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Sternguard Heavy Weapon Choices?


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Really, what I've seen of Sternguard vets on the table, I'm not sure how I want to load them out weapon wise- at least in heavy weapons. I plan on equipping them with various combi-weapons, but as for heavies, not too sure what to use.


I play with a rather mobile army list- most of my troop choices are Scouts, so that I can use the new Landspeeder Storm and/or infiltrate them to get in close with Meltabombs. Most people don't expect a SM army to be operationally mobile and shooty, so I've had quite a lot of success. My only problem is against massed infantry armies like Guard or 'Nids.


I was thinking either Plascannon, Missile Launcher, or possibly a HBolter.


Any suggestions?

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I'd say forget the heavy weapon entirely. It deprives you of an awesome bolter unit, if you want heavies buy a tactical squad :tu:


No really. Forget the heavy weapon. The Sternguard are far more valuable with all bolters/combi-weapons. A heavy weapon ties them in place, which you don't want.

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I'd suggest either going two heavy weapons or none. If two, I'd do the 6 man mini-dev squad in a Razorback. Other options are the Drop Pod suicide squad, where you want to load up on some combination of meltas and flamers (including Heavy Flamers) for killing vehicles or infantry respectively. The last option is the cheap vanilla squad, with or without a Rhino in tow.
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Why not a heavy flamer?


It's great against hordes, and it's going to be great against MEQ as well, AND it's an assault weapon so you can fire it on the move (which suits sternies perfectly).


I'm planning to get a sternguard squad with heavy flamer x2 for my 1850 vulkan list. :)

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Why not a heavy flamer?


It's great against hordes, and it's going to be great against MEQ as well, AND it's an assault weapon so you can fire it on the move (which suits sternies perfectly).


I'm planning to get a sternguard squad with heavy flamer x2 for my 1850 vulkan list. ;)


My only complaint is that they made the HF so expensive.

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Well you really need to decide the role your SG will be playing in your games. If you'll be using them as a close range killer unit, they NEED a transport (any kind will do), and I'd say dodge on any heavy weapons other than Heavy Flamers (which are awesome, and earn the points back very often). You can also use SG for a support unit with x2 Heavy Weapons, and in this role they're actually much more cost efficient and better performers than Devastators. x2 Plasma Cannon is a popular choice, though I wouldn't get more than 5 or 6 guys if you're doing support with them. Either way, a light mix of combi-weapons is highly preferable, though using more than 4 or 5 may be overkill.


Note that if you want Heavy Bolters, that may be the ONLY place Devastators have the advantage, in that x8-10 of them with the full x4 HB is actually not a bad anti-horde unit. A good argument can be made for saving the points and just taking a Dakkapred or TFC instead though.

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Why not a heavy flamer?


It's great against hordes, and it's going to be great against MEQ as well, AND it's an assault weapon so you can fire it on the move (which suits sternies perfectly).


I'm planning to get a sternguard squad with heavy flamer x2 for my 1850 vulkan list. :D


My only complaint is that they made the HF so expensive.

10 points? For a mobile HF? No way, it's the cheapest infantry-carried HF you can get. The only cheaper is on normal terminators, and who cares about normal terminators anwyay. ;)

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I'm going to play my Sternguard as a mobile firebase- I'm giving them a Rhino/Razorback. Now, I mostly play CoD with my local game buddies (We grew up in the bad parts of town), so I'm leaning to Heavy Flamers.


Since Heavy Flamers can fire on the move, AND use a template, AND it's a STR 5, AP 4 beast, the only problem I can find is with range. But that's what the Sewer Rats strat is for.


Sergeant - Powerfist, Bolter, Meltabombs

Sternguard 1-2 - Combi-Meltas

Sternguard 3-6 - Vanilla

Sternguard 7-8 - Heavy Flamers


Sound decent for getting in close and beating the :cuss: out of someone?

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Id say definitely go with two combimeltas, minimum.


Or is that models 1+2 have C-M? If so, then yes... that looks decent. Might consider a third melta, but all around it looks good.

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Sergeant - Powerfist, Bolter, Meltabombs

Sternguard 1-2 - Combi-Meltas

Sternguard 3-6 - Vanilla

Sternguard 7-8 - Heavy Flamers


No needs for the Meltabombs when you've got the PF.


Add more Combi-Meltas (I just love those)


And more than 1 HF may be a bit overkill.


Just my opinions B)

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I currently favor buying a relatively large Sternguard squad with two plasma cannons and sticking them in a Rhino. The plasma cannoneers can use it as a mobile bunker to fire out of, and the squad takes zero attrition while they fire away. Then if the enemy decides to deny them this bunker, or if the timing is right, out come the other eight guys with special ammo and a few combi-meltas to make an enemy unit evaporate.
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@J.K., that's a pretty good idea. I've been favoring going double PC in my SG for a while, and actually been recommending it to players in the Army List Reviews forums. I was originally thinking of going RB for my SG, but the lack of a hatch for firing the heavies is something of a detriment. For wasting other MEQ, you can't beat dual plasma templates (as our little bro's in IG are finding out).
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I find more than one or (at most) two combi-weapons a waste. if you need more, you might as well invest in the full-blown weapon like a flamer or meltagun. I mostly favor a bare-bones unit with a power weapon/fist for the Sergeant.


Heavy weapons? I'd have to say the heavy flamer - as such a rare weapon choice (the only other power armored unit able to take the man-pack weapon is the LotD), it just begs to be the weapon of choice.

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I find more than one or (at most) two combi-weapons a waste.


A waste? I don't see that. Those combi-meltas are just yummy when disembarking from a Rhino into the faces of a Terminator or Nobz squad :devil:

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For a one hit wonder like a combi melta you need to hit so just taking one means it would be ineffective 1/3 of the time. 3 gives you good odds at hitting a tank and if you have DP'd next to it the 2D6 AP1 means you more likly to pop it. I can see your point with a combi flamer though as you dont need to roll to hit.




Just imagine having a 10 man Sterguard unit (in 2 combat squads) with 2 x heavy flamers and 8 x combi flamers DP into the middle of a hoard army... Overkill? Probably but oh my...

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Now imagine that, only with Vulkan leading the army...mmm, delicious re-rolls to wound...yes, I'm sorry, that WAS your 30-strong Boyz mob.


Heh, even more hilarious, get a full squad with 2 x heavy flamers and 8 x combi-flamers, and hit that 'Green Tide' Apoc formation with it (remembering you have Vulkan there too). On average, assuming 7 hits per template (reasonable, because you tally hits before rolling to wound, and the Sternguard unit will be at point-blank)...54 wounds, with no save possible (unless he bought cybork for them). Half his formation gone, all from one squad. LOL.




I'd agree with what most people are saying. The three builds I would favour are;


Sarge w/powerfist, 5 x Sternguard, 2 x Sternguard w/plasma cannons, Rhino

(305 points)


Stick that on your 'home' objective to guard it (you did bring Kantor, yeah?), they'll be fine. The only thing they can't handle is armour, which your Attack Bikes/Landspeeders should be killing with their multi-meltas. If the enemy pops the Rhino, the squad gets free 4+ cover to huddle in (assuming the objective wasn't already in cover to begin with, which it should be if you're smart).


Sarge w/powerfist, Sternguard w/heavy flamer, 4 x Sternguard w/combi-meltas, 2 x Sternguard w/bolters, drop pod

(315 points)


Much more aggressive, this is what you use to back up your Iron-clads and Terminators as they land in the enemy's face and start shooting them up. The biggest problem for Sternguard is enemy numbers, even a full 20-shot rapid-fire can often whittle away to only a handful of kills. The heavy flamer is also great prior to a charge, softening them up substantially (remember, Sternguard hit as hard as Assault Marines on the charge, just without the 12" movement, and with Pedro nearby you're going to 4 x attacks per model on the charge, which is Beserker-like). You're using them to sweep enemy firebases and objectives clear.


Finally, there is the vanilla version;


Sarge w/powerfist, 5 x Sternguard, 4 x Sternguard w/combi-meltas, drop pod

(320 points)


Attach Lysander to them for a good 'Bolter Drill' (the look on people's faces when you choose 'Hellfire' is priceless), or a Libby for 'Null Zone' (hilarious when you 'Hellfire' Daemons and force them to re-roll their invul saves). If you do take a Libby, another great option is 'Gate of Infinity' for the 2nd power (combined with locator beacons/Scout teleport homers) to re-position them to rapid-fire things to death.



- I think the Sarge powerfist is a mandatory upgrade. For a squad that often has to engage at close-range (to get rapid-fire off), you will get assaulted, or have to assault superior shooting units (Crisis suits, Dark Reapers, Obliterators, vehicles) to shut them down. A powerfist (especially within Pedro's +1A aura) is invaluable in killing big things and tipping the combat resolution in your favour. It also means you can keep your bolter with no loss (with a powersword, you'd need to trade in the bolter so to keep your bolt pistol).

- Out of all the combi-weapons, the best is the combi-melta. Combi-flamers are completely point-blank, and you already have Dragonfire rounds for scouring light infantry in cover (Tyranid and Ork players hate you for it). Combi-plasma is nice in theory, but in practise 'Hellfire' is free and won't ever blow up in your face (in fact, I tend to favour 'Hellfire' over 'Vengeance' ammo for the same reason). The combi-melta covers the Sternguard's anti-tank weakness quite well, is cheap and spammable, and ID's T4 models, and finally is an assault weapon (so if you fail to shoot the enemy tank/monster dead, you can still follow up with the Sarge powerfist in combat). The only time I don't take combi-meltas is for the 'camping' squad with plasma cannons, as they probably won't ever use them (and the plasma cannons eat up the points I'd normally use for combi-meltas).

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I find more than one or (at most) two combi-weapons a waste.


A waste? I don't see that. Those combi-meltas are just yummy when disembarking from a Rhino into the faces of a Terminator or Nobz squad ;)

And then what? All those combi-meltas just became plain old bolters for the rest of the game - that's a lot of points tied up into one-shot wonders. If you need all that melta power - then just get two melta guns. Then you can continue to take down heavies all through the game and not just in the first turn they fire.

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And then what? All those combi-meltas just became plain old bolters for the rest of the game - that's a lot of points tied up into one-shot wonders. If you need all that melta power - then just get two melta guns. Then you can continue to take down heavies all through the game and not just in the first turn they fire.


It may be a one hit wonder, but a 10 man sternguard squad with lets just say 6 combi-meltas - that's gonna make the average 5 man terminator squad whimper :lol:


And once that has been decimated (of course it won't be wiped) - well, I think the combi-meltas have done their job.

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I find more than one or (at most) two combi-weapons a waste.


A waste? I don't see that. Those combi-meltas are just yummy when disembarking from a Rhino into the faces of a Terminator or Nobz squad :wacko:

And then what? All those combi-meltas just became plain old bolters for the rest of the game - that's a lot of points tied up into one-shot wonders. If you need all that melta power - then just get two melta guns. Then you can continue to take down heavies all through the game and not just in the first turn they fire.

Plain old bolters with all the special ammo still available to them. Taking an actual melta reduces their effectiveness/range. That first round of shooting is where you need to kill them or be swamped.


- I think the Sarge powerfist is a mandatory upgrade. For a squad that often has to engage at close-range (to get rapid-fire off), you will get assaulted, or have to assault superior shooting units (Crisis suits, Dark Reapers, Obliterators, vehicles) to shut them down. A powerfist (especially within Pedro's +1A aura) is invaluable in killing big things and tipping the combat resolution in your favour. It also means you can keep your bolter with no loss (with a powersword, you'd need to trade in the bolter so to keep your bolt pistol).

- Out of all the combi-weapons, the best is the combi-melta. Combi-flamers are completely point-blank, and you already have Dragonfire rounds for scouring light infantry in cover (Tyranid and Ork players hate you for it). Combi-plasma is nice in theory, but in practise 'Hellfire' is free and won't ever blow up in your face (in fact, I tend to favour 'Hellfire' over 'Vengeance' ammo for the same reason). The combi-melta covers the Sternguard's anti-tank weakness quite well, is cheap and spammable, and ID's T4 models, and finally is an assault weapon (so if you fail to shoot the enemy tank/monster dead, you can still follow up with the Sarge powerfist in combat). The only time I don't take combi-meltas is for the 'camping' squad with plasma cannons, as they probably won't ever use them (and the plasma cannons eat up the points I'd normally use for combi-meltas).


Exactly what I do, except I havent the plasma yet :blink:



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