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Noob Scouts


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I know I'm about ten billion years of practice away from being as good as most people who post their work here, but I wanted some criticism and some commentary on my little scout squad. It's my second time painting camo and I think I did okay. I was going for a tiger-stripe kind of feel


also sorry for the :cussty pictures - it's a webcam. I am not a photographer. It took me ten minutes to figure out how to turn off auto focus.




guy with a trophy skull mounted on his shoulder. I like to think of him as the new guy on the squad, and he's still green enough to think popping an ork boy in the face is something new and exciting - hence the keeping of the holey-skull.




Standing camo, lookin around



Standing, looking down scope.



same guy, different angle



Sarge on point - I wanted to make it look like his hand was kind of swatting the grass out of his way - dunno if I quite succeeded.





Annnnnnnnnnnnd the crouching guy



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Very nice dude, great start! Gives them a COD4 feel :P Oh, don't worry about the paintjob yer doing, I and most others paint the same level as you on the forum. We are also one of the nicest forums out there, along with the Waaagh! Forums (well, as nice as Orks get anyway :lol:), and dont subjugate ourselves to dimeaning others work. Awesome base jobs as well, loving the jungle underbrush feel. Keep on trukkin' mate! (oops there's my ork side showin again, curse you Waaagh forum! :P ), oh and welcome to B&C fellow brother marine!
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Nice work mate, I really like how you have used the basing and material 'ghillie' wise.


One thing I would consider is giving the models a wash, probably Devlin Mud, to tie the colours together somewhat. If you have it, use the Black wash over any metal parts.


But very nice even without that!



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Those look very nice :) (better then I could do)


Do they look at all odd in city fights and other none Grassy battlefields? :(



Honestly I've only ever played on grassy battlefields and such, so I couldn't tell you from first hand experience


but I'm sure on a Cityfight board they'd stick out like sore thumbs


and not in a cool way, either. In a "I wore this ghillie suit to go grocery shopping" kind of way



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