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Custom Keeper of Secrets and Identical Twin Demon Princesses

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I'm not sure if I'll ever actually use these in a game, but it was a cool idea that was fun to execute. I hate the cow-head models GW makes, and I wanted something that didn't actually contain nudity like the GW models do, but still gave off a Slaneeshi feel.


Just wanted to share some pics with my fellow hobbyists.


Enjoy :)






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Taking apart your 'kiddie' models are we? :wub:




Anyways, this has to be quite interesting. I find the use of Tyranid plates quite effective. Though the flat anime faces seem off in the 40k world, I suppose this was always going to happen since that is the nature of the base model.


Though I am going to ask you; Did you paint these models? I am all too familiar with the amount of commissions you make so I want to know who the painter is.


PS: I know. I am lazy. Shameless copy and paste comment from Astro.

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That's some great stuff right there, and as Trygon said, great use of the tyranid plates. they really do alot for the model as a whole.


Just out of curiosity, are those sculpted or purchased, if bought, where did you find them?

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I'm not trying to discredit you here, but those Princesses at least must have been bought. Either that or you're an AMAZING sculptor to be able to get them so identical!

Either way, they're very nice models and a great cedit to your work!

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He brought them. They are anime models as stated on Warseer with Tyranid plates glued on. The Warseer thread was a long one, but I asked him whether he painted them or not three times, and got no replies on it even after it was subject of the thread, so I can assume he commissioned the paint jobs.
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He brought them. They are anime models as stated on Warseer with Tyranid plates glued on. The Warseer thread was a long one, but I asked him whether he painted them or not three times, and got no replies on it even after it was subject of the thread, so I can assume he commissioned the paint jobs.

The reason I'm not answering you is because you are trolling my threads and I believe the best policy is to ignore and report trolls rather than to feed them. Please do not assume that my ignoring you is an answer to your questions.

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do is a bellydancer on the demons base?


what range is that from?


My rhinos have sunbathers, I use Hasslefree Lara Crofts as Storm Bolters.


I care not who painted them, Doctor Thunder is an intelligent long-time player who has inspired many of us pro- marinettes with coherent and well reasoned arguments.


When I am rich i will pay people to paint for me, and if I proscribe the paint scheme then it's my design...it worked for Titian!


And Anime doesn't work with 40K? I might have to start imagining an all-anime Wych cult just for the imagery! :(

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DT these are pretty bad in my opinion. They don't fit in with 40k's style, are essentially anime statuettes with greenstuff & bits applied to them, and very "hay guyz i got boobs on these demonz lolol". DT is the master of tit-marines in case anyone didn't know.


Please realize this is honest feedback, and not a troll or flame.


Why do you keep posting these on discussion boards, and insist you don't want any "C+C"? That's the entire reason to have a discussion board in the first place. Why not just post them on CMON? Again, not tying to troll you but you are very difficult to make any sense of.

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It seems to be mostly bits and not so much greenstuff. You can easily recognize the tyranids bits that seem randomly glued on. Really, are they supposed to be growing out of the anime chicks? If so, why are they on top of their stockings/jacket sleeves/dress then?


The faces of the models also look rather flat, but I guess that's the anime style. I just don't feel that it fits in very well with 40k sculpts. Generally, a model that large would have a large amount of detail sculpted onto it, but these are mostly large, flat areas.


I would give you that the paint job on the wings looks pretty nice, but since you will neither confirm nor deny that you painted these models, I'm not sure if I should credit their paint job to you or another individual.


I won't even touch on your fixation on boobed models this time since there are enough other areas that seem off.


Why do you keep posting these on discussion boards, and insist you don't want any "C+C"? That's the entire reason to have a discussion board in the first place. Why not just post them on CMON? Again, not tying to troll you but you are very difficult to make any sense of.

I think this also deserves mentioning again. discussion boards kind of have discussion as an inherent part of them. CMON would be your best bet if you want to just show off models without having people talk about them (but note that even there, you will have to deal with the presence of comments).

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Aranan, your post is a reflection of everything I have been thinking on this subject. You truly must be the Cassandra of Bolter and Chainsword. :P

That means nobody will listen to me and, ultimately, B&C will fall. :D

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I tend to agree with the others that it's a little pointless to not expect discussion on a discussion forum.


I also have to say I just don't think they're very good. It's just a couple of anime toys with a small fortune of tyranid upgrade bits layered on and some fantasy dragon wings. I can't imagine the entire conversion process for the 3 of them taking more than 15 minutes.


In addition to they really do not fit with Slaanesh that well from what I can see. The Forgeworld and Ultraforge models along with many of the custom conversions that come around are amazing because there is the sensuality which is offset by the horror of something completely unholy. Like the forgeworld one has the exposed breasts and grace to it while having the horror of the extra limbs and a twisted and demonic face with the other bits which makes the model something that draws the eye but gives off a sense of disgust as well.


With these the flat anime faces and boring, the poses are static, and the only things that make them seem to be something other than giant females with spiky bits is the wings and skin tone.


Hell, this would have been the time where not only would it have been fluffy to sculpt breasts onto the model it could have enhanced the Slaanesh feel to the whole thing.


On the other side though The painting is good and the bases are fairly well done and do help to add to the models however since you still have not said if you've painted them I'm not sure to compliment you or another party there.




If nothing else even though you did not ask for feedback you do have a talent for starting good discussion and debate among the community.

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Why do you keep posting these on discussion boards, and insist you don't want any "C+C"? That's the entire reason to have a discussion board in the first place. Why not just post them on CMON? Again, not tying to troll you but you are very difficult to make any sense of.

I have removed the line about C+C from the first post. Discuss all you want guys.

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