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Chaos Lord

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always in the movies the bad guy has a huge sword that is sooooo cool. so why not make a huge one for my chaos lord?? i don't see very many that are just huge so this is one i made out of a blood letter sword. i wanted my lord to just ooze menace and destruction waiting to be released. i think thats what he looks like. if anyone can point anything out to help me make him even more menacing that would be awesome.




















also i have built one other Terminator to act as his bodyguard he is the first of four, and im not sure what else to do to him. To me his legs look too bare any ideas would be helpful.


















this is all i have done at this stage and and all C&C are welcome.

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Those are some lovely conversions, I wish I had an ounce of your skill :)


Anyway, first your Lord.

Nice, scary head that would make Guardsmen soil themselves if they saw it, a very, very imposing figure and of course the "Final Fantasy-esque" Daemon Weapon.

What's not to love about it? :)


The first Bodyguard.

This model has a lot of "Imperial-ness" still left about it, and i'd recommend sculpting a couple of Chaos Stars on this model somewhere, but still a very well done conversion :D


Just my £0.02


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Thanks all for the comments helps a lot more than those with real talent think. for the bodyguard i have an idea to do a split chaos star down the legs but im not sure if that will work but i do see what you mean with the "imperial-ness". another thing i have begun is on the "hip guards?" (don't know actual terminology) is to sculpt some archaic arrows similar to what the chaos lord has.


any ideas on a good color scheme?? this is my first Chaos army and as per usual i have my heart set on opposing sides Khorne and Tzeentch. i want the contrast of these opposites to be present my sorcerer will be Tzeentch (obviously) as well as the thousand sons (also obvious) with the Lord, termies, and Berzerkers as Khorne (again obvious). i also have some possesed and more marines. but any ideas other than red and blue??


as always C&C is welcome

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