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Tactica Discussion: Scoring Units


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The allies rules are there for a reason though. Imperial armies, while self-sufficient, would certainly work together if they happened to both be nearby when a threat broke out. I'll grant you, maybe not quite so much with the Grey Knights, who honestly aren't all that fluffy against anyone but Chaos or Chaos Daemons. But inquisitorial stuff or sisters make perfect sense. Honestly, I don't know why there aren't universal Imperial allies rules, as there are plenty of instances in the fluff where the space marines come to bail out the IG.


Anyway, I guess it comes down to personal preference. It's all a bit off-topic too. Perhaps we can simply agree that, IF you think allies are fluffy and/or acceptable, then using Grey Knights or Sisters is a good way to get more useful Scoring units in a Space Marine army.

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I find av13/14 a real problem as I dont tend to have any thing able to touch them. However, when I have more money I will be dropping a Tactical squad and Rhino for either/or/both pair of attack bikes with MM and landspeeders with MM/HB.


Using the Rhino's I find that I can move up to enemy scoring units and disable them (Pedro helps a lot.)

Like I said, the Tactical in Rhino combination is really quite survivable, but it does mean that you don't tend to have any hunters in the army. Specific engagments between units tend to last multiple turns.

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I find av13/14 a real problem as I dont tend to have any thing able to touch them. However, when I have more money I will be dropping a Tactical squad and Rhino for either/or/both pair of attack bikes with MM and landspeeders with MM/HB.


Using the Rhino's I find that I can move up to enemy scoring units and disable them (Pedro helps a lot.)

Like I said, the Tactical in Rhino combination is really quite survivable, but it does mean that you don't tend to have any hunters in the army. Specific engagments between units tend to last multiple turns.


I don't think you'd get very far with the Rhino rush vs. my army. Everything you will have LOS to shoot at for the first 2 turns will have AV13 frontal, minimum, and between a Vindi, Autocannon Pred and a Godhammer, you aren't going to have very many functional tanks left when the Tactical Squads arrive from reserve.


Your listed force and mine are at almost exact ends of the spectrum, scoring unit wise.

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