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Pre Heresy thousand sons (with a bit of truescaling)

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Hello all and thanks for reading this in advance.


I would like to anounce that im going to create a PH Thousand sons army, yesterday i finished building my test model and today he will be primed and(hopefully) get the first couple of coats of red on him....hell i might even finish that 2 day but no promises yet.


If anyone has got tips about the painting, converting and fluff dont be shy and share it with me <_<


as for now, i hope to post some pics tonight.


Stay tuned kids!!!



As a die hard Thousand Sons fan i will be watching this with great interest. I can't offer any advice on true scale modelling as i've not done any myself but in terms of painting red i may be able to offer a few pointers.


I start with black undercoat. (note: ratios are a rough guide)

Base layer -> Red Gore

Layer 1 -> thinned mix of Red Gore and Blood Red (75/25)

Layer 2 -> thinned mix of Red Gore and Blood Red (50/50)

Layer 3 -> thinned Blood Red

Layer 4 -> thinned mix of Blood Red and Blazing Orange (75/25)

Highlight -> Blazing Orange


For speed you might want to miss out layer 1. The results come out something like this





Have you seen any of the artwork for the horus heresy books? In there they have a Thousand Son in red and gold armour that has been 'Egyptianified' and it looks awesome. It might give you a few ideas but as you can imagine they are no longer loyalist at that stage.


Hope you've found that useful and good luck

Double post and a fail.....i started painting last night and it seemed as if the painting gods were doing everything in their power to stop me from painting a nice red.

So i was pretty bummed out and i kinda blamed myself for the ugly result....so im gonna re-spray the little prick and then start over, but then im gonna take my time and do the red as i always did, not like just now with mechrite red and a wash of badab black...thats just not my style... im gonna layer it up from scab red with black to red gore with blood red.


Anyhow, sorry for dissapointing ppl...the upcoming result should make up for it :P



if you're primin' black, i suggest that you get a pot of P3 sanguine base, and a pot of P3 skorne red...

these give great coverage, and will save you a lot of time...

i also use the khador red base as a replacement for blood red...


if you are against movin' away from gw paints, start with a base of scorched brown mixed with scab red...

this will be way easier to start with instead of red gore...


good luck...





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