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Space Wolves v.s World Eaters - COMPLETED!


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Right, last year I won the Swedish National Competition Diorama class with my Space Wolves v.s Kraken diorama (for those of you who haven't seen that one, check out this link:



I wanted them to fight some ferocius foe, and I decided on World Eaters, after seeing Ap0ks amazing squad I decided to make them fight against World Eaters in a gorey 40k-ish meleeclash :wallbash: This is, in my opinion, how World Eaters should look. Thus, this year's battle scene will not be Space Wolves v.s Kraken but Space Wolves v.s World Eaters..


The deadline´s may 24, so it's not that many days left, but I'll do my best and work until the last minute.

I've bought a regiment of berserkers, a regiment of bestigors (for world eater bodies and wulfen heads) and metal world eater shoulders because they're so damn cool just to make this my best yet :)


Here's the first WIP-pictures, and the first rough scetch of how it might look, hope y'all like them. Sorry for the darkness, but the spray's the culprit.. I'll be back with better pics as it moves on and as I get more paint on them.. but as you can (or might) see there's pairs of marines, for example te guy who get's his stomache cut (partly painted) and the guy who got blood and gor on his chainsword. There's also a world eater who get shot in the head, and s space wolf who shoots with his bolt pistol. Please add any comments och critique right away, I need all the help I can get and the deadline's already very close :/






The first guy's almost done, took be about a day from greenstuffin to painting. All in all I've repositioned both his legs, cut out his stomache, created intestines and blood with green stuff, and added some small things like cables in his head, or the flare from the gunshot he fires before he dies.

Great job on the Kraken Vs. Space Wolves. It's no wonder you won! I like the dead Chaos Marine so far. Nice job on the insides coming out to play :devil: . Looks like you've got a lot of work ahead of you, I'll be looking forward to seeing this project finished!

Thanks brother, appreciated ;)

I've now finished the first (mortaly) wounded World Eater, and I'll move over to the Space Wolf cutting him :)

Here's the (more or less) finished model:


Added the backpack, and his World Eater shoulderpad, which I really think is awesome xD Just look at that face (although I guess you can't see it, damn backpack's in the way :P


I'd also like to know your opinions on the muzzle fire in his bolter.. I tried to imitate the ones iN Warhammer 40k artworks (for instance, David Gallagher's) and think I nailed it decently.. but I also think it might be a bit too white for my "style" (I often call it comic book-style, since my minis often ar colorful and cartoony in their style :rolleyes:)

Last I checked, it was.. but that's in Sweden's Nation Comp, mind. The deadline's 24, and the winners are announced the 26th of june.

Anyways, got productive yesterday, finished the first Space wolf of the battle scene,e and almost finished another twop wolves (one's the guy cutting that world eater, the other's a home made wulfen :)).

I'll post pics of all three when they're done.

Thanks for the comments mates, here's some more pictures for you. Been working non-stop on this one since my last post, and now some of the minis are getting closer and closer to the finish line. Here's the ones with most progress this far:


The guy cutting the guy above, a lot of work were put on the blood stains and the blood and gore on his chainsword :cuss


The wolf-brother charging against a world eater, as you can see, someone's hitting his left shoulder pad.


Partly WIP this, a Wolfbrother who's lost the fight with his inner daemon, turning into a wulfen in the midst of combat. Made from bestigor and wulfen-parts, with a lot of GS involved :cuss


And example of how one of the scenes will look when finished, using my fingers instead of glue. Hope y'all like it, I personally like the feeling og speed that ended up n the whole slash-motion :)


That's all for now, but more to come in the next few days.

Thanks for the comments, I'll consider more highlightning, although I must admit, it's not my strongest side :D


Anyways, some more pictures fot you guys!


This is the WIP of the ground area, it will later be painted with grey and white and flocked with snow and blood and mud and the like. Made out of polystyrene and sand, I hope it'll lokk as awesome as I intend it when its done.


This is the second finished world eater, getting "headshoted" by a wolf (i'm currently painting him). Note the burning skull eyes, the bllood and gore and the eye in the midst of it ;) I'm pretty happy with this one, though it would be hell to paint but it turned out alright.

And just to let you know, this is the second most gorey mini in this battle scene ;P The worst has yet to come.



Next up's more WIPS of the ground, the finished shooting wolf and well, y'know. More as I finish it ;)

This is great :D I can't wait to see it finished!


Please tell me that some Space Wolves are going to be getting slaughtered also, there's nothing worse than a completely one-sided fight in which the goodies win with no casualties! And no, one of them turning into a wulfen doesn't count as a casualty :)

Some new pictures for you brothers!

Right, been a while now, and with two days to the deadline, ans just another Space Wolf to paint, I think I'll fix this! :P

Here's some more WIP pics for you, three new World Eaters, and Two new wolves, plus some pictures of the scene at hand with and without them in it :)


The wolf shooting the previously posted headshot guy. Please note the inidivually painted teeth! :cuss I've never done that before and tried it now, and damn! It does a lot for the chacarter and the grim look on his face ;)


This World Eater's getting his arm (and part of his servo pack) cut of from a Space Wolf who's yet to be painted, but it supposed to be glued, by his axe, to this world eater thigh. It'll look awesome when finished, I promise you :P The blood and gore's kinda destroyed by the camera flash here, but I think you get the general idea.


Another Space Wolf, and the until now only wounded one from their side (I'm a SW-player after all :P). He's getting his stomache smashed by the next world eater below, but atleast he manages to get of a shot and scream his defiance in the world eaters face. Grenade ready for his last duty if it should come to that.


And this is the guy hitting him with his mutated arm of sorts. Bad picture this.. quality's a blur, but I guess it'll have to do.


Here's a picture of the above two marines in their soon-to-be-battle-pose. Bad picture, but i think it gets the message through.


This World Eater's the marine shooting one of the wolves in the shoulder pad (as seen above). He'll just be running towards the wolf inm question. Note the skull on his back.. a that khorne insigna sure was a pain to paint...


What would a Space Wolf-diorama be without a fenrisian Wolf? BAD is the answer :P


Here's the base, a bit more done n it now.. but as you can see, the snowpatches is till not evently "snowed" (there's a greay feeling here and there, and more white on some places than others) and the mudpatches lacks a greyish brown layer and some grass flock, but apart from that, Iäm happy with how this base is turning out.. just image that snow fileld with blood, gore and marines :)


A close up of the stone with some Wolf Tokens on it.. just for the feeling.


And this is, I suppose, a bit of how the battle will look when it's done, using my fingers instead of glue for the time being.


Hope ya'all like it, tomorrow I'll hopefully return with some pictures of the finshed piece before I head over to GW and the Nationa Comp with it on the 24th. Wish me luck Brothers!

Right brothers! Yesterday my Diorama was finally complete, every single Battle Brother and Heretic were glued to the base and blood and spent ammo shells were scattered everywhere!

Here's the pictures of the finished piece, I will however upload better pictures later taken with a real hightech camera (couldn't take 'em this time cause I had to turn it in to GW before the Dl and the hightech Camera was not at home)

Those will be uploaded to Coolmini aswell, so, Vote away there later eh ;) and well all you wolves out there who has yet to vote on my Kraken please do so, I really want all the Wolf player out there to see it :confused:

And as mentioned before the WE in this piece were heavily inspired by Ap0k World Eaters, if you haven't seen them before check 'em out and toprate 'em here!


Anyways, here are the (kinda crappy) pics for the finished Space Wolves Vs. World Eaters diorama! :D



The base seen from above, this is how the GW crew placed it in the glasscabinet aswell, sadly seeing you don't see the popped eye from this view! I guss this pic shows the wolfshrine soemthiong with the flag too. Top Right. I believe the blood, gore and spent ammoshell did alot for the Battlescene-feeling. Was kinda destered before (for those of you who've seen this base before)


And seen from the Right...


...the Left...


...and seen from the back!



Here's a close-up on the probably most dramatic scene in the diorama, the World Eater who get's a chainsword right up his stomach. Alot of greenstuff blood and gore! Used the old WHF zombie head for the "ops I just died"-expression, worked out well, have had that head lying around in a bit boxs since way back, nice too see it finally finding a place to be!



Here's a close up on the Wolf who gets mauled by a World Eater, the only Wolf who gets seriously injured in this piece. The Chaos guy was built using Chaos Warrior mutant parts from Warhammer Fantasy Battles aswell as the Bestigor torsos used for every mini in this piece. Alot of greenstuff blood and gore there!



This is probably the scene with most action in this piece, I really wanted to make a battlescene/diorama with alot of that frozen movement that my last piece (the wave especially) had, thus this fellow decending like a crazed wolf from the above ground with his 2-handed battle axe kinda did the trick. Some kids in the GW store directly said "I bet he jumped off that ledge", which is good because that's what I wanted it to look like he'd just did xD



A close-up (as close as it gets with a camera without the macro adjustments) of the Wulfen brother, homemade from bestigor parts and greenstuff. His right arm is actually a 13th comapny-Wulfen arm

, had two of those models and watned to convert one anyway.



Again a pretty crappy close-up but these are the two guys in the diorama on the far right, charging each other, the WE get's a hit on the SW shoulderpad but otherwise they're not locked in combat....yet, unlik the rest of the 1 on 1 models in this piece.


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