highlighted the upper surfaces of the armor using Regal Blue + Enchantment Blue. I felt that this color combination was more dramatic than just using Ultramarine Blue. Finally, I dark-lined all the crevasses in Black and line highlighted around all the edges with Enchantment Blue + White.



For the torso, I painted the wings in NMM gold (just Snakebite Leather + various amounts of White). The chest skull was painted like a gem: Black on the top, then Black + Scab Red, Scab Red, Red Gore, Blood Red, Blood Red + Blazing Orange, Blazing Orange, & finally Fiery Orange as I moved down the skull. A small dot of white was painted on the upper black area to give the impression of a light reflection.



I painted the shoulder trim using the same NMM gold recipe that I used for the chest armor wings. I attached the arms using GW plastic glue, and while the glue was drying I made sure that the gun would fit in the position I wanted. There was a post by Warp Angel in the Tactica Astartes forum, where he divided up tactical squads into "Hunter Squads" and "Defensive Squads". I wanted Solinus to be a Hunter Squad, so I posed my first revised marine firing from the hip.



The Bolt Gun was undercoated in Black. The red areas were then basecoated in Scab Red. The silver areas were basecoated with Boltgun Metal, and then line/edge highlighted with Chainmail and Mithril Silver. After this I gave the whole gun (including red areas) a wash of Delvan Mud + Badab Black ink. The wash darkens the Boltgun Metal areas while leaving the Chainmail highlights largely unaffected. The wash also darkens the Scab Red. I highlight the red areas with the same progression of colors I used for the chest skull (final highlights were Blazing Orange around the gun's edges). I black-lined along the crevasses and around the rivets. The rivets were then painted with metallic gold.


For the tactical arrow and Ultramarine insignia on the shoulders, I used the standard decals from the space marine transfer sheet. I made sure to cut a few slits into the Omega symbol to help the decal mold to the curve of the shoulder guard. I also used Micro Set and Micro Sol to soften the transfer. Once dry, I painted over the decal to give it the same matt finish as the rest of the figure.



The paper attached to the purity seals were undercoated with Scorched Brown, basecoated with Bleached Bone, and then highlighted with Bleached Bone + White. I then painted horizontal black lines to simulate writing on the parchment.



Finally, I gave the tactical marine a simple dirt and grass base:



All in all, it took me a little over a week (working evenings) to paint this one tactical marine. I hope you've enjoyed this little blog :lol: I'll post more pictures of revised members of Squad Solinus as soon as I get them painted!



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Tranc, ive said it elsewhere and I will say it here. Your Ultra's are lovely. My only gripe (and its a small one) is that you went to all that trouble but seem to have left the eye lenses very flat and boring.


Otherwise awesome. I particularly love the gem effect you have going with your skulls.

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Wow he's crisp, :tu:


I agree about the eye lenses, it might be due to real life lighting though as they are in shadow - in the pictures?


Too bad that the beautifully painted winged skull is mostly obscured by his bolter, but I know how it feels to have unpainted areas..also paint my models in pieces for the same reasons as you. :P


Even though you feel that the sergeant is the best painted, would it be possible for you to show us the whole squad + him (in another post maybe)?

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Thanks guys!


My only gripe (and its a small one) is that you went to all that trouble but seem to have left the eye lenses very flat and boring.
I agree about the eye lenses, it might be due to real life lighting though as they are in shadow - in the pictures?

Yup, the eye lenses actually transition from Scab Red to Fiery Orange in real life, but I couldn't get it to show up in the photograph :tu:



Even though you feel that the sergeant is the best painted, would it be possible for you to show us the whole squad + him (in another post maybe)?

Original Squad Solinus:


I don't think they're horrible, they just needed some red to make them not dull :P

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Even though you feel that the sergeant is the best painted, would it be possible for you to show us the whole squad + him (in another post maybe)?

Original Squad Solinus:


I don't think they're horrible, they just needed some red to make them not dull :P
I wouldn't call those dull, not by a long shot. :D
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, haven't updated this thread in a long time, so I thought I'd share some more pictures. I'm now up to a wopping *4* revised Ultramarines, hehe.


Here's the latest one:



And here's the near-complete combat squad:



Hope you like! :tu:

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At this rate, it'll be another 3 years before you get an army finished... heh.


You owe it to yourself to drill out the weapon barrels. Trust me, it's worth buying a drill: you'll never go back to painting those black dots again :tu:


What mixture are you using for the chest eagles, by the way? Looks like just bone/yellow/white

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I'm trying for 750 pts by the end of the year ;)


Thanks for the suggestion. I've started drilling out the gun barrels for my future Ultramarines. I even went back and drilled out the barrels on my previously painted figures. Two came out well, but unfortunately my drill hole was a little off-center on the third one and I nearly ruined his gun (had to patch it up with grey stuff)! So I'm now a little timid about it...


As mentioned in the first post, the chest eagles are painted using just Snakebite Leather + various amounts of white.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I've started drilling out the gun barrels for my future Ultramarines. I even went back and drilled out the barrels on my previously painted figures. Two came out well, but unfortunately my drill hole was a little off-center on the third one and I nearly ruined his gun (had to patch it up with grey stuff)! So I'm now a little timid about it...


Try using a pin to create a small guide hole in the center of the barrel. This will give the drill bit something to bite into and prevent it from slipping off center.


I really like your models. The blending is superb. My only criticism is the Ultra symbol on the sgt.'s knee. It may just be the pictures, but it seems much brighter than the rest of the model.


Can't wait to see more.



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I'm not a fan of Ultras at all... These however, are superb! The NMM is awesome! Can't wait to see more!





exactly what he said. These are fantastic, and I'm no friend of the Ultrasmurfs but your b lends of NMM gold, dark and vivid red, and a cood blend of blue hues, creates one hell of a model.


You could try assembly line painting. Paint each pair of legs, than each chest piece armor, then chest detail, etc. etc.


You might get alot more done, and you can still work the way you want. Speacking of that, has the super glue ever not stuck well so you ended up getting it all over your nice paintjob? I paint them when their completely together so I wouldn't know ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, thanks!


Renn - Thanks for the tip. I'm still having trouble with this but I suspect I'll get better with practice. The Ultra symbol on the sergeant's knee is bright because it's white ;) It's the same color as the Ultramarine symbols and tactical arrows on their shoulders so I hope it fits!


sgtNACHO - I have, on occasion, gotten some glue (not a whole lot!) over a painted area while assembling. The glue dries clear but gives it a glossy finish that I don't like. I usually just repaint the glue covered areas. If the paint job that the glue covered was complicated (like I got a little glue on the chest eagle of my latest marine) and I don't want to repaint it, I'll just apply a matte varnish to take off the shine.


I've tried assembly line painting in the past and I don't think it leads to good results, at least for me. I like to custom build each guy and make them unique. The assembly line makes me want to rush to complete a squad instead of thinking about them individually.







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  • 1 month later...

Squad is now up to 80% strength B)









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Thanks everyone for your compliments and encouragement!


Midas - Drudge Dreadnought is correct, it's a bolter in his right hand and bolt pistol in his left. The real reason his grip on the bolter is a little slack is because the back of the bolter juts out a little bit beyond the wrist, and so I had to point the gun a little downward to get my conversion to fit properly. In real life, it looks like he's aiming at something a little lower with his right hand, perhaps putting a downed ork of out its misery :D


Hubernator - Your pure win comment really made me feel good :huh: Very much appreciated, thanks dude! Just for that, I've taken a few more photos of him:




ShinyRhino - Yup, that's a laurel leaf. Actually my attempt at drawing Marksman's Honours (a bullet flanked by two laurel leaves). Here it is from another angle:



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