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Chaos Marine Attack Force

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i got myself a little plan. since when do people need to base their chaos marine armies off of one warband/legion? here's my idea. i'm planning to make the MAJORITY of my chaos army black legion. but why make it ALL black legion? with what i have so far (the chaos marine battleforce), i'll make that black legion..and when i get more marines, they will be a part of a different warband. makes things look cool, and make it look like one hell of an assault, like the black legion are leading the assault.


warbands planned: bleak brotherhood, warriors of mayhem, death shadows, angels of ecstacy, dragon warriors, knights of blood, the purge, sons of vengeance, steel cobras, and the reborn.



partnered with the mostly black legion, my hopeful future army will look intense.



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The only downside that I can see is that it's fairly easy to make it all look 'jumbled', given the nature of the various colour schemes.

Maybe find something to tie it all together, like a black knee-pad etc. ?


Other than that, it sounds like a plan.

makes sense. makes painting them more fun, i should think. Plus, it could give you room to add fluff beyond- being Black legion.

i'm getting back into the game after years away and am slowly getting through a Black legion army. While black is an exciting a vibrant colour to paint, half way through painting one of my basic CSM squads, i decided i'll do a squad of "The Pyre", who turned during the 13th black crusade, so i've patched togeather chaos and loyalist bits and am preparing to paint 'em a horrendously bright set of oranges...


Also i have some old plague marines & berzerkers that i'll eventually sort out and they'll a Black legion shoulder guard or something

Exactly what I've done with mine. I started out with Black Legion for lack of any other paint scheme, wanted some 'zerkers, but like the World Eater's color scheme better than the Legion's. So, their shoulder pads became black with brass trim, other wise they're blood red and brass. From there, a squad of plague marines are Death Guard, except for those black shoulder pads. I expanded that to each of the cult armies by adding a squad of noise marines painted as the original purple and gold of EC, except for the shoulders. Same with a squad of Tsons. Since then, I've kept expanding. Every time I add a new squad, it's some other legion or warband's color scheme, except for that black shoulder. Raptors? Night Lords with black shoulders. Oblits? Iron Warriors. Latest CSM? Word Bearers. I need to come up with a unit for the Alpha Legion. I'm thinking chosen, bug can't really see chosen in any list that I play.


I'm currently trying to decide what I want to with the rhinos I've got primed. Do I want to color match them to their squads, or do I want to do them in a particular legions colors, or do I want them in some generic color scheme so that any squad can use them? The latter would certainly save me buying a lot more rhinos...


Mostly, it keeps me from getting bored painting the exact same thing over and over again.


Fluffwise, they're a Black Crusade force that stuck together when it all fell apart. Are there tensions? Of course, but the commander's incredibly charismatic, or ruthless, whichever.

I'm going through now and painting all of my different chapters/squads/dreads/everything with a black panel/shoulder pad/anything in particular to make it look like an offshoot of BL. It's fun, if not a little time consuming. But it does make it all look pretty cool.


I like all the different chapters it sounds like you're using. Mine are all first founding chapters but still. Maybe when I have something of everything for each chapter (fluff-valid of course... no point having Iron Warriors bikes etc...), I may go do this too...


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