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Custom Keeper of Secrets and Identical Twin Demon Princesses

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Would everyone be able to play nicely please?


Some of the comments coming up now are beginning to border very closely to personal attacks. While we do encourage the offering of C+C, please do it in a way as to not sound/suggest that you are attacking whomever your comments are directed towards.

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Would everyone be able to play nicely please?


Some of the comments coming up now are beginning to border very closely to personal attacks. While we do encourage the offering of C+C, please do it in a way as to not sound/suggest that you are attacking whomever your comments are directed towards.


In their defense it's called the hall of honor, what honor is there in taking credit for something that you haven't produced yourself?


OP is well known for having his model commissioned but with these models he ignores anyone who asks if he did it himself.



If he built and painted the models himself he could give a straight answer to avoid any drama, if he hasn't made them he should at least give credit where it is due.

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Strange looking, im not really a fan of the blade thingies they seem to be stuck on. And the identical pose is kind of odd, it really seems to say "I am an action figure".

Im not to sure what the big secret is that you cant say they are models from XYZ range and Bob painted them no one is going to think less of you with that information. If you did paint them well done, if not pass it along and same if it IS an actual part sculpt or full, great imagination and ability, or pass it along.

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The paintjob is decent (though there seems to be some confusion over whether it was a commission or done by the OP), but the models used in for the actual daemons in addition to other things like the Dark Eldar prisoner models really takes the sexual aspect of Slaanesh to an unneccessary extreme. Then again, looking at older threads of yours this...style appears to be your "thing", and this IS Slaanesh we're talking about.


Just my two bits, if it was me I'd go for the 1-breast look that a lot of Slaanesh models have, maybe replace the KoS head with an animal's head to conflict with the body, giving it an alluring yet repulsive look that defines Slaanesh.

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The anime faces completely fit with the army though. Have you guys figured out yet that his whole Black Widows army draws heavily from anime inspiration and eastern themes? Look at his avatar. If anything, the anime style figs fit a lot better with his army than the GW ones would.


Aranan & Contention: you've both been around since late 08 and your combined posts in this forums total 9, half of those are on this thread...do you just like giving the OP grief?

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None of his Black Widows have anime faces. They have Wood Elf heads. Though some of his Black Widows do have comically massive breasts, much like these demons, so I suppose there is a connection there. :P :P ;)


As for those lurkers, the Doc has a select bunch of folk that represent his critics and his fans and they follow him where ever he goes and you can spot them out from most of their posts being in the Doc's threads. Ether that or they are just disgruntled lurkers.

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The anime faces completely fit with the army though. Have you guys figured out yet that his whole Black Widows army draws heavily from anime inspiration and eastern themes? Look at his avatar. If anything, the anime style figs fit a lot better with his army than the GW ones would.


Like I said, this is the guy's style. Most of us just don't agree with it. :P


Aranan & Contention: you've both been around since late 08 and your combined posts in this forums total 9, half of those are on this thread...do you just like giving the OP grief?


I'd just like to say for one, why is this a big deal? Some people start posting here because of a fluff discussion or a project log thread, this is no different. Are you denying that Doc Thunder's creations are unlikely to start discussion? ;)

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As pointed out the anime faces don't go with the rest of the army, The wood elf heads have more detail then the anime dolls despite being 1/10th the size.


And I've been slowly building a chaos army and even have a commissioned piece coming from the forums in not too long to use as a center piece but as far as full completed work I can't really post Eldar or fantasy Orcs so not a whole lot of reason to post.

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the answer to the question of the hour is this: no, he didnt paint them. they were painted by a guy that hangs at my local shop in SLC, UT. his name is arthur.


and he must have paid handsomely to overcome the amount of derision the models received in the process by all the regular gamers.


*edit* he may have painted the jessica rabbit bit. that i didnt see arthur painting, only the 'demon princes'.

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nice models good use of toys and nid plates(how did you get so many?!!) but on the KOS i think the head is too human.

oh and whats with all the whining? theyr her models she can do what she wants.


Doc is a man. A married father at that. ;) And anyways, the big subject here is mostly the paint job issue. He is entitled to his own tastes and styles, but he is not entitled to take credit for a paintjob he likely did not do.


EDIT @ ser_hag: I knew it! I was not crazy! You sir have given me piece of mind and I will sleep happy knowing my suspicions were correct after all.

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Aranan & Contention: you've both been around since late 08 and your combined posts in this forums total 9, half of those are on this thread...do you just like giving the OP grief?


I've been registered on this forum more than twice as long as you, but have less than half as many posts. Therefore, is my opinion 200% more valid? See the kind of douchebaggery you're contributing to? Sometimes people lurk on forums before they actually feel motivated to post in threads.

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the answer to the question of the hour is this: no, he didnt paint them. they were painted by a guy that hangs at my local shop in SLC, UT. his name is arthur.


and he must have paid handsomely to overcome the amount of derision the models received in the process by all the regular gamers.


*edit* he may have painted the jessica rabbit bit. that i didnt see arthur painting, only the 'demon princes'.

I don't consider the fact that two anonymous people on an internet forum stated that they are a commission as any type of proof as to who painted them. other than the artist posting pictures of himself painting them there really isn't any way to prove anything.


I can't say I like the models but maybe if they fit with the rest of an army it would be a different story. They seem a little too clean and symmetrical to stand net to other demons.

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the answer to the question of the hour is this: no, he didnt paint them. they were painted by a guy that hangs at my local shop in SLC, UT. his name is arthur.


and he must have paid handsomely to overcome the amount of derision the models received in the process by all the regular gamers.


*edit* he may have painted the jessica rabbit bit. that i didnt see arthur painting, only the 'demon princes'.

I don't consider the fact that two anonymous people on an internet forum stated that they are a commission as any type of proof as to who painted them. other than the artist posting pictures of himself painting them there really isn't any way to prove anything.


I can't say I like the models but maybe if they fit with the rest of an army it would be a different story. They seem a little too clean and symmetrical to stand net to other demons.



believe me or not, i really couldnt care less. im not anonymous, im ser_hag, lol. cortney haggerty in the real world. i hang out at mind games in salt lake city with the likes of stelek, who im told is bigger than life in the internet world (and pretty damn big in real life too, coincidentally). he can verify my non-anonymousness if you like. yesthetruthhurts.com like the guy above me said, just because i have a lower post count doesnt make what i say any less true than someone who has more time to dink around on the internet.


im just answering the question that has been posed that i happen to know the answer to. i saw those 2 demon princes on the table at my local store for a couple of weeks as that is where arthur does a lot of his painting. i saw him apply paint to his brushes and transfer said paint to said demon princes. i heard arthur state that he had been paid money to paint said demon princes. sounds like commission work to me.


if its not commission and dr thunder wants to take credit for it, let him come here and refute me.

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i don't think he'd refute it, he's always been very open about his commissioned pieces. titan up there painted one of his dreads too, and if anything it seems doc thunder's actual talent is organising hobbyists around himself
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who cares if its commission or not. God knows people need money these days anyway.


The Doc - as you can tell from his avatar - likes to see 40k in an anime style-light. All the more power to him. Its really not that much different from the more comic book style power armor painters to the more realistic style painters. People are attracted to the game for different reasons and portray the game in different ways. I think that i have more natural bias against people trying to recreate legendary scout Sgt. Rock Mcbeast's heroic bloodthirster kill (heh yeah right) more than i do people portraying 40k in a slightly animeish way. But that is because i play 40k more for the gameplay than the fluff. I think the argument is more than slightly related.


Sure, the models might look a bit strange and violate the 'ard boyz rules of conversions consisting of mostly citadel miniature pieces, but for the shop who cares.


On the lighter side


- Anime or not - are we really complaining about big boobs here?




We (predominantly grown men WITH BETTER THINGS TO DO) are playing with plastic army men, demons, aliens - and yet we put a limit on cup size and say that models need to be proportional? Did you NOTICE how big SM heads are?!? or how theres no way 10 marines could fit in a rhino?





sounds a bit absurd to me :P



cut him some slack!

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who cares if its commission or not. God knows people need money these days anyway.


The Doc - as you can tell from his avatar - likes to see 40k in an anime style-light. All the more power to him. Its really not that much different from the more comic book style power armor painters to the more realistic style painters. People are attracted to the game for different reasons and portray the game in different ways. I think that i have more natural bias against people trying to recreate legendary scout Sgt. Rock Mcbeast's heroic bloodthirster kill (heh yeah right) more than i do people portraying 40k in a slightly animeish way. But that is because i play 40k more for the gameplay than the fluff. I think the argument is more than slightly related.


Sure, the models might look a bit strange and violate the 'ard boyz rules of conversions consisting of mostly citadel miniature pieces, but for the shop who cares.


On the lighter side


- Anime or not - are we really complaining about big boobs here?




We (predominantly grown men WITH BETTER THINGS TO DO) are playing with plastic army men, demons, aliens - and yet we put a limit on cup size and say that models need to be proportional? Did you NOTICE how big SM heads are?!? or how theres no way 10 marines could fit in a rhino?





sounds a bit absurd to me :D



cut him some slack!


I must quote this good guy :P

I don't personally think the anime style fits with the 40K universe, but I can't either really understand some harsh posts and personal attacksI've been reading in here.

And debating about boobs proportions in a contest like warhammer is frankly laughable.


Why can't I see all these scandalized people criticizing some cartoonish pieces of artwork of this same forum? I don't think that style fits the 40K universe more than an anime style does, but it's simply a matter of taste.

Let's all try to be respectful, in the first place.

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i must be imgaining things, but i don't see any posts being overly harsh or insulting, just people who are giving their honest opinion on a modelling job.


this is a modelling forum where finished items are up for discussion, right?

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The Doc - as you can tell from his avatar - likes to see 40k in an anime style-light.


I wouldn't say Doc Thunder's style is restricted purely to 'anime style-light'. This work, as with nearly all of the other creations I've seen from him have more to do with having female-themed armies, and that's putting it lightly.


I don't think any of the criticisms regarding the sex of the models have to do with female armies in general, but of Doc Thunder's history with them.

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