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Custom Keeper of Secrets and Identical Twin Demon Princesses

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Aranan & Contention: you've both been around since late 08 and your combined posts in this forums total 9, half of those are on this thread...do you just like giving the OP grief?


I've been registered on this forum more than twice as long as you, but have less than half as many posts. Therefore, is my opinion 200% more valid? See the kind of douchebaggery you're contributing to? Sometimes people lurk on forums before they actually feel motivated to post in threads.


The only opinion you seem to have expressed is about "douchebaggery". So no, your opinion is not 200% more valid, it's actually close to worthless.


believe me or not, i really couldnt care less. im not anonymous, im ser_hag, lol. cortney haggerty in the real world. i hang out at mind games in salt lake city with the likes of stelek, who im told is bigger than life in the internet world (and pretty damn big in real life too, coincidentally). he can verify my non-anonymousness if you like. yesthetruthhurts.com like the guy above me said, just because i have a lower post count doesnt make what i say any less true than someone who has more time to dink around on the internet.


im just answering the question that has been posed that i happen to know the answer to. i saw those 2 demon princes on the table at my local store for a couple of weeks as that is where arthur does a lot of his painting. i saw him apply paint to his brushes and transfer said paint to said demon princes. i heard arthur state that he had been paid money to paint said demon princes. sounds like commission work to me.


if its not commission and dr thunder wants to take credit for it, let him come here and refute me.


It wasn't the low post count, its the fact that the majority of posts was to grief a specific poster. I love new members who have interesting, constructive things to say. More trolls in this forum I could live without.


As for your comments, I don't think anyone's denying that these are commissions. Fact is that the idea is DT's. Just because someone executed the idea does not mean that doc gets zero credit. As an extreme analogy, think of it like an architect who designs a building. The man isn't going to go and build it brick by brick himself, but he's still allowed to show it off to people.

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I have already asked once for everyone to be very mindful of their comments, however i see the suggestion was sadly thrown to the wind.



Given how far the conversation has gone and the fact it appears to have become a very cylical debate the thread will be closed.


Granted people have been making some valid points, however general execution of conveying these points is where things have unfortunately created a lot of the un-wanted friction.



Any request to have this thread re-opened will be declined as the thread has served it's purpose and all that it has been reduced to is a pile of personal attacks and away from the initial point of the thread.





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