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Ravenwing Concept Bike

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Hi folks


I had some spare bits and hobbled this together to use as my RW Chaplin, could use some feedback :)










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I like the concept alot, the execution is well done, the only crit i have is hes contorting in a strange way to hold out the power mace. I would have him grabbing both bars. Have you thought about the bolter placment?


Nice work :devil:

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Great concept - drawing inspiration from The Dark Knight maybe?


Just a couple of criticisms. The first is that it looks a little too long and skinny for a Marine. Maybe bulk it out a bit.

The second is, speaking as a biker myself, the riding position is odd. He seems too far forward. Also, the way his legs are bent would be extremely uncomfortable after riding for any length of time - even for a Marines enhanced body!

Look at some pictures online for inspiration - google Moto GP or WSB (World Super Bikes) Check out the riding positions for them.


Other than that, a really good start.

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so thats what you did with the DE bikes i traded ya :P

looks good, now the rest of the squad :D



Hiya Mate ;)


Once I iron out some of these issues, I'll get started on those :) At the moment tho I'm looking at various materials to use as armour to bulk it out abit without loosing the sleek lines of the original bike. And I'm thinking of mounting the bolters on sponsons or on the front wheels like the batman motorcycle. I'll post some pics as I go along :)



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Wow, seems someone is a fan of Akira.

Looks good, but you might want to make it a little bit more like a combat vehichle, a suggestion would be to have the bolters just about the front type, or Ork Warbike style.

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  • 2 months later...
It's a nice idea but i don't think space marines would really ride like this because the rider is too bent/?contorted? i mean, the position fits well for de because they're armour is light and they're flexible but this all seem to "ninja" for the big heavy tank-armoured marines.
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It's the Batpod and it looks like it could be really neat! I contemplated about making a "batmobile" as a fast attack ground tank. Not sure where to start through as my scratch build skils are more "crap build".
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