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Converted. Chaos land Raider

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I found this land raider conversion in a box full of old 40k stuff when I was cleaning out in my house, and decided to finish out the model a little bit.

Originally this Land Raider was created for a loyalist chapter, and I had wanted to make an engine that looked a little bit more 'supercharged' and threw a cpu fan onto the back of the model, but I was never really satisfied with how it fit, so I decided just to have a good time converting it to my very small chaos Salamanders Army.

I decided that having changed the engine from the STC simply made the tank break, and Demon promptly grew out of the back. I know it doesn't really look like it could hold troops anymore, but instead I imagine that the chaos marines still use the tank, but are incredibly uncomfortable inside as there's a misshapen mass of tentacles along with them for the ride.

Anyways. Thoughts? Better pictures once my Dslr batteries charge.





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