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Ironclad loadouts


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I have a fairly balanced list, semi mechanised, still not entirely sure of composition but basically I use a combination of the following: 2-3 tacticals with rhinos/razorbacks, sniper scouts, 5x sternguard, assault squad with chaplain and a PC/Auto Dread. I also have a dakka pred but sometimes it's a 3rd rhino and enough weapons to do a devestator squad and some terminators but I'm not a big fan of them but got them through AoBR.


I have an AoBR dread that I want to convert to an ironclad, I don't own any drop pods so I'm not opting for the suicide tank hunter, the main question in my mind is whether a seismic hammer is more effective than a chainfist? Seismic hammer adds +1 on to the rolls but 2d6 penetration gives a far better chance of rolling on the table in the first place. Also when would the hurricane bolter be a good idea? With the hurricane bolter it seems like it could be good when teamed with a tactical squad, extra bolter shots + flamers/storm bolter and a boost in combat, forcing them to pick their targets.


What gear do you give your Ironclads? What gear would best suit a footslogging dread? or would I be better off with a normal dread and dealing with the lower armour etc.

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What gear do you give your Ironclads? What gear would best suit a footslogging dread? or would I be better off with a normal dread and dealing with the lower armour etc.
I am also thinking of how best to use a foot slogging Ironclad. I would not replace any of its arms (maybe give it the Heavy Flamer) as the Chainfist makes you I1 and the Hurricane Bolter looses you an Attack!


I was thinking of using Ironclad Assault Launchers for the Grenades and maybe the H/K Missiles and then running along side the Rhinos into combat...

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Don't underestimate the seismic hammer's +1 damage. The chainfist is only better against AV14 and even then only very slightly. I'd say that the chainfist is only worthwhile if you go up against a lot of land raiders.
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Ah I didn't think about chainfists lowering initiative, I was thinking that 3/6 bolter attacks may be better than 1 extra combat attack but I think the extra attack may be better after all. I just need to figure out how to convert a seismic hammer now.
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If you're footslogging an Ironclad I'd say you should use it with dual flamers and have it escort rhino borne squads to take and hold an objective. The HKs would be a good addition for some long range punch (you'd probably only get one shot before it dives into combat anyways) to take down enemy transports or other light vehicles.

The rhino could provide cover for the dreadnought (or vice versa) and the heavy flamers will definately help to clear an objective of most infantry.


As for converting the hammer, there are two trains of thought from what I've seen. I've seen two trains of thought, either a larger Thunder Hammer in a hand or a pile-driver like attachment.

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Well, I have converted one of my AoBR Dreads to be an Ironclad. I have equipped it with the Seismic Hammer, DCCW and two Heavy Flamers. The general idea was he would drop pod in, flame an infantry unit, and then charge in, preferably against armour, but infantry if need be. I have only used it once in a game, and I forgot that Obliterators have twin-linked Meltaguns...


Anyways, here is a picture or two







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I run mine with H/F, Melta-Gun, Ironclad launchers. I dont bother with HK's. I generally drop it in behind enemy lines and let it run riot. The melta is awesome v back armour or even v AV14 if you can get in close enough on the drop. I like the combination of melta and flame as it gives you the versatility you need running around in your opponents back field.


Last game I played I dropped him in first turn and melta'd a LRR to death. Next turn flamed a tac squad getting 3 kills before the charge. Broke the squad and herded them off the table before he went down to another dread. Good fun for all concerned.

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Hi, just a comment on Chainfist v Siesmic Hammer.


If you are looking for an anti-armour option then I would go for the hammer, most vehicles rear armour is 10 (which you will automatically be attacking when in CC) and the hammers strength will be 10 (the hammer works like a DCCW so doubles strength - max 10) so you cant fail to get a penetrating hit, then the +1 on the damage chart is invaluable.


Hope that helps (and my logic is correct)

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