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Combat Squads

Tony 92

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I'm new to Marines and 40K and was wondering if Combat Squads are useful.

Do they get destroyed too easily?

Can they hold thier own in a fight against most opponents?

Can they hold objectives okay or would they need lots of support?

Any help please.


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No (especially not in HtH)



Usually, combat squads are used for one of two things:


1) Splitting up a tactical squad so its heavy weapon can play defense, and its special weapon can play offense, or, if you give the squad a razorback, so half can ride in it and the other half stay put.

2) Splitting up squads so that you can hold more objectives.


They're ok for holding your own objectives, if they have reasonable support (in case of outflanking, drop pods, deep strike, or the like), but they're rubbish in hand to hand combat, since they simply do not generate enough attacks, nor do they have enough wounds to last.

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