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Sons of Orar

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Salutations Brothers! This thread will be an ongoing showcase of my slowly growing Sons of Orar army. As I complete a unit or model, I'll add the photos up for your edification :pinch:. I'm not putting together the army in any real order although I have got my compulsory units sorted in the form of Troops (see below) and HQ choice (click here for WIP photos). I have plans for some Sternguard and a Dreadnought but for the time being I'll focus on units closer to completion.


So first up are my two Tactical Squads which I completed for the Call of the Imperium III:


Tactical Squad Acuzio:



Tactical Squad Inandus:



please feel free to comment or criticise as you see fit :sweat:





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Agree, they are very nice looking. The shoulder pads stand out well and you did the Omega symbol perfectly. Did you paint those by hand? My chapter uses the Omega symbol as well and painting them is quite beastly.
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Thanks for the comments brothers:)


@ Honda: I actually cheated slightly with the chapter markings. I put inverted Ultramarines transfers (cut in half so thay'd sit easier on the shoulderpads). After a coat of purity seal I used them as a guide to freehand the 'Omega' in red over the top, then once they were done did the final layer of white on the shoulder pads, this helped disguise the decals more and allowed me to correct any mistakes I'd made with the red.


@ blood_raven_240: I'll post a proper step by step in the tutorials section, if you like but it's basically a 50/50 mix of Blood Red and Red Gore watered down a little to ensure it goes on smoothly :wub:.



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@ Terminatorinhell and blood_raven_240: I'll try and have a tutorial made by midweek. I go back to work tomorrow so I'm gonna have a lot less free time unfortunately :(. Bear with me though and I'll get it done.


@ Kronk: Thanks Brother. On reflection I like to think of it as half cheating, as I still had to paint over the transfers :)



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Greetings Brothers! I've been absent for a while due to returning to work and having two young children now, but I have still been painting :(. May I present my finshed Rhino APC:








please feel free to leave c&c





Coming Soon: Sons of Orar Captain

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Awesome red. How did you get that silver to shine like that on the Rhino?


Did you say you were posting a tutorial? Is it up?

Great work. Just when I think I am out of ideas I check this website and realize just how bad I need to win the lotto....

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Thanks for the comments brothers :).


@ spjaco: I'm not sure which silver you mean but most of it was done the same way, Boltgun Metal with a wash of Badab Black. The headlight lenses were then picked out in Chainmail followed by Mithril Silver while the tracks recieved a heavy wash of Devlan Mud. I've put up a tutorial on the red, you can click the link in my sig, or check out the tutorial section.


@ tagsta: Cheers brother. I say go for it, it'd be great to see more S.O.O :).


@ titan136: Thanks, I was worried about getting the white right as it stands out so much. You wouldn't believe how many milk thin layers of paint went on those doors! :)


@ twistinthunder: Thankyou :). If you want to know how it's done, then check out my tutorial, it's fairly easy and worth giving it a try.



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@Terminatorinhell and demenhoth: The wait is over, I've put up a step by step guide for the red in the tutorials section (click the 'Recipe for Red' in my sig to go straight there). I'll also be adding a step by step for the white over the weekend as well :)


@ demenhoth: I agree with you, simple colour schemes are my favourite too, I don't like to over-complicate or jazz up my mini's that much as I find you get distracted when there's too much going on.


@ gil galed: Thanks. I kind of stumbled on to likeing them as a result of their colours, but I like their (lack of) fluff as well, gives me a little more latitude to play with. (although I've no idea where the "they have lots of mark vi armour" idea comes from. As far as I can tell the only evidence for this is their illustration alongside thier tiny entry in C:SM, which in my opinion proves absolutely nothing :))



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@ Midas: Thanks brother, I'm aiming to continue expanding on this army so hopefully I'll continue to impress <_<.


@ Terminus Est: I know what you mean. I was thinking about doing a tactical symbol on the roof hatch, but I might just add company markings instead, I'm not sure just now.


@ twistinthunder: glad to hear the tutorial's being looked at, I spent ages typing it up ;)


@ brother varen: I wasn't aware of that as I haven't bought White Dwarf in a good while now. Ho Hum. My explanation for the armouring of my squads is that the 5th Company has returned to Armato for resupply and re-equiping, so many of the battle brother's armour has been repaired, they've also replaced their losses and as such sport a higher percentage of newer armour marks :)



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Theres only 1/3rd of a page on them on page 83 and most of thats pics of a single model so you're not missing too much. Personally I think your reds are better and I'm seriously considering using your tutorial for my reds in future, it does seem to take longer but looks to be well worth it.
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