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BR's Blood Angels ++Modelling and Painting Log

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Starting off with Sergeant Ferrata, complete with 2p Coin underneath the base for balancing purposes. All this White Power Armour has me itching to do some White Scars!

At this moment in time, the fluff behind the helmet is that he has slain an Aspiring Champion, one of the Chosen, and taken his helmet as a trophy. Now, as I quite like to throw things out to the members of the Bolter and Chainsword, I'm open to any suggestions on what colour the helmet should be. It should, however, contrast and clash with the Shaded Blood Red of the Power Armour, naturally drawing attention to it. So, what coulour(s) would you like to see on the model? Consider the votes 'now open'.


Blood Raven ;)

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Very cool model, but I have to ask you to consider removing the mould lines. Mould lines can ruin a figure for ever in all eternity.

Nothing you can't fix. <_<


Anyways, colours.. Maybe a black helmet with gold details? That could come out looking awesome.

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I have found that black helmets can contrast very nicely with red power armour, in fact i have done it with my Veteran Assault Squad to make them stand out. I would go with black myself. The only crit i have is that if someone saw the guy wearing a chaos symbol freely fluffwise they would think traitor but i can kind of see where you are trying to come from with it and like the idea so keep it.



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Thanks to both of you for your replies :P


Black sounds like a pretty good idea, I may well give it a go. As for the Mould Lines... well, the last time I tried removing Mould Lines, it ended up looking worse than it did in the first place. It really kind of put me off trying to trim them off, as I was just making a bigger mess of it. If anyone can suggest an easy, risk-free way of doing so, then I'll happily remove them. But I don't want to ruin the model :P


Anyway, after a busy rotation into my next School Year, I haven't really had a chance to work on 40k. Here's hoping that the weekend will produce some fruitful results, if I can't get any work done inbetween.


Blood Raven :(

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I know that blue is already part of the blood angels colours (devistators i believe)


but a light blue would contrast with the red nicely and draw the eye towards the head.


a tzeench follower aspiring champion?





And easy way to get rid of mould lines is to take your hobby knife with a sharp blade, and then angle it away from the direction you intend to run the blade. E.g. if you were to get rid of the line on the side of the lower leg, you would angle the actual cutting but towards the body, and then just scrape gently. and the repeat if you need to.


I hope this helps some



Cpt X

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Sounds like a brilliant idea, I like the thought of a Tzeentch-Following Asp. Champion. It's making my decision hard now :P


On the case of the Mould Lines, I've tried that method several times, but what seems to keep happening is that the blade somehow creates a kind of 'indent' where the Mould Line originally was, and this is impossible to remove with a knife. I don't know why, or how, this happens, but it's the main reason I'm nervous about the Prep stages.




Blood Raven :ph34r:

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