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Raptors, my first army :D


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I got a camera so decided to make some pictures of my army.

Like I said in the otehr thread were IM asking for some advice on the colour and ways to paint the eyes, Im not the best painter these is the first army and mini's I ever painted in my life.

After painting all this I came to the conclusion that I dont like the painting side of the hobby and I really love the playing side of that is why they are nice clean and simple table top quality.


Anyway enjoy and comments are always welcome :)


First I start with the HQ choices


Shrike imposter (well sort of) he is my favorite HQ



My Biker Captain (who served me very well in my first tourny ever last month)



And the one that I use in small games and 1000 point games my Librarian with a right blue arm well its dark blue Im not a fan of the all blue armour, cant see it good on the pic but it is blue



On to the Elite section


Its Hammertime



Legion of the Damned

Everyone can use some unexpected backup from time to time (I still need to highlight them, never done that but I give it a go)



On to the workhorses of the army, the Troops


Squad 1, these guys will hold my own objective and give firesupport



Squad 2, rides to an objectives and brings the fight to the enemies of the Emperor



Squad 3, rides to an objectives and brings the fight to the enemies of the Emperor



And ofcourse not to forget the rides for Squad 2 and 3


Rhino 1



Rhino 2



On to the Fast Attackers ( my favorite section)


Vanguards, yes they are expensive and yes they got all Power Weapons and yes I know what people think of them so please dont make this into a Vanguard rant keep that to the Tactic section and stuff please, I chose them cause I like the models and the tought of Veterans jumping from the sky in the name of the Emperor



Bikers, One of my favorites :D, they got all meltas there job is obvious they need to tankhunt



Land Speeders




Well thats about it, I still got a Las Predator primed but needs to get painted a friend just gave it to cause he never uses it :D

Mostly we play 1700 point games overhere cause that is the point entree for most tournies overhere.

As you can see I can make multiple lists with these models and that is what I do most of the time, altough like everyone I got a favorite setup aswell :D


Thanx for watching and again comments are always welcome :D



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Wow the bottles of Thraka Green MUST be running low!


haha, for your first army this is really fantastic. Not only have you achieved an army that looks pretty good; but it's of decent size and variety plus itlooks like you could get to killing real quickly on the Tabletop.


Great job!

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Yeah that was my main point I want to get to the enemy fast and take try and make them play my style :o

I dont like standing stil that much, plus it is also very handu when you got more objectives stsanding around you can send squads there pretty fast aswell :D


And yeah the Thraka Green pot goes empty pretty fast :D

This is how I did it.


Spray them Black

Knarloc green Foundation paint the whole model

Drybruch the whole model Dheneb Stone

And then three ( yeah I know :P) layers of Thraka Green


Painted the metal parts Chainmail and give it a wash of Badab Black

Eagles and Purity seals Dheneb Stone and Sepia wash, the Red part Blood red with red wash


Thats about it nice clean and simple, but on the table it looks really good :D

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Nice mate - liking the legionaires -


Something that would make your army pop is tactical markings.. some free hand markings denoting unit number/type - you dont have to go with the 'ultramarine' standard markings with the arrows and crosses and that - but something to make your units look like seperate units - it will give them some detail and a different colour - something to draw the eye -


I am not sure what secondary colour to use -


Black will make them look salamanderish - bone is DA - red is christmas/DA...


whats your next favourite colour? just another colour to add in details - like the tactical markings and/or helmet colour on your vets...


Nice work mate

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Nice mate - liking the legionaires -


Something that would make your army pop is tactical markings.. some free hand markings denoting unit number/type - you dont have to go with the 'ultramarine' standard markings with the arrows and crosses and that - but something to make your units look like seperate units - it will give them some detail and a different colour - something to draw the eye -


I am not sure what secondary colour to use -


Black will make them look salamanderish - bone is DA - red is christmas/DA...


whats your next favourite colour? just another colour to add in details - like the tactical markings and/or helmet colour on your vets...


Nice work mate


I concur, it looks like a giant mass of (actually, quite beautifully done) green, and some chainmail thrown in.

You need some colors to make these pop. I think red would look great because it doesn't really look like much else, maybe blue, but it is less striking.

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Thanx for all the comments everyone, they have markings on there right shoulder but those are bacl roman numbers so you cant see them taht good, plus they are decals cause Im really bad at freehanding.

Im thinking of going over it with white to make them pop some more, the CHapter badge still needs to get done aswell but it is comin :D


I was thinking about giving the Vets a different helmet colour but I dont know what colour, since they are Raptors they are Jungle specialists and I dont want them to pop that much.

But on the other side maybe some nice dark red on the Sarge and Vets Helmets will look really good and break up the sea of green here and there.

What you guys think about some Dark purple or is that going to far :P? but bone always fits nice I just have to try something out.


They look really good on table top it is a big cehesive force that is comin to clain victory for the Emperor, but now its mentioned maybe a bit to cohesive :P


So if Im going to change some helmets what colour should I give the Vanguard Vets and the Sarges?

Are the helmets the same colours cause I thought that the Sarges get a stripe of somesort right?


ANyway thanx for all the nice comments.

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If i was going to say anything about an alternative color choice or third color for the Marines, i'd probably go with a catachan green.


theredcorsair stated a red, but judging by the shade of green you've chosen, red may make them look like Christmas marines.

And as you said, the purple is nice, because it's complimentary to green.

But at the same time, if it's dark purple on dark green, in certain lighting, the color may not even be noticeable.


You also mentioned a 'bone' color. Which would work too as it's generally what I'm saying.

A lighter 'earthy' tone color may really signify a difference in the models.

Doesn't make them pop too much, and at the same time it's a subtle change.


So i'd suggest, a lighter green(catachan) or any other color that has that same earthy terra cotta feel to it.

If your feeling what i'm saying. :(



EDIT: Ah, another idea came to me.

I paint my marines in a purple tone, first layer being the foundation paint purple 'Hormagaunt' purple. Then i add a liche purple on top of that, then use the Hormagaunt purple to do the edging on the models.

It really gives a pretty nice look to them, because the paints work so well together.


So instead of a catachan green as i said before(which still may work just fine).

Maybe you could grab one of the foundation paint greens, and try using them as the final layer of green ?


Pretty sure even washing them with Thraka green wash would work well too.

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I think I get what your saying mate.

FIrst Im going for the eyes and Im really going more and more into some sort os purple.

Maybe not to dark but a lighter purple with maybe some white in it.

HHHMMMMMMMM Im gonna try something out wednesday when Im at the club cause I dont have all the paints at home only the ones I need lol


When Im done with the eyes Im thinking for just a Stripe over the helmet I think a whole different colour helmet will be a tad to much, just a nice clean stripe for the Sarges and the Vets ;)

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I recon a deep purple would look good - A bone or cream stripe for the sergeats would look ace on purple - just dont make it a massive stripe - I would even consider something like the white scars markings - maybe not so jaggered but more tribal markings than rank markings -


Post up some pics of what you do..


do you have a background story for your army? I know you have a theme - but do you have a story? it might help out with picking colours or symbols/style - + it will provide us with a good read...

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I recon a deep purple would look good - A bone or cream stripe for the sergeats would look ace on purple - just dont make it a massive stripe - I would even consider something like the white scars markings - maybe not so jaggered but more tribal markings than rank markings -


Post up some pics of what you do..


do you have a background story for your army? I know you have a theme - but do you have a story? it might help out with picking colours or symbols/style - + it will provide us with a good read...


Well I need to come up with a background cause they are the Raptors chapter, you know the guys who crashed on that Jemadal jungle world, I just use them as a strike force of that Chapter.

I can come up with maybe a nice story sometime ;)


I was thinking of making the eyes purple and the Vet helmets a bone colour, and TUal I really like your idea of giving them White Scar style tribal markings since they are Jungle Fighters I think that will suit better than just a stripe :D

I will give one a go this wednesday on the club, if Im not playing ofcourse lol otherwise I just borrow the paint and do it at home.


Thanx for all the nice ideas guys, Im done with my army but it still needed something to make them pop and it is really helpfull.


So shall I make the helmets on the Vets bone or Purple?

I think purple will look good and then give them all red or yellow eyes.


So basicly what will look best, Bone Helmets or Purple Helmets? THat is what Im doubting about right now :P

O oh oh all these decisions to make lol

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I just remembered we got Space Marine painter so I can try somethign out lol

Well I was thinking of something like this for the Vets and Sarges of only Sarges.

I trief purple but it just does not pop as much as the bule so Im giong for blue eyes, I tried a purple helmet but that just look sout of place so I deciede to make them the same colour as the chest Eagle.


This one for the Sarges



And this as the eyes for the Brother Marines.


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Bam! Yeah that bone is daft no doubt!


Definitely the vets should rock that.





Okay, so I'm not sure how to post the image so it shows up as yours does, but after seeing what you did with the SM painter, i wanted to try and show you what i was thinking.


But instead of my original idea, i just twisted both of ours together. (oh.. and the colors may be just a little bit off. But close enough to get the idea.)



By MalevolentMC

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That looks really good aswell mate with the lighter shade of green :lol:

Oh now me making me doubt again lol

Anyway I got stuff to try out and think about but thanx for that option aswell mate B)

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That's so funny, Vissah. I was just going to suggest a cream or off-white color for the helmet as I was reading through the posts until I saw your picture.


That sarge looks pretty good to me. For your regular troops, what about also lining their shoulder pads in bone and/or one entire knee pad in bone?

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A nice bone knee would certainly work there Kronk but I based them of this pic, I know mine are a tad darker but I want them to be this Chapter they are Raptors after all, Im really not into minis with all light colours, it looks good but it just not my thing :P

This pic is from the book Taros Campaign from Forge World and it is a Vet with no special colours that is why I did not include it in the first place.

After the comments and looking at them on me desk I can see were everyone is comin from when saying break up the green a bit by giving Sarges and Vets another colour :angry:


This is the pic, he is a Vet Raptor it says in the book under the pic.


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Well I just finished painting the Terminator Vets with the Brown helmet and it looks really good :P

Still need to do the eyes but this is how they turned out.




Im gonna do the eyes tomorrow at the club and I already did the Biker Sarge like this aswell.

Thanx guys for all the advices they starting to look better and it breaks up all the green :)

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