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Battlewagon and Custom Force Field


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First off, sorry if this has been covered before. Just did a quick search without finding anything, but if it's already been discussed, link please :rolleyes:


Anyway, tomorrow I'll be playing a game or to against an ork army. I know it will have a nobz mob mounted in a Battlewagon together with a Big Mek with Custom Force Field, as well as Lootas and a couple of Trukk mounted boyz mobs. I'm thinking of using this army.


Taking out Trukks should not pose any problem, but the Battlewagon combo is an entirely different prospect, at least head-on. So would my best option be to avoid it for as long as possible while I go for the "softer" parts of the army? Or maybe use the Tactical squad with a melta gun (and Razorback HBs) and attack against rear (or side?) armour?




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Unfortunately, against most Battlewagon armies with a KFF Big Mek, you're more than likely going to be seeing the Mek riding in the Battlewagon right in the middle of the whole army, with as many vehicles as possible crammed within 6" to get that 4+ cover save. So if you wind up getting in close to deal with one of them, you wind up stuck in close and dealing with all of them.


In an ideal world, you want to pelt the Battlewagon with long-ish range anti-tank fire until it's stunned, forcing the ork player to decide whether he's close enough to rush the Trukk boyz in without the benefit of the KFF or to hang back and wait for the Battlewagon to be able to move.


If your opponent does indeed send the Trukk Boyz out without the KFF mek, laugh and enjoy the easy kills. You're pretty light on the anti-tank, but even plasma has a fair chance of popping Ork Trukks.


However, more than likely, they'll all be clustered up. In which case your Vindicators will have to earn their paychecks. Start shelling the heck out of the Battlewagon at the center of the cluster. Your Vindicator is a monster at taking out tanks: hits at S10, roll 2d6 for armor penetration as ordinance, and between being AP1 and firing on open-topped ork vehicles, you'll be rolling 2+ on your vehicle damage charts, which means on a 1 you'll knock a weapon off, and you only need to roll a 3 on vehicle damage to destroy the enemy vehicle. And with everyone clustered around the Battlewagon, you're extremely likely to score a lot of hits with your maximum scatter of 8". Yes, the ork player will save against half of them, but if you can put down enough shots and hit enough enemy vehicles, eventually he'll flub a cover save, and then you get your kills.


As for the rest of your army, keep mobile. If the ork player doesn't deal with the two vindicators, he'll lose, and those things have a front armor of 13. Pull something of a reversed refused flank, with the Vindicators staying behind while the rest of your army darts away and upfield. Once the Orks are forced to dismount, the Death Company alongside the Chaplain actually do a lot of damage to the smaller trukk-sized ork squads in close combat. Drop the Death Company Dread near wherever the lootaz take up nest and have fun tying them up.

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Best way to kill that combo is a Power Fist to the rear armour. Can be done fairly effectivelly with a Landspeeder Storm and a Power Fist Scout Sergant for turn one suicide. However if you want to go for some thing cheaper on the FOC chart then a small 5 man Assault Squad with a Power Fist should be able to achieve the same thing, what they miss with their Power Fist they are likely to make up for with their krak grenades.


Dont be too freaked out by it though, it is AV12 on the side and the armourments on a battlewagon are such that it should always be considered as a troop transport, focus on killing whats inside it then only worry about it if you have to clear it off an objective, a Tactical Squad is armed with Krak grenades for a reason you know :)



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a Power Fist to the rear


That just sounds really really wrong ;) :D but effective!


Also, lascannons would work as stated before. I've played Orks for quite some time, and I love the Big Mek/KFF/Battlewagon combo, works pretty well. Lascannons are your biggest pain after assaulttroops (with fists) taking advantage of the rear armor, I think. I lost my BW quite a few times that way. Just crippling it makes the KFF nearly useless, as orks suck at long range and standing still, even with a better coversave. The last time I lost my BW it was due to a hit that took out one of the tracks (immobile roll). Then my opponent slowly took it apart :)


Thus: Take out the mobility and you've got a winner!

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I can say i have never lost my Mek + KFF BW to shooting. Ever.

In 5th they always die to meltabombs or power fists.


I would suggest using Assault Marines or other fast moving throwaway units. The other option is a 5 Man normal Termy Squad.


As Tinus mentioned, the BW is strong for mobility. Stick a Drop-Pod in front of it with an Ironclad in it.

Even the PK's on a charging Warboss need a 4 to penetrate. It will hold up the boyz for a while.

Odds-on he wont be packing much shooty anti-(heavy)tank weaponry beyond powerklaws.


Stop his mobility then shoot the hell out of him. Focus fire on the big squads, then feed a tac sqd to his nobs and when they are finished eating them bolter them to death.

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