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Help with the Purge


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My regular opponent runs a nurglely list (Purge).


It normally includes a Daemon Prince of Nurgle and a CAL of Plauge Marines and a Obliterator or three.


I have only destroied the Prince once with a Vindi, Plasma Cannon, volley of Vengence Round combo,


Anyone have any good anti-nurgle tatics?

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TH/SS terminators will destroy anything in his army in close combat. They'd be particularly useful against his big, nasty DP.


Against plague marines, you'll need either S8 weapons (preferably AP3 or better) or AP1-2 weapons in droves. Missile launchers, lascannons, plasma guns/cannons, and vindicators all work well here. The trick is to deny him his FNP saves. Another good route is anything with lots of power weapon attacks in close combat, like a command squad or terminators.


Oblits are just 2-wound terminators. A couple lascannon shots, or a squad's worth of small arms fire, should take them down without too much trouble.


It's a tough list, to be sure, but it's far from unbeatable. If he relies on transports (I assume he does), give them a very high priority, and then work on attacking a flank, so that your whole army can focus-fire on 1-2 of his units at a time.

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Then kill that, and enjoy the rest of the game shooting plasma/kraks/mm/las/vindicator at him from outside of assault range. That, plus the TH/SS termies to take down the DP (and then probably move on to munch on a plague marine squad), and you should be set. Really, footslogging armies are kinda sadly easy to dismantle at range.
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Last night when we played I used Plasma Cannons and a Sternguard squad. The Plasma Cannon destroyed the Plauge Marines and Hellfire rounds tore the daemon prince up. 20 hellfire rounds caused 7 unsaved wounds.
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