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Belial & the Boys

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Hi all, here is a Deathwing Army I've been working on for awhile but am updating and adding some new stuff so I'll focus on the new stuff more but throw in some already complete models later as well.


First my newly converted Belial:












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Wow! Fantastic!


Some fancy brushwork will hide the remainders of the =][= easily.


My only gripe is the handle on that sword is way too long. Perhaps bring the hilt down to his hand and leave the excess on the rear end, even if it is a two handed sword. With any sword, gripping it in the middle like that is going to leave severe balance issues, while this isn't an issue for a character in Terminator armour, it does look a bit unnatural. ;)


Otherwise, wicked! I'm tempted to do the same but I... I'll be using him as an Inquisitor. He really is a beautiful model, it's nice to see an excellent conversion of him.

I like it for the most part, the storm bolter looks a little odd sideways and the sword does look a bit mismatched but I think that just makes it look interresting. I sort of like the idea behind a big handle and a shortish but wide blade. There are tons of real but wonky looking bladed weapons around, why not in 40k to? Looks like a sword that could really chop through power armor with ease.


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