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Ka-tet of the Ebon Dawn


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So its been awhile since I posted some completed stuff. I have been working on alot of stuff though, just updating my Deviant Art site more then here (since I don't have to worry about being on the front page to get replies). So I figured I'd wait a bit til I had quite a bit to post then... well... post ;)


Got a tourney this weekend and finally finished a display. Its not really 100% what I wanted, but it works for now.



And with the 1500 point army I intend to take to the tourney:



The Ka-tet (Chapter) Champion I intend to enter into the painting competition:


I just ordered some more metal deathwatch shoulders and will likely replace the chapter shoulder pad with one of those, but I won't get them in time before this weekend.


Ka-tet Armoured Support



My idea is to have about 7 regular rhino chassis in my army bag. With the turret options I can switch them between Rhinos, Razorbacks, Whirlwinds and Vindicators (yes, I plan to make some demolisher turrets). I really want to be able to transport an entire army worth of options in one B&C bag and one troop carrier.


The second picture there on the right is a twin-linked heavy flamer... crappy picture, might be hard to tell.


Thanks to the Call of the Imperium I've been inspired to get alot of regular troops done. Honestly I only have three heavy bolter devastators, one 'stock' marine and a Ka-tet Captain to finish. I do have plans to do a Masters of the Chapter formation, and they're all assembled, but painting them is LOW priority.








My Felblade is just about done, but I've been wanting to make sure all my tourney stuff is done first. Plus I'm just not looking forward to hundreds of rivets.... but thats just about all I have left to do, besides the tank commander.

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I like the display and the old-style tanks

the captain looks good, but cant really see him in grreat deatil, he kinda blend in to the display too much

Also, the orange for the tech marine is awesome, very clean and nice, and the bug assault cannon is good, but possibly a little too chunky...

All in all the collection is nice, good luck in the tourney and the painting competition

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bug assault cannon? I be confused (not very hard to do if you ask my wife).


If you mean the power armor guys wielding AC looking weapons, they are assault cannons from the Space Crusade Dreadnoughts. I don't like the boxy look of Heavy Bolters, but find HBs useful. So I took off the rear part of a Termie AC and put the SC Dreadnought AC bit on it. Deathwatch Heavy Bolters :)

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Ah cool, the bug was a typo, meant to say big, damn my small keyboard

It makes more sense in the role of a deathwatch hb and has a unique look to it, always wondered why PA SMs dont get ACs, as youve shown its definately not due to the size of them...

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Old school tanks are awesome. The conversions here are very clean and unique on the Marines themselves, though the tanks look sort of bland by comparison. Mayhaps a bit more ornamentation for the armor is in order. That said, the painting and conversions present the army in a very unified manner.
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Well, as much as I'd LOVE to see tactical marines (or even just devastators) be able to wield assault cannons, I can see the logic in not having them able to. Its not an ability thing, I think its more of a balance thing. I mean consider if they could wield assault cannons. I can't imagine having them wield any other heavy weapons, except maybe lascannons when I went against a armor-heavy list. Thanks for the comments.



Thanks, I've put alot of time into my marines. I really enjoy them more now that I've steered more towards the Deathwatch rather then expanding my DiY Chapter (but Deathwatch is cool, since I can still incorporate my DiY chapter, so its not a total waste of work). I can see what you mean about the vehicles though. I do plan to add a few more rhino chassis to my army and maybe I can do something more with them :) Thanks for the comment.

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Maybe bland was the wrong word in that situation, perhaps "under-represented" would be more accurate. The infantry are so polished I guess it just leaves the tanks behind a bit. I just noticed your Dreads, though, and I'm curious about what you used to build them. Perhaps a close up on them for my old eyes?
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The main bodies are from the old Space Crusade box set game. One of the oldest Dreadnoughts made by GW. I updated the weapons to be more WYSIWYG, plus I just love converting. I wanted Asgeirr to have a mini-reaver type look. Once funds permit I want to try and get a third and make it more of a close combat dreadnought.

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Thanks :) I've tried to add in numerous Dark Tower references. Several of my 'stock' marines are in poses they've showed Roland in, and I've made a Black 13 objective counter. I plan to make more of the rainbow as well. One of the Land Raiders is named Blaine :)

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