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Red chaos termiators!


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This is my red chaos terminator army! It is not done yet.





More daemons









Terminator w/twin bolter



Terminator w/heavy flamer + power fist



Terminator w/combimelta + chainfist



Another terminator w/ twin bolter






Defiler again!



Let me know what you think, thanks!

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Nice Defiler, I got a similar one half painted but I might copy your design for future Defilers in my army if ya don't mind.


Though I find the Khorne Sorcerer to be a little strange... but it's Chaos, we don't gotta make sense, even if it goes against our gods wishes...


All in all, great job.

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I have not read that, specifically, either, but in fact, there is one thing mentioned in the Liber Chaotica that would support this claim (in the third volume, curiously): amongst the warhammer fantasy beastmen, there are Khorne-blessed shamans. They are not elaborated on, but shaman does definitely imply magic.


Yes, it is fantasy, not 40k, but it shows that it is not unthinkable.


Also, the first volume does state explicitly that Khorne does not mind magic that is used in hand-to-hand-combat - for example magical weapons.


And lastly: the warp itself is psychic power, thus Khorne is psychic power. He would have to hate himself (okay, he probably does that anyway....)

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Khorne is not opposed to the enchanting of weapons, nor is he opposed to magic which could enhance a warrior's ability to fight on the battlefield. :P That's what I'm reading in slaves to darkness.

So the sorceror's fluff is just that he's got a daemon weapon, which explains why he rerolls to hit and wound, and causes instant death.

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There are cases where Khorne worshippers will USE Sorcerers from other Legions / Warbands / whatnot. But I wouldn't have him wearing Khorne colors. Maybe change it slightly to Word Bearers? That'd make more sense. And then they'd probably kill him once his use is worn out, heh.
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Thanks for the comments! I'm glad you like the defiler, I wanted to make a brass scorpion but couldn't see getting another whole defiler, so I made a mini brass scorpion.


On khorne and sorcery, I know it's really weird to have a khorne sorcerer but it seems to me he wouldn't mind powers that give his warriors a direct benefit in combat. Also, I kind of envisioned this army as being not so much frothing berserkers but as cold, remorseless killers who have no problem gunning down an enemy they deem unworthy or using psychic powers to allow them to take on stronger foes.


I also like the daemon weapon explanation, that works too. There's alot more terminators now too, I just need to get my hands on a camera. I'll post them when I get a chance.

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Khorne's hatred of sorcery/psychic powers comes from the fact that they require thought/concentration and khorne is a simple minded god consumed by rage, a god purely of thoughtless action. A psychic power that improves a warrior in melee is just as despised as one that kills at a distance- they are both based on the same discipline of the mind rather than the body. Khorne's kind of like those guys who think anything vaguely intellectual is for 'ponces' I guess.


Having said that you can easily justify the sorcerer as having a specific and rare mutation that slips him in and out of the time stream, allowing him to attack faster. But I'd lose the book on the sorcerer model though- it looks good, but not very Khorneate.


I really like these by the way- They just look so...solid and weighty. I think it's the simple colour scheme partly, really cool.

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I'm going to first mention the fact you models are look great and the defiler is saved on a folder on my computer as kool models that i love, along side a defiler knight titan, the super heavy massive landraider and the daemon primarch that was around here a while ago.


and ill also mention that the Dark Apostle has the idea, from afar khorne thinks your cheating and khorne will stamp on you with a big chainy boot :)

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