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Raptor Sarges plus question.


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Well everyone this is the first time I made pics of minis so they might not the best you ever seen.

Also Im not the best painter so I chose a simple colour scheme Chapter and the bonus was I really liked there fluff.

Im in the hobby for the gaming and not for the painting I really dont like the painting side of the hobby anyway so they are clean and simple tabletop quality.

As you can see one still has to based and ofcourse the eyes need to be done.


THis is were the question comes in Im still doubting what colour to paint them, red and yellow is a bit to much and green well green on green might not be the best.

I know in the WIP section there is a Raptor with green eyes wich I really like but they can pop maybe some more.

Im thinking of something icy blue, what do you all think.

Im looking for some suggestions on eye colours and maybe some tips on how to paint eyes since I hate doing them, I got a fine detail brush wich I think will be good enough for it?


Anyway here they are my three Tac Sarges.









I posted them with Imageshack cause I dont know how to post them the way you can make them bigger, so sorry for that.


Thanx for watching and the advice.

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I like the colors. Very clean, with decent highlights.


For the eyes, I recommend red. That would contrast well with green.


I paint my eyes first. That way I can just slop on the red. Then, I go back around the eyes with the primary marine color. That's easy for me.


As for painting red, I have a trick that works best. Since red has poor coverage and needs multiple coats, I do the first coat pink. I choose whatever red I want, and mix it 1 to 1 with white. Then paint the areas I want. Then, I go back over the pink with red. That gives a brighter and cleaner red.


Best of luck. If you are a beginner, you are starting off leaps and bounds ahead of me!

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Considering you don't like painting you've done a really good job.


Go for red or yellow eyes. Blue won't stand out on the tabletop at all. If you're worried that red might be too garish just use a darker tone such as Red Gore, with maybe a blood red highlight along the lower edge.

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Thanx for the compliment and the tips on painting the eyes.

I did some LotD models and I painted there eyes red but I could always go over the mistakes with black.

I thought of doing the eyes first but I used a lot of wash and that will wash away the red from the eyes.

That is the reason why Im doing them last.


Im also thinking that when using red the helmet will get to red cause the biomic eyes things on them are also red.

So maybe yellow then?


I already got a whole army to this standard so Im a bit more experienced but it is my first army and painting ever so Im glad you like them :lol:

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Is there noone left who maybe got an idea for me.

Im thinking of maybe some oker yellow, someone got some tips for me on how to do it.

I been looking at them and with to much red they will start to look like a Christmas tree :P

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For a beginner those are pretty darn good, more so since you said you dislike painting! I would say that if you're afraid the heads will look too red then go with the yellow. The shade will obviously depend on what paints you have but I think that a darker, more ochre-y type yellow like you suggested would work fine.


As for the actual painting technique for eyes, you'll be safe with the fine detail brush. Just take your time, let the brush tip do the work (because the eyes are recessed you can push the paint around in them quite a bit without it spilling out onto the face plate of the helm). To help separate from the faceplate I'd recommend giving them a dark wash/inking around the edges, it'll make them pop more and add some natural shading.


What ever you decide to do good luick with these minis, and let us know how they turn out ;)



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