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Justicars of Dorn

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Hey folks! :D

I started this army way back in 2008 for the Octoberfest Tournament. At the time I manged to get the more or less done, but with this years Mayhem Tournament I got them finished to a much better degree.

First up we have the staple Tac tical Squads:



Followed by 2 squads of the 1st company:



Bringing up the heavy support are my two Venerable Dreadnoughts:



And lastly (by by no means least!) we have Chapter Master Decius Artemis and some objective counters!



Tournament was a blast and I hope you all like the minis too! Hahahha!

C&C's as always please! :)


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As you might know from the previous thread I really like them.

I really like the use of the washes, I use them the same way but then with green and a bit of drybrushing.


Anyway I really like them :rolleyes:

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wow they look really good. My only complaint is the eyes on the termies and the vet serg. They have blue eyes on blue helmets. Since you already have red in the army, those wiht the blue helms on should have red eyes as it makes them stand out. Its the only thing i noticed from a visual standpoint.

Good work tho.

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They have blue eyes on blue helmets.


I thought the eyes looked green. huh.


I really like your work on these. While the picture of the dreadnought is a little washed out, I can tell that these are figures to be proud of.


Good work.

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lovely models but the only thing i can see is a rule statemant about your termineators


acoridng to what you have written it was 2 squads

and yet in the 2nd squad there is no sgt.

becuase in the codex the sgt. comes with a power weapon (it isn't a free option)

if he had a chain fist then it would of been ok but a normal power fist isn't


but apart from that it is very good :D


Athiair :D

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It is indeed one unit that normally runs around with Lysander having fun! :D The only reason they are photo'd seperately is because they take up so much room otherwise!


The eye lenses on the TDA are green yeah, they could do with another brighter highlight in hindsight, as green next to blue is an awkward clash!


Tanks for all the feedback so faar thoug folks, keep it coming! :)



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They have blue eyes on blue helmets.


I thought the eyes looked green. huh.


I really like your work on these. While the picture of the dreadnought is a little washed out, I can tell that these are figures to be proud of.


Good work.



thats because they are green


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