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Which would make a Terminator Assault Squad more killy?


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I just wanted to run this by you guys first, which character makes the unit more killy?


5 Assault Terminators all with TH/SS and MM Land Raider Crusador accompanied with Pedro Kantor. 1+ Attack to the unit even if he was left in Land Raider, also makes my small Sternguard scoring and army Stubborn.


6 Assault Terminators all with TH/SS and MM Land Raider Crusador accompanied with basic Chaplain. One extra Terminator and rerolls to hit on the charge. However sternguard are not scoring and army loses Stubborn.


If this has been discussed before pls show me the link.

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Basic Math;


4 attacks (Kantor) will hit with 2 vs. most target


3 attacks with re-rolls will hit with 2.25 vs. most targets


So, on the charge, the chaplian will be better even before you add in an extra Terminator.


So, really, the question is how badly you need Scoring Sternguard.




Also, Cassius is better than a vanilla chaplain

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Also, Cassius is better than a vanilla chaplain


substantially better, t6, and fnp

It's hillarious watching him walk through Heavy Weapons fire. He can feasibly walk through a salvo of fire from a Leman Russ Squadron without dying. As for STR4 Infantry... if the enemy ever manage to get rid of the whole squad with him, it is next to impossible to kill him. Every common weapon and model in the game wounds him on 6s. Yeah, good luck with that.

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Also, Cassius is better than a vanilla chaplain


substantially better, t6, and fnp

It's hillarious watching him walk through Heavy Weapons fire. He can feasibly walk through a salvo of fire from a Leman Russ Squadron without dying. As for STR4 Infantry... if the enemy ever manage to get rid of the whole squad with him, it is next to impossible to kill him. Every common weapon and model in the game wounds him on 6s. Yeah, good luck with that.


PAGK still give him a decent fight though

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Dont forget people that Cassius doesnt benefit from the full use of T6 until he is the last person in the squad. He is still being wounded as if he were a T4 character because of majority toughness wounds. So you are only really getting immunity from instant death and FNP.


Its only against stuff like heavy weapons which are not AP2 where he completely shines, getting FNP against a Krak and not getting instant death is a bonus.



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Dont forget people that Cassius doesnt benefit from the full use of T6 until he is the last person in the squad. He is still being wounded as if he were a T4 character because of majority toughness wounds. So you are only really getting immunity from instant death and FNP.


Actually, you can have 1 model survive, as it's majority or highest if there isn't a majority. Cassius + a PFist Sgt would be hideous to face.

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In addition, I wouldn't advise you to put Pedro Cantor into an assault-specialized unit.


Pedro only has 3+ armor save, and 4+ invulnerable save. This makes him rather squishy ie. an easy kill point.


Keep in mind that you only get the +1 attack for as long as Pedro Cantor is alive. So if your opponent kills him before your terminators get to swing their hammers, you lose the +1 attack aura. The rule specifically states you get the +1 attack "whilst he lives."


As a terminator supporter, chaplain cassius is much, much better.

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Pedro doesn't even need to be with the Terminator Squad to let them benifit from 1+ attacks. I plan to leave him in the Land Raider for his own protection from obvious threats that would be a danger to him (eg hidden powerfist, uber charactor etc), but that doesn't mean I will never use him in any other assaults.


I'm going to use Kedro in the mean time just so I can closely consider how useful is the 5 man scoring sternguard squad are in my force. If I decide they're not doing anything for scoring purposes; either dying too fast or better used elsewhere, I'll consider using Cassius as a replacement, though I'd prefer to have a powerfist chappy.


The question now is can I live without stubborn.

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Agreed with previous poster. While Pedro adds good combat capability to the unit (and scoring SG), Lysander is a wall of destruction. He's ridiculously durable, decidedly lethal, and still makes your army Stubborn. Also, were you to take standard Termies instead (gasp! shock!) his Bolter Drill is actually a very potent rule. Oh and you also get a Bolster Defences for your camping Tac and Scout Squads (try stacking Camo Cloaks on some Scouts for extra lulz).

That said, a Chaplain is a much less expensive choice, and still benefits the squad with Fearless (which is somewhat comparable to Stubborn) and rerolls on the charge. Even Cassius is not that pricey, for the extra kick. You won't get the Hulk Smash! effect of Lysander, but you'll save points.

As an aside, you can dodge on using characters in the TH/SS unit at all by using Vulkan, who doesn't even have to join the unit for them to benefit from his Chapter Tactics, every turn no less! This is my personal choice, somewhat biased by my chapter allegiance. Only somewhat though. ;)

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