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Why I love fighting AGAINST drop pod armies


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Outflaning units enter from Reserve using the normal Reserves rules.


As Khan allows ALL dedicated transports (a drop pod is always a dedicated transport) to Outflank (and arrive from Reserve), the the drop pods may also do the same. As Khan's rules over-ride the normal deployment rules, they also over-ride the Drop Pod Assault rules.

Yes, Khan overrides normal deployment rules, but drop pods have special rules that say things such as ALWAYS and MUST. It doesn't leave any room for alternatives at all. Unless you are claiming that Khan's special rule overrides the drop pod special rule somehow? Considering there is no mechanic at all for pods flanking;

Except you can choose to declare they are being held in reserves in order to outflank and then they must do so... and thus cannot DS.

Its odd, I know... but its there. However IIRC youd have to put them into BtB contact with the table edge they are declared to outflank from, and they just stay there.

and this 'solution' has no rules basis, then I consider it obvious that this wouldn't work, and shouldn't be allowed. Dedicated transport or not, there is simply no rules legal way for a drop pod to arrive on the table except via deep strike, meaning pods MUST follow their special rule.


I detect high levels of shonky in this overriding of a special rule :ph34r:



Actually theres a section in the rules... somewhere... about immobile things coming in from reserves. Im just having trouble finding it. Any ideas? I remember reading it just last week.

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Actually theres a section in the rules... somewhere... about immobile things coming in from reserves. Im just having trouble finding it. Any ideas? I remember reading it just last week.

Yeah, I think I remember too - dang, I'll have to double-check that.

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Actually theres a section in the rules... somewhere... about immobile things coming in from reserves. Im just having trouble finding it. Any ideas? I remember reading it just last week.

Yeah, I think I remember too - dang, I'll have to double-check that.


The last paragraph of the rules for reserves say an immobile unit that comes out of reserves enters the table by deep strike.


I still don't agree with what you said earlier though.


DPA still counts when the pods get outflanking from Khan. At the beginning of the game all your drop pods are in reserve. Then during your first turn half of them arrive, allowing you to outflank with them (= deep strike). Then in later turns you roll for them as normal and can outflank (= deep strike) with them. So basically Khan gives nothing new to the pods since they already have that ability.

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Khan does not give all units the ability to Out Flank.

Only units with Combat Tactics gain this rule, which includes the ability to Outflank in their own Dedicated Transport



Name on unit in the SM army that has access to dedicated transports but doesnt have combat tactics...

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@ grey mage: dreads but i get what you mean. Also how you you fell about whirlwinds with a drop pod army.

Ack! Touche'. Still, Im glad my general point was taken.


Ahem *cough* Please point out one infantry squad.... oh nevermind.



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Khan does not give all units the ability to Out Flank.

Only units with Combat Tactics gain this rule, which includes the ability to Outflank in their own Dedicated Transport



Name on unit in the SM army that has access to dedicated transports but doesnt have combat tactics...



As was posted: dreads.


But the issue I was actually responding to was your comment:

"Except Khan gives all units in your army outflanking..." Emphasis obviously mine.

I wanted people to be sure to understand that no tanks, walkers, skimmers, etc were getting the Out Flank unless they were the Dedicated Transport of a unit with Combat Tactics.



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