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Adeptus Custodes

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So i am doing a new marine army and i said to my self what would be a fun thing to do as a addition maybe count as grey knights or something

well this idea came up








not done yet but what do you all think?

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I actually like what you have got there. It doesn't look finished however. To me the helmet needs a small diamond or something like what the High Elves Silver Helms have. He also needs to have some robes of some sort. Maybe a loin cloth behind the chain mail and a cloak or something else. Just a few ideas to help make him seem finished as a Custode.


Cheers, Messanger


Edit - maybe consider removing the loop thing on the belt.

He is made from

high elf spear man head with GS work

2 bolters filed down to fit on halberd

chaos axe blade from termis

chaos lord staff

normal mairne legs (this should change as i amy be getting DA legs soon)

chaos tank comander torso i think

death watch shoulder pad with the ][ filed off

studded pad

old school choas back pack

and some power fist i found


so its a large bits list but i plan for 4 more

and does anyone have any tips on painting NMM gold?

well the custode is done building wise (some more of them to come though)


now my plan is to try out a bit of NMM and then paint him up


so here is the pics














sorry for the bad pics better ones coming soon


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