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Sons of Orar

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@ Battle Brother Mecharius: Thanks brother. Don't sweat it, I always see stuff I want to do or try out, but know I can't because I get really distracted and don't end up finishing off anything :).


@ sonofwaranddeath: Thanks, glad to hear another Battle Brother is giving it a go. I hope that the red's working now too.


@ Midnight Runner: Thanks Midnight, now all I've got to do is maintain interest in this one. More units will be added soon. Probably.



and now as requested by Strike Captain Lysimachus, a photo of the whole army so far:



(apologies for the relatively poor quality of the pic)


I'm temporarily abandoning my Drop Pod for a Command Squad, a Dreadnought Drop Pod and if I can get the bits I need an Ironclad Dreadnought, photos of these will be up as and when I get to them :)





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@ Terminatorinhell um... a titan is a bit beyond me just now, would a couple of dreadnoughts do?


@ sonofwaranddeath: cheers brother, I'm hoping to have a the command squad done in a couple of weeks so I'll get another shot up then :drool:.



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Excellent Sicarius conversion for your Captain (or Chapter Master, didn't read which). I swear, that model always looks better after some conversion work and a non-Ultramarines paint job! I've even seen some good Vulkan conversions with this same fig, which puts GW's Vulkan to shame.
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@ The Immortal: I agree, there's loads of guys on here who make me jealous :devil:. As for me, I'm still learning (aren't we all) I'm only just begining to start highlighting black for example, and Captain Lucian is the first mini I've done so many separate layers of Gold on. I think it took between 4 and 6 layers to get the right look for the gold areas (I've forgotten already I'm afraid) mostly I aim for at least 3 layers of paint for most colours though. The armour for Lucian is only Scab Red, an ink shade and then my custom red mix over the top. Keep working brother, we all have room for improvement, (you should see the state of my drop pod just now!)


@ Vel'Cona: Cheers brother. He's just a captain though he has aspirations of becoming a chapter master :). I'd like to see those Vulkan conversions, as in my opinion GW fluffed up their version. (the artwork doesn't show a ridiculously placed flamer nozzle stuck on the inside of the Gaunlet of the Forge!) I'd love to know why so many of the newer metal characters are in such closed poses actually.



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Adding to what Vel'Cona said I made a vulkan he'stan model out of the master of the arsenal model (I think that's the right name but it's the one with the power sword) sadly I took it apart, in a moment of insanity but I will reconstruct it as the GW vulkan he'stan looks naff they need to pay more attention to art work! And if you want pig of sparta I will post a pic



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I love your work Pig of Sparta but, by all that's holy, CROP YOUR PICS! ^_^


Ahem, forgive me that outburst, but we'd be able to see your rich colours and fine attention to detail in loving closeup if you did so. Google picassa and GIMP are just 2 free apps which would do the job. I'm sure there are others. :o

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  • 1 month later...

I know it's been a wee while since I posted so I hope this doesn't count as thread-omancy but I thought I stick up spme pics of my finished dreadnought, Brother Vorolanus.







He will be joined shortly by a squad of terminators to add some more punch to the army.


c&c welcome,



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It looks really nice Pig, as always the red and white are very well done! I'd have to agree with Darth though, especially as SoO are very into the Codex Astartes, some Company or kill markings, honour badges, etc would really add to the model. It's a good chance to practice free hand! :lol:





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I really like them all.


I really like the large flat areas of the dreadnought, they give it a very big heavy thick metal-plated look i think.


One thing i don't like is a mark6 or "beakie" helmet on a model without the other mk6 componenet, i think i saw this in the first tactical squad pic - but that's just me being picky, feel free to ignore me =]

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@ dood515: thanks brother, I really hope I didn't do that, but in case I have I apologise. I agree it looks a little strange adding a mark vi helmet to later marks of armour.


@ Shadow Centurion: I'm slowly getting the backstory for the army together. As it stands just now, the 5th Company, with attached support elements form the 5th Company Expeditionary Force. Having returned to Armato to re-supply, replace their losses and re-arm, they are now heading back out among the stars to reforge the galaxy one battle at a time. The idea is that each game I play with them (2 so far) will add a little more to their background.


@ Strike Captain Lysimachus, Darth Potato, Shadow Centurion: I've just about decided how I'm going to add the 5th company markings to Vorolanus (I'm going to use the medium sized Vostroyan 'V' from the baneblade transfer sheet) and since he's now killed some Chaos Terminators and Chaos Marines, (he even wounded a Traitorous Terminator Lord) I've decided to add some kill markings on his plasma cannon arm, plus some purity seals/parchments/etc.


@ Kaldoth: Thanks mate, I don't know if you've noticed but I haven't highlighted any of the other marines in the army yet. I'm still undecided whether or not to do it as I like the flat, almost matt effect that the red gives to the armour.Having said that, I guess since the dread is a focal point of the army, he probably would benefit from standing out a little more.


@ Captain Mike, Cypher 102: I'm glad to hear it. I'm trying to focus on getting the minis for this army painted but I keep getting distracted by side projects, and between working and having two kids, I don't have as much painting time as some people do, so it's gonna be a while before I post up more pics again I think.

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I like the dark red. I think your highlights are already there they are just hidden. What if instead of highlighting, you added more shadow? It would preserve your dark red and get you some highlights all at the same time. Your red is great in my opinion. Keep up the good work.
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