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My Mortifactor Telion


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so some weeks ago i started a thread in the WIP section (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=164492) about my mortifactors. so to see some in progress pics of this just look there

however, i painted this for the GW stockholm painting competition and grabbed first place in the 40k single category.


here he is, Telion in Mortifactor colours, i will use him as Telion when the points allow me to.




excuse my pretty bad pics...but this is as good as it gets for me atm.


C&C wanted




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This is awful. That model is soooo well done that I'm throwing away all of my paints and brushes. It's a naked, unpainted army from here on out. Thanks.


No, really... that's pretty awesome... How long did it take to finish, and is that NMM for the metal gear?



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Really awesome mate.


I'm trying to do skulls on marines as my chapter symbol (though modified slightly); out of interest, do you shape the skull first geometrically then detail it or do you simply go in and paint the whole thing as is?


I really like this, and I don't like the Telion model. Easy to see why you won a statue mate.



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thanks guys


Rindaris: so ive heard, im sure he will fit in nicely with my scouts on the battlefield.....directing that sniperfire hehe


Lord Noble: dont throw your paints out, its expensive :P yea its NMM, i was stupid enough to do it on the entire army....the entire model might have taken something like 10 hours or so to finish, and then thats one hour for the tiny skulls on his cape.


Rogue trooper: i do it differently for different skulls, the ones on the cape were created bu first drawing the topline and then painting small ball-shaped objects with a straight part coming out of it and then just highlighting and cleaning that up. the one on the pad is painted with a very dark colour to trace the design in and then highlighted and cleaned. the difficult part is to make the skulls look somewhat alike, something i have encountered on this army.

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