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My first chapter WIP


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Hi everyone, this is actually my first post here, although I have been a lurker for while and have found loads of inspiration from all you guys!

To explain how this chapter came about I have to give some background to these minis. I am quite new to the hobby (6 months or so) and I fell in love with the space marines immediately when a friend that works at a GW store introduced me to it and bought a tactical squad to get me started, and being a beginner basically just copied what was on the box cover, Ultramarines.

After painting that, some scouts a captain and a rhino, and as I got more into the hobby and reading the background materials I realized I wasn't really enjoying the blue little guys so much and wanted to do something original, and especially after starting to read all the amazing work people have posted on B&C with original chapters!

So, after lots and lots of research I decided that the general theme I wanted was Native Americans. I haven't seen anyone do it so far, and I always loved their history and culture.

Next came the colour scheme, I opted for one with earthy tones as the base, as that seemed the most appropriate. I also decided that I should introduce other primary colours, and so after a few hours on the SM painter I settled on these:

1st company veteran


2nd company veteran


3rd company tactical


4th company devastator


After this came the job of stripping all my ultramarines of all the paint. This took me a few weeks, expecialy trying to find a suitable product for stripping here in Sweden, eventually I found in a local art shop a pencil cleaner made by a company called Dekorima that is actually, based on Simple Green!

So, now that all the stripping is done I have started to attempt my first conversions with Green Stuff, and a painting the colour scheme. This is my progress so far:


I'm still not 100% happy with it (or my painting skills) but with practice I'll get there. I have to say that the painting tutorials here are helping A LOT!

This was my first conversion, a sergeant, I added long hair with GS and also some feathers, although it's hard to see the GS as I primed it before taking the photo...


This was my second conversion, you can see all the green stuff hair and extra ribbons/cloth, I made the cloth a bit tattered because this guy is carrying a flamer, I recon he would singe them quite often...


OK, that is it for now, sorry for the long post.

Thanks for reading, and please all comments and criticism are welcome! ^_^

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I like it, both the general idea and colour schemes. I'd try to get the company colours a little more muted, though - basically still yellow, red, green and so on, but less 'flashy', so it fits the rest of the scheme more.


And while you seem to want to stick to codex markings, for the most part, what about including things like warpaint and totems on the paintjobs? That would give them a lot of character and can simply be added to the codex markings, not as identification, but as part of their faith, for example.

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Hey thanks guys! :)


Wolf Priest, I was planning on doing war paint on the faces, but the idea of totems and war paint markings as part of squad identification is great! :)

I can use "Tribe" markings kind of like space wolves do, but still stick to my intention to keep the chapter codex compliant.


Ooooh, my mind is already bubbling with ideas for the tribal markings!

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What!? 6 months and all ready Green stuffin like crazy, nice!


My 2 cents would be, to lose the black shoulder pad, and probably go with something like scheme of your 3rd company tactical.

But instead of a blood red-ish color, i'd rock a terra cotta red. A clay look if you will..


In the painter the colors look great together, but i see your first test mini doesn't hold the same color that the painter does. That's why i'm suggesting the change, the black doesn't do it for me.

But if you like it, more power to ya!


I really am feeling the first test mini color though, alot more than the brown. looks like it would be a simple scheme to throw together quick too!

Spray white, put a wash of 'Gryphonne Sepia'. Accompanied by the obligatory metallic and you've got a soft palette that looks really unique.


I really think you should keep that scheme, looks awesome.


Keep on keeping on brother.

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Thanks for the feedback MalevolentMc!


I am still trying out a few things with the colour schemes, but you are right, for now I am going to stick to the 3rd company colours for the units I have so far, and see how it feels.


I quite like the back shoulder pad, the reason I did that was because I didn't want it to be too much like the deathwing. But that said I see your point, I'll keep it black for now, but I might do a test one in a different colour later :)

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I'm liking the colour schemes a lot! Now to see some Terminators... :)


But if I had to say one improvement, it would be to keep the eyes a constant colour. It might make them seem as if they're still all the same part of an army. I especially like the Teal lenses though, maybe use Hawk Turquoise for painting?

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Your greenstuff work is indeed awesome.


As for the black pad, yes, it would go the direction of Deathwing, but the problem is that it makes the scheme look a little busy. If you painted it the same colour as the other pad, ie red in this case, that would not happen and it would still look different from the Deathwing. Ie, you keep the bone armour, black shoulder pad trim, red shoulder pad inset. Basically a reversed blood ravens scheme. I think it would look cool.

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WOW, thanks for all the great feedback guys, I feel I still have a loooong way to go with my GS skills compared to some stuff I have seen but your encouragement is great! :)


Dark Link

Indeed you are right, the different colours on the images were not deliberate, just mistakes.

Yep I want to do the teal eye lenses, I don't have hawk turquoise, so I still need to work the exact colours I'm gonna use.



thanks man, yeah I am quite looking forward to doing some veterans :)


Wolf Priest

I like your idea of "reversed blood ravens" scheme, hmmm, most interesting... could tie in that with the fluff somehow, although I have never heard of blood ravens successors... still just an idea.

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It's been a while since I had updates, but I have done some small progress with one of the tactical squads I wanted to show.

1) First off I basecoated with Calthan Brown

2) Then applied a wash of Devlan Mud

3) Then a couple of coats of watered down Dheneb Stone

And then this is were some issues cropped up, I did a wash of Griphone Sepia and it came out with a slight greenish hue... I then managed to get it to look more like what I planed by dry-brushing Dheneb Stone leaving the wash showing in the recesses, and a further wash of Ogryn Flesh in the recesses.

I wasn't 100% happy with the result so I tried doing a wash of Ogryn Flesh after the first Dheneb Stone coats instead and it turned out too brownish, so back to dry-brushing...

Anyway, both methods turn out a bit more of a "weathered" look which I quite like... I just need to get better at blending... agh

So, here are some pics of three tactical marines, can you spot the different washes?


By the way the teal eye-lenses I did just with Asurmen Blue.

This is the veteran sergeant for this squad, you can't see the details very well, but the robes are going to be red (3rd company colour) and the helmet red with a black stripe:


Also I though I'd upload the rest of the force as it waits to be finished.

In the front are the first tactical squad, in the back is the captain the first 3 marine of the second squad and some devastators I an going to use mainly to swap heavy weapon loadouts for the tactical squads.


And here are my five man assault squad, my five scouts with sniper rifles and in the back my new scouts.


There is still a Rhino primed and waiting conversion/painting too.

I should point out that I am going to be a bit limited with the GS convertions I do on most of the these guys as they were originally Ultramarines that I stripped and repainted.

The new scouts and few tactical marines I still have on the sprues will be much more interesting ;)

Thanks for looking, again, any C&C is more than welcome! ;)

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Thanks warhorse,


I checked out the insignia you pointed out, I really like the idea of having it on the transports actually, even maybe for a chapter symbol maybe? hmm


I have definitely been considering doing a warbonnet for the commanders/shaman, I think it would look fantastic, but I just haven't quite figured out how I'm gonna do the GS...

and the only captain figure I have has the helmet on, I am considering weather I could get away with doing the warbonnet on the helmet, or should I remove it instead and use a bare head, which I am a bit scared of doing (I really don't want to go buy another captain)...

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Nice Marines, Moshutta! The feather is particularly good. Keep up your excellent work!


AS for names, is there a specific Native American tribe you're basing the Chapter after? If so, then is there an animal the tribe saw as sacred? Then use that name with whatever else you choose. For example, if the animal the tribe saw sacred was the thunder bird, then you may want to call it Thunderfalcons, or even the Thunderbirds. Just some food for thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I did any updates, I have been on a short holiday break :yes:


Iron Corsair: I wanted to avoid basing the chapter on one specific tribe to avoid any "historical" fluff controversy, but the Comanche and Apache tribes are the ones I am reading more about as they had the strongest military societies.


As for the animal, yes you are very close, the Thunderbird seems to me to be most venerated deity and definitely the one I am thinking of for the chapter, and then perhaps other animals for smaller internal groups, probably company level, like having one company call themselves "Swift Foxes" and another "Great Horses" for example, to ad more color and even tailor wargear/tactics.



Thanks for the tip, I have been looking at the ravenwing upgrade sprues and I am considering buying one, there is SO much stuff in there that is usable! :tu:

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Now to the updates, this is what I have been doing the last couple of days:

I have started lightly converting my scouts, only 4 out of the x5 combat squad so far, here they are:






I have done some GS feathers for some of my tactical marines, not that many as I find doing the feather quite difficult still and I messed up a few.



Also, on a different note, after having completed most of the painting on my first tactical squad (just details to go) I find that I agree with what some of you said about the black shoulder, I don't like it that much too. So, back to SMPainter and this is what I came up with:


That greyish-brown would be probably a mix of "khemry brown" or catachan green with some grey... I will need to do some testing, and I also made the company color more "terracota", and I think it will actually look better.

Thats it for now folks, back to the GS!

Thanks for looking and of course any C&C are welcome :yes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been ages since my last upload, but finally this weekend I had some time for painting, so here it is, the first full tactical squad.

Just a some polishing left to do on the bases and that's it! YAY!!



I think it's quite funny how this shot came out, my girlfriend pointed out straight away that it just looks like they are on a beach somewhere rather than a battlefield... :D

And thanks for all the tips and comments so far everyone, the support just makes it so much more fun and it really helps to motivate!


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I think they've turned out very nicely Moshutta. You should be proud of your work. That said, I have to say that your girlfriend has hit on something with her comic aside about the bases. I'd been painting my own space marines for several years before I finally found a colour scheme for my bases which satisfied me. The one I use is example #3 from p.60 in the book How to Paint Citadel Miniatures, which goes like this:

  • Black primer (which you'll have if you texture your bases then prime the whole model).
  • Bestial brown.
  • Overbrush snakebite leather and skull white (overbrushing is essentially wet drybrushing).
  • Drybrush white.

I finish my bases off with dark angels green around the edges (including the very edge of the top, which is untextured, although your bases aren't like that). You might find a different scheme which suits you Moshutta, but my key point is this: you need to come up with a base colour scheme which contrasts with your miniatures' colour scheme; this contrast will make the miniatures stand out. I have to say that your base colours don't do this strongly enough to my eye. Hope this helps. All the best with your lads. :D

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