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Salutations Brothers! This thread will be an ongoing showcase of my slowly growing Sons of Orar army. As I complete a unit or model, I'll add the photos up for your edification :yuck:. I'm not putting together the army in any real order although I have got my compulsory units sorted in the form of Troops (see below) and HQ choice (click here for WIP photos). I have plans for some Sternguard and a Dreadnought but for the time being I'll focus on units closer to completion.


So first up are my two Tactical Squads which I completed for the Call of the Imperium III:


Tactical Squad Acuzio:



Tactical Squad Inandus:



please feel free to comment or criticise as you see fit :cuss






I'd really like to express my compliments on some very nice freehand chapter symbols on the shoulder pads! They look absolutely awesome :) Great looking marines, I can't wait to see more.



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Thanks for the comments brothers!


@ chris-kirky: Thanks. I'm thinking of adding an assault squad once my captain's finished, and possibly a chaplain as well, but I'll need to scrape some funds together first!


@ Vadskær: I sorta cheated on the chapter symbols, but I'm very pleased with how they turned out :down:


@ verpine: I agree with brother varen, I was planning on mine (when I get around to it) having white shoulders and a white helmet (mine's a mark iv) but I would say that a white sarcouphagus would work well too.


@ spjaco: ah right. I think that could be the way my kitchen was lit when I took the photos then :D.


@ Exinfris: Glad you like the tutorial. I'd love to see the marines you're doing if that'd be ok, I'm sure this red will do all sorts of chapters, not to mention other aspects of marines as well ( I first used the colours on a chapter masters cloak :P)


@ tagsta: I'm planning on revisting the rhino very soon to add a couple more details, keep your eyes peeled :)


@ Generating Random Name...: my secret to the consistency is using the same pot to mix up the red in every time I have to make it up, that way I know it's going to be really close. All 20 marines were done with one batch of red to ensure they were the exact same shade...




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Can't wait until you do the dread, sparta. Are you doing a list or just buying units to paint? Are you going to go by Sons of Orar fluff or make it your own? How did you cheat on chapter sysmbols?


I like the red tutorial. Plan on using it when i start painting my army. Right now, i'm getting the parts/units needed for the army.

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@ Twin .44: we all have talent brother, but it takes practice to bring it to the fore. If you keep pushing yourself, you'll get there :woot:.


@ brother varen: I'm afraid it might be a wee while til I get to the dread, but I will do it! I'm kinda collecting to a list and randomly at the same time. I'd had the 2 tactical squads knocking around for ages when the CotI was announced which is what kick started my whole army building effort, while I was painting them I worked out what I wanted for my HQ choice(s) and these now form the 'core' of my army (1HQ and 2 Troops). Once I've finshed the Captain, I've got a Drop Pod to paint so both Tactical Squads will have a transport and then I can start to work out what specialist units I'm going to include ( I'm currently thinking Assault Squads and a Chaplain. My aim is to create an army that represents the 5th Company of the Sons of Orar, so things like veterans and scouts are a long way off if they'll even be included at all.


@ Vadskær: I used inverted ultramarines transfers cut in half horizontally (take off the top of the loop, they sit better on the curve of the shoulder pad) to help me freehand in the chapter markings, so I half-cheated <_<.



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@ ItSeWiNg: Thanks brother, hopefully you'll like my captain too :D.


As many of you have probably checked out the WIP thread for the captain I won't waffle on too much about him, but he is now finished! So without further ado may I present Captain Lucian of the Sons of Orar 5th company:








I'm particularly pleased with the way the highlighting on his cloak has come out, I've never really tried highlighting black much before but I wanted to try to convey the 'softness' of the fabric.


Any ways, c&c is always welcomed <_<





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beautiful job and considering how 'closed in' the pose of the base mini is, it looks very original and nothing like Sicarius at all (which, i should add, is IMHO a good thing! :devil: )


army pic so far?





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@ Darth Potato: For a while I wasn't entirely happy with the way the paint was looking but I'm really happy with how he's turned out so, thanks ^_^.


@ marine: Thankyou Brother.


@ twistinthunder: Ah! You noticed :tu:. No it's not intentional, I'll get it tidied up asap. I'm just glad nobody's pointed out that the pommel and handgrip of the sword look a little dodgy...


@ Strike Captain Lysimachus: An Army pic will be up shortly. I really wanted to open the pose up because to be honest the way the Sicarius mini is posed looks really silly. For a brilliant tactician and warrior (almost) without peer he seems to be standing very very still, with his super-killy blade sheathed, possibly posing with his helmet off, he's a bit of a ponce to be brutal about it. I really wish they had paid more attention to the way he was posed in the sketch on his entry in C:SM, that would have been a great mini, but then I wouldn't have come up with this.... oh well :)


@ metcalfedan: Cheers, although you might have to wait a while before I unveil the Drop Pod as I'm really hating painting it. I really shouldn't have assembled the interior before I began painting... I'm gonna try and persevere but it may geat stuffed back in the wardrobe for a while. Besides I have plans involving a Mark IV Dreadnought and some Ironclad bits...



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