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WIP - The Pale Horsemen

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Greetings all!


Lord Solcia here to unveil my Summer project, the completion of a battle company's worth of Astartes (and some extras) for my own DiY Chapter, the Pale Horsemen.


I've always loved the look of armies with some background to it, and a full Company of Space Marines always looks so damned cool. :P


I've had this idea for quite a while, but it only struck me to actually work on it from today's arrival of a brand new Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer set and Assault Terminator Squad box from the good people over at the Warstore. I've already started a bit on the battle company on months past, even if it is just mostly unpainted or primed mini's. This WIP will definitely include pictures, but of what quality I am unsure, seeing as I only have direct access to a low-tech camera phone for now. I assure you that I will try to get a respectable camera in the near future. ;)


My works on here will be somewhat of a collaboration, however. While I do basic building, army list planning and painting, my friend who I know in real life; or as you know him on here as Orphanfeast99, does probably 80% of all conversion work. The man is a genius when it comes to bits and green stuff.


So here's to a good WIP that will soon display a proud, full battle company of the mighty and zealous Pale Horsemen! Their Liber Astartes article will soon be up as well. Much thanks for viewing for now!



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