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I love the gold on Lucian! I sat there for a few seconds and checked that it wasn't NMM, as the effect you achieved is very soft and realistic looking. Very well done.


A suggestion that I would make would be to take pictures at the largest resolution available, then upload them to Photobucket or a similar program. There you can crop and resize them (I wouldn't resize them too small). That way we could have pictures where we get to admire your clean whites and awesome reds. I know that at least I was frustrated that I couldn't get a closer look at your models.

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@ Brother-Captain Sharp: Thanks. I sort of followed the route that 'eavy metal seem to have now for gold which is using scorched brown and shining gold for the basecoat, and keeping the shading washes to the very deepest recesses. The golds were built up over about 5 or 6 layers I think and in the end I just stopped when it kinda looked and felt right. I'm very pleased with the final effects although it does mean I'll have to work quite hard to beat it now.


As for the photos, I normally try and get the best pic possible and then edit (crop and correct) them in windows photo viewer. I'll try experiment a little with the next lot I take and see if I can get a better resolution for them.


@ sgtNACHO: thankyou ;). I'll see what I can do, I think a thin line of skull white might do the same thing, as it worked when I did Captain Agemman.



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Such a brilliant scheme for an army. On top of that I love seeing two troops and 1 HQ for some reason. That is the way anyone should build their army. Keep it up, I can't wait to see some more. Also, do you have a list that you are working off of, or are you just buing stuff you like and making an army out of it?
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@ Yogi: Thanks brother.


@ I am Legion: Thanks. I went for the two Toops and 1 HQ approach as I figured it would allow me to start playing games sooner than starting with other choices. I'm kinda building to a list, and building the list around what I've got, as I've loads of stuff (scouts and two drop pods) taking up space in the the wardrobe, but that aren't painted yet. Don't worry, I'll keep plugging away at them. I've now got the army list up here so you can see what I'm working to.



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  • 4 weeks later...

WooHoo! I finished something :Elite: Here in al his glory is my objective marker/competition entry:








Only thing is, I'm not sure he's good enough to win a painting comp. I might have to try and pull something else out of the bag...




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i think its from the cadian command squad, lovely looking model though.


i really like your stuff pig, always has a very clean and clinical paint job but still manages to have a lot of character.

i actually prefer the colour of the fabric in that model. the bit i'm not sold on is the yellow sheath on his back... i know its not proper yellow but it just doesn't sit well imo. lovely red though and the haed is very well painted

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments guys. The sheath on his back is actually snakebite leather, I think it must've been the light that I took the photos in that made it look yellow. In real life it is a bit more brown looking. The head is from the Cadian Command Sprue, it has a cetain 'scarred youth' look to it which is perfect for Space Marine Scouts. I actually quite enjoyed working on this, and he was fairly easy to do which means that without really trying I now have the paint recipe I need to paint more scouts when I get around to them.


The competition I painted him for is being judged next wednesday (the 18th) so I'll let you all know how I get on.



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