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Gift of Chaos vs. Guard


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I had the privelage of using my chaos force aginst the new Imperial Guard the other day and decided it was a good chace to make use of the Gift of Chaos power for the first time. Wow, this power can be devastating!


While I got a bit over eager and rushed my HQ up to quickly thus expediting his demise, the spawn he created wreaked havoc on the Imperial scum! I think with some careful planning and a mark of Tzeentch for 2 attempts, this power could devastate an imperial army.


You can pick and choose special weapons, heavy weapon teams, commanders or anything else. They are all so squishy! The ensuing spawn will absolutely crush Imperial troops, and can even mess up tanks using their strength 5 on rear armor!


The big disadvantage is that you use the power at the beginning of your turn, so it is best to try and get safely into combat to preserve your HQ (which I did not do in my game...). Also those pesk spawn will end up being free kill points for the opponet, but it really is so much fun to tease them about how their own mutated troops are now ripping them apart!


This power added so much fun to the game that I will certainly try to feature it a bit more in future battles. A few folks who I regulalrly play aginast feature Guard, Eldar, Tau and Sisters. Lots of T3 soon to be spawns running around!

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Pg 91: Killpoints, it specifies each unit killed is a killpoint.

Pg 3: Units, it basiclly says anything and everything is classified as a 'unit'.


There is no way a spawn cannot be a killpoint after being spawned. The same as a unit of conscripts with the Chekov upgrade and the gaunts without number upgrade.



Though its optional to use the power, so its all good. Great against guard, I had the chance to spawn a ton from grots one time, that was funny...


(By the way, Gift of Chaos is not a shooting attack, MoT sorc's can use it twice in the same turn)

(By the way, Gift of Chaos is not a shooting attack, MoT sorc's can use it twice in the same turn)


Do you have to buy Gift twice or only once for war gear? It has a weird wording and I am never sure how it works in terms of shooting and assaulting.


Yes, you can use it twice and all you have to buy are the mark and the power once for the sorcerer or prince. This gets used "at the beginning of your turn", does not count as shooting and may be used while in combat (similar to warptime but can only be used on your turn).


The MoT really makes this a strong ability, although your HQ's will be quite a few points. You could in theory turn 4 guys into spawns on a single turn, very nasty...



Some of us happen to have an old old old old Tzeentch Champion on disc we used to use back in 2nd edition... I was concentrating on the Tzeentch shooting power. I forgot about casting twice. I use the vomit one with my Nurgle and I believe it too works well, but I guess I see more power armor so no armor save is big.


I put my Nurgle sorceror on a bike, but a Tzeentch sorceror on disk is almost as quick. I've even thought of running double sorcerors in my Nurgle army... But double sorceros on disk... Well lets just say I'll keep you posted.


I also recently clued in how good the Aspiring Sorceror could be and I might some day paint some TSons...


We'll have to wait and see.


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