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3d Space Marine Battlebarge Hangar (3dsMAX)


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I have put the Mars Class Battlecruiser on temporary hold while I try and get back into the feel of things. (As RL is being a right ba*tard.)


So I decided to model the Hangar Bay of a Space Marine Battlebarge.


The Battle Barge is the largest Space Marine warship and is configured for close support of planetary landings, carrying numerous bombardment turrets and torpedo tubes. Each chapter has between two and three Battle Barges designed to deploy a fighting force to planets in a rapid fashion.1 Large amounts of space are designed to hold launch bays for intrasystem craft and drop pods allowing up to three companies to deploy simultaneously (making three vessels an almost ideal number). The vessel is extremely heavily armored and well-shielded for breaching planetary defences while also protecting its cargo. It is also a dangerous enemy, especially with boarding actions but also contains enough firepower to destroy all but the most powerful of warships. Battle Barges are some of the most powerful ships the Imperium has at its disposal, due to both the power of the ships and their contents.1




Now why did I choose to do the Hangar Bays? As a "backdrop" people can use if they so wish! Once completed this mesh will be made availiable free to the community! (So long as credit is given and its used for non-profit.)


Now as to the WIPS







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And very gracious of you to offer to share the mesh with the public. :tu:


Would the size of the 8km BattleBarge be correct in scale beside the Thunderhawks seen here though?



The Thunderhawks there are to Forgeworlds scale, the inside of the Hangar is about half a kilometre long (give or take) and about 200-250 metres high. I'll get exact measurements tomorrow :D


Behind the Thunderhawk "bays" will be the Drop-pod bays.

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Thanks for that NemFX I haven't read that one so the info is useful :) But due to a suggestion on another forum the room immediately behind the Thunderhawk bays has been retrofitted for a pair of Dagger Class Assault ships (I think I have the WIP of that on here somewhere???)


So here are some updates.






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still liking ths project a lot! :wub:

I believe the room directly behind the Hangar is reserved for the following:

Drop Pods.

Vehicle storage and repair facilities.

Briefing and preparation rooms.

Fuel storage for the ships in the hangar.

One or two Space Marine Landing Craft.

Given the size of the Imperial ships, there would probably also be some sort of speedy transportation system in a dedicated corridor.

And probably several walkway corridors as well.


As far as I know, the "Dagger Class Assault Ship" is not official.

The official variant would be the "Space Marine Landing Craft"


For more info on "Space Marine Landing Craft", please take a look at the following links:



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@Chaptermaster: No, the Dagger is definately not official... considering I invented it myself. The LCOI (Landing Craft Orbital Insertion) will take standard Thunderhawk Bays (as they are large enough to fit a Landing Craft width-wise.) As will the Forgeworld Thunderhawk Transporter. However I am only doing the Hangar sections I am in no way lunatic enough to try modelling the interior of an Entire Battlebarge. (Though some sections I might, like a Bombardment Cannon, Bridge, Engine Room, Weapons Battery Bay)
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Looking good so far Kadaeux, good to see more 3D work in the 40K universe. But sence you are posting 3D work it means that I have an urge to critique it since it's in my line of business. And it's in Max!!! (best 3D program ever). So yea i don't mean to be harsh and i don't know your 3D back ground, but i'm gunna put my 2 cents in to try and help. Feel free to PM me with any questions or even Email me your file. (my website to back me up. www.Reich3D.com)


First off you would like to publish this to the public. I think that's awesome and can't wait because i'll probably have a blast playing with it (and probably putting it in Unreal). So first and Formost make sure you name EVERYTHING, this will help people when they get their hands on it. Working in layers will also help so people wit lower powered PC's can hide things fast and move around with ease.


Now i come from a Game Art background, thus i naturaly save every polygone i can. Looking at what you have so far it seems that you have a mix of High poly and low poly things going on. You should pick one way or the other and try not to mix it. Personaly i'd suggest going the Low poly route (now by low poly i don't mean make it look like N64, i mean just save what you can and think of texture space and using Normals. Go for Gears of War poly count or a little higher). By going lower poly it will make it easier for people to UV Map your environment and also save on file size and keep it user friendly. Case in point, all of your imperial eagles could easily be normal mapped and included with the file. The amount of polies used t have those cut into the walls is un needed.


On the flip side you seem t be thinking like a game designer. You may or may not know it but so far everything you have made is Modular and repeating. Thats great! It makes it easyer to texture and again saves over all space. However once you start adding smaller assets (if you plan to) try to break up the repetitiveness of it all. That space is beging for scaffolding and crains and all kinds of cool stuff.


Over all i think it is a great start! Keep it up and i ca't wait to get to texture and light it!!

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Looking good so far Kadaeux, good to see more 3D work in the 40K universe. But sence you are posting 3D work it means that I have an urge to critique it since it's in my line of business. And it's in Max!!! (best 3D program ever). So yea i don't mean to be harsh and i don't know your 3D back ground, but i'm gunna put my 2 cents in to try and help. Feel free to PM me with any questions or even Email me your file. (my website to back me up. www.Reich3D.com)


I know the feeling matey, I tend to do the same.


First off you would like to publish this to the public. I think that's awesome and can't wait because i'll probably have a blast playing with it (and probably putting it in Unreal). So first and Formost make sure you name EVERYTHING, this will help people when they get their hands on it. Working in layers will also help so people wit lower powered PC's can hide things fast and move around with ease.


Good point, i'll try to do so.


Now i come from a Game Art background, thus i naturaly save every polygone i can.


I do the same when i'm doing stuff for games specifically, but this is a fun piece that I plan on giving out for nothing so I don't plan on the fine tooth comb route ;)


Looking at what you have so far it seems that you have a mix of High poly and low poly things going on. You should pick one way or the other and try not to mix it.


Its a work in progress, the "low poly" are effectively just blocked out pieces awaiting higher detailing.


Personaly i'd suggest going the Low poly route (now by low poly i don't mean make it look like N64, i mean just save what you can and think of texture space and using Normals.


I've never much gone for Normals in my modelling, I always went by the Ethic that


"If its worth noticing its worth modelling. Everything else is just a coat of paint."


Go for Gears of War poly count or a little higher). By going lower poly it will make it easier for people to UV Map your environment and also save on file size and keep it user friendly. Case in point, all of your imperial eagles could easily be normal mapped and included with the file. The amount of polies used t have those cut into the walls is un needed.


Correction. Doors ;)


On the flip side you seem t be thinking like a game designer. You may or may not know it but so far everything you have made is Modular and repeating. Thats great! It makes it easyer to texture and again saves over all space. However once you start adding smaller assets (if you plan to) try to break up the repetitiveness of it all. That space is beging for scaffolding and crains and all kinds of cool stuff.


I tend to work by a modular ethic, if something needs to be repeated make a piece to do the job for minimal effort. And as you point out, its a lifesaver on the unwrapping and texturing. (Which I have ZERO talent at.)


As for the scaffolding and cranes etc they will have to be "foldable" or the vessels parked behind the main bay will never get out! (It has maybe five to six metres of clearance in height.)


Over all i think it is a great start! Keep it up and i ca't wait to get to texture and light it!!


I've been lighting it as I go. (Because it makes such pretty renders) But mostly so I could actually see the detail in the Renders. My standard Clay Render Lighting Rig is normally external, I had to modify it for internal work, and its worked out so well I may actually keep it. B)


But thanks for the input, and to everyone keep the ideas coming, I need space fillers but not... "excessive" amounts. After all its intended to be a backdrop for other 40k Renders. (Rhinos being loaded on a Thunderhawk Transporter for example.

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@Ecritter: don't be jealous matey. You did the whole ship, something people have seen before. I'm doing a Battlebarge's hangar bay that i'm giving away, something I don't think anyone has done before


@Chaptermaster: I'll be finished it pretty soon for public dissemination. (I decided I shouldn't make it too complex so as to allow others to modify it easily enough.)


Now. The Thunderhawk (and variant) bays have been cut and a door designed to fit.




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It's too bad Thunderhawks don't have wheels (Like most of scifi... honestly, we put wheels on planes for a reason, even helecopters have them for a reason. *Headshake*) or else I would suggest a semi-recessed launch ramp ala an aircraft carrier for combat takeoffs into... err, relativistic speeds. Give 'em that survivable oomph needed to keep from getting plastered in a hostile launch.


But what I meant is an overall bay, under the deck, so that there isn't a chance of a failure killing everyone in the launch bay while they try to work on their birds. Imperium ships seem to be amazingly redundant, however, it's always better to idiot proof the design. Plus, it would be less moving parts (I can't imagine the maintence on those lifts), and better sheltered against the launches of the Dagger, and incoming hostile fire that breaks through the void shields.


Take it or leave it a is. *Shrugs*

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I'd imagine the main work DOES go on under the deck. The elevators are there to lift them up for launching.




At the velocity those birds come in with don't you think a large spacious hanger might be a good idea :Troops:


But i agree on you with the wheels point wholeheartedly, especially as the books etc mention the aircraft taxiing on runways for launch etc (Lightings and Thunderbolts) yet ALL the Forgeworld models have the aircraft using some sort of "skid" for its landing gear. So maybe they're something based on a Land Speeders anti-gravity plating?

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Well it's just that your way of doing the bays isn't KISS proof. The more moving parts, the harder it is to maintain. Even with the marines, I'd want to keep it as simple and maintnence free as possible. So, having say, a flight launch ramp near the front, where maybe some kind of grav catapult could launch the Tunderhawks forward, and angled up so that they could clear the ship, or maybe have the launch bay on the top of the hanger, with various angle final ramp that can extend out the front doors, to give them any angle of attack they need on launch; with a landing and recovery bay on the bottom, with the flight maintence deck down below. (with a ramp down, and 2-6 as small as possible elevators (Or flat up against the walls, and longways with the beam of the ship) leading up onto the upper launch deck, clear of the nice Dagger wanting out, or any Thunderhawks coming in hot and heavy.)


Consider what would happen if a hapless marine with damage to his bird came in hot, and happened to have the misfortune to land in a way that would take his slide right into one of those elevators? Squick moment.

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Some very nice foundations to base future work off of, Kadaeux. My favorite is your inclusion of the Thunderhawks, and there respective stations. I'm eager to see more progress with hopefully some more details and textures next update, and again good work so far! :tu:
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Consider what would happen if a hapless marine with damage to his bird came in hot, and happened to have the misfortune to land in a way that would take his slide right into one of those elevators? Squick moment.


Snipped part: I like and will see but I don't see it happening. (Due to the big-ass doors)


Not-snipped part. Thats the beauty of it.


That blue piece. That isn't the elevator. Its the doors that cover it. (I'll get a render of them open.) Due to the VTOL capacity of Thunderhawks it doesn't block anything :tu: (Technically now that I think about it the elevator itself wouldn't be required DUE to that same VTOL.)



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Once again, I remind you, KISS.


Remember nBSG, and just how fast those vipers came in? Thunderhawks can do the exact same thing, and I think I'd rather be hit by a viper than a hawk.


Also, what happens if a bird has i's engines gone, and is manuvering on thrusters in? For all the impracticality of 40k, I'd say this is one spot where they can't afford to mess around. One mistake, and that could be 3-20 marines gone just like *Fingersnap* that.


I'll post tomorrow morning with an illustration of what I'm trying to suggest.

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Once again, I remind you, KISS.


Remember nBSG, and just how fast those vipers came in? Thunderhawks can do the exact same thing, and I think I'd rather be hit by a viper than a hawk.


Also, what happens if a bird has i's engines gone, and is manuvering on thrusters in? For all the impracticality of 40k, I'd say this is one spot where they can't afford to mess around. One mistake, and that could be 3-20 marines gone just like *Fingersnap* that.


I'll post tomorrow morning with an illustration of what I'm trying to suggest.


That would be helpful thanks mate (I think i've been misunderstanding what you were trying to say)




But yes i'd rather be hit by ten vipers than one Thunderhawk!

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This is kinda what I mean. The dark grey would be the lower deck and it's extents, I'd cut the gothic ribbing back some, maybe keep it on the top of the hanger, and shrink some of it, but keep 8 major ribs, four extra-wide to serve as double elevators (The blue), then 4 to serve as partial crash barriers (With some kind of defense turrets in their upper levels to repel intruders? And flight control booths?) with some kind of padding system on their lower levels (I'm sure 40k should have something) to prevent hawks from smacking right into them should they come in at a bad angle.


Then you've got to get some kind of way to rapidly slow them down (Especially for combat landings.) Probably some kind of gravitic hook/intertia field that would temporarily exchange velocity for mass, and force them to slow down long enough for full retros to fire. This could be represented as some kind of structure on the ceiling, or a special paneling on the floor.


Then you've got that ramp at the back. I'd reccommend some kind of emergancy barrier system that could pop up out out to prevent hawks from sliding into it in the middle of a landing, with the same kind of padding as the crash ribbing on the walls. When the hawks are all landed, it could retract, and for kicks, maybe a recovery rhino or other vehicle could tow them down into the lower decks. (I'd honestly would put wheels on the hawks, because it's moronic to an extreme to force them to use sleds. That'd be something like an artic refit.)


The lower deck could be however you want, and you could make it as gothic as you like, since it's not as high-impact as the inside of the hanger.


Then you'd have the upper launch deck. This way, you can shut it, to prevent hawks from flying into each other, and it means that even with a massive amount of debris on the landing deck, you can still fly out, and it removes the possibility of a launch crash as far away from the maintnece areas as possible. This wouldn't have to be too big, just big enough to give a few meters clearance for a lander on launch, to save space. Once again, this could be as gothic as you like, at least in the back, at the front, I'd use that gravitic catapult idea and clear out a lot of the structure, and create a couple of launch lanes, maybe 4-6, depending, for multiple launches at once, like a supercarrier. You wouldn't want a whole lot of potentially breakable gothic structuring at the front, so that if a bird got airborne, there's less stuff for it to smack before it clears the launch bay.


Take the advice or leave it, just some suggestions to make it more sensible.

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