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My Black Templar Troops


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I can see the pictures myself. They look good to me, nice job on them.


I find doing white on the shoulder pads exceptionally annoying to do and it never comes out how I want it to. I ve switched over to giving them scab red shoulders just for variety, although it isnt much easier to paint that way either :D

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Thank you for the feedback, guys!


Same experience here. All of my troops have white shoulder pads.


Painting the pads over black became easier when I started painting an initial layer of light grey for coverage and then 3-4 light coats of white.


Still time consuming, but much better coverage.

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Your guys are very nice and neat. The ease of painting black is pretty much off set by how much of a B%$#@ white is to paint. I just gave up and instead of painting white on the larger surface I paint it on the trim. But you have done a very nice clean job there Kronk. Looking forward to further updates on your Templars and may your sword stay as sharp as your faith.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Some more troops. First, 6 boltergunners. I tried one gun white, but I liked red better.



And here are two plasma cannons, a heavy bolter, and a sergeant. Not that templars get sergeants...





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they look very nice! actually, i really quite like the Marine with a different colour bolter, on one or two of them through the army would be a nice way to highlight the individual nature of each BT brother!





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And here is my painted army. I just started in January, so I'm averaging about 3 painted figures per week (plus the 4 vehicles). Not too bad, I guess. I have more waiting to be painted, but I've been on a pretty good streak, lately. Hopefully, a Black Templar Painting challenge will start soon.



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  • 1 month later...

My Razorback with Heavy Bolters.





Or is it a razorback with Lascannons?



Or is it a rhino with a pintle-mounted stormbolter?



Or, is it a razorback with twin linked heavy flamer?


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Here's another Rhino and a new powerfist marine.







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