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The Reapers of Solus

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Well here is my first, official log, which should see my Black Legion Splinter Faction, the Reapers of Solus, get the other love and care it needs. Well I've painted for a little over a year, and these guys are my experiments with the GW washes, all of which is only Badab Black. I do like how the colors come out though.


First off, Lord Sezrek himself,



Then we have Traitor Squad Dereth,



And to finish it all off, my plastic plague champion, in WIP form (All 5 of them will be plastic.)



I would love to have some Thoughts and Suggestions about it, because I love it.


And for some reason, everyone puts C+C at the end of their posts, so I'll do the same.

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Well Erios is finished, and to give you an idea of how he looked before he got the wash, I'm showing him in his WIP form.


Before washing



After washing



And as a teaser towards one of his followers, Seker.


Looks like I've hit page two, but wait, I have an update. I've all but finished Plague Marine Squad Erios (All but the Meltagunner(Which is a fusion blaster))


So without further adieu, I present thee with pictures of everything done but their rhino

Plague Standard Bearer Rafiel



Plague Marine Seker



Plague Marine Velos



C+C desired if at all possible.


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