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How to kill a Soulgrinder


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Started with 40k in January but never played a game yet... but in 4 weeks i have set the date for my very first game with a m8 i started this crazy hobby with. Basicly we got 4 more weeks to paint/build our last models for our 750pt game as we want to have a fully painted army(or close to that).

After that we add another 250points and keep building onward.

Our first game will be supervised by a veteran so hopefully he can explain us how everything works ;)


Anyway, i got 750points painted but i might be able to change a bit in my setup.

One thing that worries me is my opponents Soulgrinder (he has Chaos Daemons) as in my current setup i might not have enough to counter the beast.

My current setup (makes little sense i guess, just started building what seemed fun at the time):

1x Tactical squad of 10 + missile + flamer

1x Tactical squad of 8

1x Vanguard veteran squad of 5

1x Captain with lightningclaw + stormbolter, grouped with Vanguards

1x Razorback

1x Dreadnought


Now back to the question... is there any way i can equip my Razorback or Dread so i could take out the soulgrinder? The Vanguard squad has 1 plasmapistol, a powerfist and a powersword apart from the boltguns and chainswords, not the best setup either i guess.

My opponent has Khorn Daemons so lots of Bloodletters and Puppies to shoot aswell, would be nice if the weapons i put on my Dread are somewhat usefull still if i manage to kill the Soulgrinder somehow.


As an alternative i got a boxed Predator and an unpainted 5 man Devastator Squad (4 missile launchers) which i could get ready within the 4 weeks available to me aswell. Probably better options then the expensive Vanguards. Need to determine the best setup for the Predator aswell although i intend to magnatize it if i can get my hands on small magnets on short notice.


Any ideas/tips/info? Sorry if it makes little sense... still learning here, hopefully things will get alot clearer after the first game anyway.

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You could outfit the Dread as a TLLC and Missile Launcher. that would do the job and you could still use the Frag missiles for anti-infantry work.


IF it's the AoBR Dread Multi-melta / DCCW would do the job nicely as well but it's a little less flexible in my opinion.


Edit: The Devastators with the missile launchers would be a very effective squad especially as a ten man squad in combat squads, you could also add a couple LCs as an option later.

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I've faced a Soulgrinder once, if I remember correctly it's pretty much a glorified Defiler.


Basically, equip a missile launcher on the Dread if you can, that way you krak missile the Soulgrinder and once it is out, carry on... though if it is a Monstrous Creature instead, Krak missile will still wound it on a 4+ and afterwards you can frag the daemons.


Edit: Damn, Assult beat me...

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Well, the Soulgrinder is only an AV13 vehicle. So a missile launcher, a powerfist, a lascannon, even a couple plasma shots will be able to take this thing out.


Probably the easiest way to arm yourself to take out a Soulgrinder is with a Dreadnought with Twin-linked lascannon and missile launcher. I love me my TLLC/ML dreadnoughts! Can move and fire BOTH anti-tank (therefore anti-soulgrinder) weapons. If you have points, Venerable Dreadnoughts with TLLC/ML are practically guaranteed to down a Soulgrinder.


++oops, I got beat to it twice!

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I could also suggest that if you decide to drop the Vanguard, adding two Tactical Marines to your 8 man squad will enable you to get another heavy weapon. If you can do that and squeeze the points for a Predator Annihilator, that'd make the Soul grinder scared.
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I could also suggest that if you decide to drop the Vanguard, adding two Tactical Marines to your 8 man squad will enable you to get another heavy weapon. If you can do that and squeeze the points for a Predator Annihilator, that'd make the Soul grinder scared.


That or turn that Dread into an Ironclad and beat it down in H2H. I4 and +1 to damage rolls gives a solid chance of pummelling it before it can strike back.

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The danger of Soulgrinder isn't it's toughness, most everything dedicated to anti armor will drop it(killing it with Ironclad melee is extra style points). The danger is it's firepower. Tongue attack that is S10 AP1? :mellow:?
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Yeah, you gotta watch out for his Toxic mouth, it's like Nurgle decided to mate with Khorne and their child did it with a Defiler. Uugh, talk about your Slaaneshi Pleasure. :mellow:
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Non-melta shooting isn't a reliable option.


S8 vs. AV 13 @ BS4:

Hit 2/3

Glance 1/6 with a 1/6 chance of immobilized.

Pen 1/6 with a 1/2 chance of immobilized, wrecked, or destroyed.


So your odds are: (2/3 * 1/6 * 1/6) + (2/3 * 1/6 * 1/2)

Reduced to (1/54 + 1/18)

Reduced to (1/54 + 3/54)

Reduced to (4/54)

Reduced to 2/27... essentialy 1 in 14 shots will stop a soul grinder.


S9 vs. AV13 is:

(2/3 * 1/6 * 1/6) + (2/3 * 1/3 * 1/2)

Reduced to 1/54 + 1/9... slightly better than a melta weapon within half range (see below), but not by much.


S10 is nice, if you can get the template from the vindicator or Lysander's hammer to hit.

(2/3 (approx) * 1/6 * 1/6) + (2/3 (approx) * 1/2 * 1/2)

Reduced to 1/54 + 1/6... slightly better than 1 in 6, but still nowhere near as good as a melta within half range.


If you get to melta at more than half range its:

(2/3 * 1/6 * 1/3) + (2/3 * 1/6 * 2/3)

Reduced to 1/27 + 2/27

Reduced to 1/9 shots. Much better odds already.


If you get within half range the odds are:

(2/3 * 1/9 * 1/3) + (2/3 * 13/18 * 2/3)

Reduced to 2/81 + 26/81 or 28/81, or slightly better than 1 in 3.



It can't be shaken or stunned, and weapon destroyed results aren't all that devastating to them.


Your best bet is to fire lots of melta FAST or to find something that can take it in hand to hand. A powerfist or thunder hammer is no better than a basic S8 weapon, so you need 14 total attacks.


The best thing I've heard so far is the Dreadnaught counter assault. It attacks first. Each S10 attack has a 2/3 * 1/2 * 1/2, or 1 in 6 chance of killing it with each attack. For a charging Ironclad, those aren't bad odds, especially if you've gotten in a meltagun shot on the way in.


A more expensive idea is a squad of TH/SS terminators. The sheer volume of attacks at S8 and the 3+ invuln should be more than enough to take it down. (To be fair, they are my answer to almost everything with a relatively low volume of hand to hand attacks). Standard terminators will lose a guy or two more, but with a chainfist or two in the squad, it's almost as good as melta shooting. (It just lacks the AP 1, but makes up for it with volume).


Missile launchers are just a plain bad idea.


The downside to sending in your best assault unit is that you're fighting Daemons, and there's probably something else out there that they're needed for too.

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You could try the twin-linked lascannon or lascannon/twin-linked plasmagun set-up for your razorback. Keep it back and out of range of return fire until it's done it's work, it doesn't tie up anyone else's shooting needlessly, and you re-roll misses (a minor benefit with BS4).


For the points it is a little expensive in a 750pt game, but significantly less so than outfitting a terminator squad with the thunder-hammers. It also doesn't tie up the versatility of the dreadnought, either, leaving that free to be outfitted to deal with a multitude of problems rather than dedicated 100+ points to taking out one enemy model.



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As a Daemon player I always field 2 Grinders with the phlegm upgrade (the S8, AP3, big pie plate). They are AV13 front and sides but also blow off crew shaken & stunned results. In other words, you want to kill them with shooting attacks that will kill them not might kill them. Drive-by melta/combi-melta shots are almost sure fire.


And keep in mind that they are fleet and fairly capable in close combat, boasting 4 attacks base on their statline but only WS3 at I3. Any dreadnought (or Monstrous Creature) equipped for HTH is going to tear down a Grinder in short order.


Since they can shoot on the turn they arrive on-table, a daemon player will almost always want to make the first shots count (both from the Maw cannon & Harvester cannon; S4, AP5, Assault6). They will look for a nice concentration of infantry to strip off the table in one turn of shooting. Placing a guarding dread or melta crew nearby can potentially bait a Daemon player to risk too much with the Grinder and get it into trouble with your retaliation.


They are not the worst things to face in a daemon army but they go a long way to give them the needed fire support for the ground troops to get into position. So watch for that.



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To the OP:


Give your dreadnaught an assaultcannon and heavy flamer, and keep him close to your lines. Whats your razorback equiped with? If you havent chosen already and have the bitz, Id suggest a las/plas.

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I once took out the Defiler in my buddies Thousand Sons list with twp multi-melta Attack Bikes turbo-boosting around his Flank. They then proceeded to blow up a full Lascannon Predator and then finished off his Prince (took two turns to do).
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I would take one of the two following lists. I'd personally take list # 1, but I'd give the Captain a Power Sword & Bolt Pistol instead of the Lightning Claw & Storm Bolter. You use Tactical Squad # 1 to get to the Defiler/Soul Grinder and take it out w/the Melta-Gun & Melta Bombs & if need be the one shot from the Sgt Combi-Melta. Your Dread can also stand back & take pop shots at the Defiler/Soul Grinder. Once the Grinder is gone, your dread can still fight w/the DCCW & Heavy Flamer (Hot Dogs anyone?) Your Autocannon & HB predator can also take out the other demons. Along w/Tactical Squad # 2 & your captain. The melta-bombs on the captain are just in case he ends up close enough to the Defiler/Grinder before Tactical Squad # 1 does.


List Option # 1

Captain w/Lightning Claw & Storm Bolter + Melta-Bombs - 123pts

Dreadnought w/TLLC & DCCW w/Heavy Flamer - 145pts

10 Man Tactical Squad w/ML & Melta-Gun - Sgt w/Combi-Melta & Melta-Bombs + Rhino - 225pts
10 Man Tactical Squad w/HB & Flamer - 170pts

Predator w/Autocannon & HB Sponson - 85pts

Total Points - 748


List Option # 2

Captain w/Power Sword & Bolt Pistol - 115pts

Dreadnought w/Assault Cannon & DCCW w/Heavy Flamer - 125pts

10 Man Tactical Squad w/ML & Melta-Gun - Sgt w/Combi-Melta & Melta-Bombs - 190pts
10 Man Tactical Squad w/HB & Flamer - 170pts

05 Man Devistator Squad w/4 ML - 150pts

Total Points - 750


My $0.02

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I'm afraid my Razorback is kind of stuck with the heavy bolter already, i can remove the weapon but haven't found the extra bits required yet to put together the other weapon aswell as an alternative.

Now i'm playing with a m8 so he wouldn't mind if i tell him the bolter counts as a twinlinked so that's an option.

Maybe i could charge in the razorback and shoot while driving (prob cant drive the max distance then? Need to check how that works again) and when close use the Vanguards to finish it off, if the Razorback survives that long that is... have no idea yet.


The other option is equipping my Dread with TLLC at least and use that instead. Got those bits interchangeable.

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