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Snow Leopards Captain (for my DIY chapter)


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Hi, I am a quite new lurker in the Bolter and Chainsword. This is my first post.

I always wanted to have a warhammer 40k army when I was a child, and finally now I decided to start building one. So I finally got crazy and bought the Assault on Black Reach boxet.

So I am proud of introducing you to my captain, for my DIY chapter: the Snow Leopards.

The Snow Leopards are supposed to be a chapter devoted to obtaining long lost relics and any kind of knowledge sources to allow the Astronomican psykers to increase their capacity to power the Beacon of our Emperor in these days of desperation, when the Golden throne is not working correctly and can not be repaired.

They are a secretive organization, whose members go into missions where other forces can not go. Including getting secret relics from other space marine chapters, which would not send them to Terra for the Astronomican to learn from them.

The members of the Snow Leopards always keep their identity secret, as they all belong to other common chapters, having a double loyalty, but believing by working with the Astronomican, they directly serve their Emperor. In their chapter, they also inform of any relevant discovery or secret relic their chapter might have found or obtained, and convince other members to join the Leopards. When called, they leave their original chapter to fight for the Astronomican, only to be back on duty after (and "if) the battle is won.

The "chapter" name comes from one of the ancient predators which used to have his home near the Astronomican Fortress. The members of the Snow Leopards paint a new armour in the colours of the Leopards by hand, resulting in an unique pattern for every marine, that even allows them to recognize each other in battle, even if they don't know each other's faces or names, since they keep their identities secret.

The mixture of geneseeds in this chapter and their secrecy makes impossible for any enemy to identify the origin of a failed attempt to recover a relic or kidnap someone, so the risk of retaliation is minimized.

The miniature I have for you is obviously a conversion from the Assault on Black Reach model. No other parts were used. It's backpack has been modified with a greenstuff work, and a LED. A battery has been added to the base. It is the seventh model I paint in my life, so I am very aware of my painting skills being quite lacking, and my white being too thick. In addition, his power sword is the first power weapon I have ever done, and I think it is by far the worst looking part of the model.

The wing sculpt on the backpack was done using the feather tutorial here, in Bolter and Chainsword.

I am open to accept any kind of comments and/or critizism








Showing the loyal warriors of the God Emperor, fighting in the dark, the path to Victory:


I am sorry for the flash in this last pic. Here I present you all the miniatures I have currently painted, 6 tactical marines, my capitain, and a terminator.


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I love the captain, hard to make out all the details, but the cloak and ackack especially are superb. The fluff you have is interesting, not sure what others will make of it, imsure there will be some who will object to marines leaving their chapter, but hey their your models and its your money, and imo its a cool idea, kinda like army personel being poached from regiments for special forces or intelligent services?

As for the others, like you said the flash obscures some of the detail, but from what i can see they look nice, with some good freehand, i like the way your idea that all the armour is individual will cover up any differences between models

keep it up


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I dig the idea. Cool fluff. :)


I want more pictures of your tac marines - they look like they're friggin sweet up close.


As for the power weapon, if you want to try at it, making a nifty looking zappy arc is easy as sin, if you have a good detail brush.


Lay down black undercoat, follow it wish a drybrush of boltgun metal, and then a really thin wash of whatever base color you want the sword to be. (I use DA Green, but obv you can do whatever you want)


When the wash is dried, you should have a clean thin coat of color, that lets hints of the metallic shine from underneath - so it looks glowy. (Ish.)


Grab the fiiiiiiine detail brush and a lighter shade of your base color (or just add white to your base color) and water it down to ink consistency - apply them in flowing arcs wherever they feel like going. Best to just kinda let it happen.


Go over the swirls you created with some heavily watered down white, and you should come up with something that looks pretty sweet.

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I love the captain, hard to make out all the details, but the cloak and ackack especially are superb. The fluff you have is interesting, not sure what others will make of it, imsure there will be some who will object to marines leaving their chapter, but hey their your models and its your money, and imo its a cool idea, kinda like army personel being poached from regiments for special forces or intelligent services?

As for the others, like you said the flash obscures some of the detail, but from what i can see they look nice, with some good freehand, i like the way your idea that all the armour is individual will cover up any differences between models

keep it up



I am glad to see you like it! I was quite afraid after months of watching awesome creations here, thinking mine would be seen as not-worthy (not that I have seen any case in which that happens, you are all very polite and kind)


I knew there would be some people opposed to the idea. That was one of the reasons I started posting the fluff. I wanted people to highlight the problems on it and see if I can correct them. Or if they will have to live with it. As you said, they are my models.


On the "leaving the chapter" issue, recruitmen would be done by the members of the Snow Leopars on their own chapter, when they feel someone might be interested in what drives the Leopards forward: the loyalty to the emperor above the loyalty to their chapter. That means there might be much more people from some chapters, and other chapters, more obsessed with their own belly-buttons, wich would have a minimal representation. After all they are not desertors, they just think there is a higher cause to fight for, from time to time when they are called.


As you see, the light of the Astronomican, which allows interstellar travel and is controlled by the Emperor was what suggested me turning my captain banner into an inspiring light.


It is great to see Assault on Black Reach models done with such effort. The color choice and conversions really set your marines apart from the rest.


Is my belief because these models are much more common and might not be as awe inspiring as others, they need to be worked on even more. In addition, judging by my economy, Black Reach units will become the bulk of my army, so I intend to tweak all these units. All the standard marines have been added something: a Claw here or there, a fur cape, a standard cape, the chapter simbol.... all in different places, in order to make them a little more unique. More elaborated things have been used in the sargent, captain and terminators. My dreadnought is obviously customized too, with a fur cape behind it, an armored sarcophagus and several tweaks. I spent quite some time with greenstuffing, and I enjoyed it a lot.


I love the face scarf on the Captain. I'm guessing that the captain's colour schee is Hawk Turquoise with Ice Blue cape?


To be honest, you missed a bit due to my limited collection of paint, and the fact I use a mix of paint suppliers. The scheme of the captain is made of Vallejo's dark blue, mixed with vallejo's medium gray and Vallejo black, to desaturate it a bit, while keeping the tone I intend to go for. The cape, however, has as a main color Space Wolves Gray, with pure skull white lights, a watered mix of both colours for blending, and a mix of space wolves gray and vallejo's dark blue for the shadows on the cape, with the watered mix to blend, again.


But thanks for the compliment! I myself think the scarf ended being too high and close to its eyes. I will see if I can do better in the next models. After all, I have a lot of work to do with these, as I intend to have no model with an exposed face.


Actually, I want to lear how to make arabian desert scarfs, in addition to hoods, and many other headgear, to represent the mixture of chapters and cultures you would find in the Snow Leopards


These are really good. I would like do my own DIY once I finally get my Crimson Fists done ^_^


Thanks! I am sure for tabletop distance, you crimson fists look quite good. I am sure exagerating ilumination can do wonders when you are supposed to look at a model from a distance. I can learn a lot from your position of illumination in the armour. Unfortunately, I am not really sure I could highlight white xD If I ever change the scheme -maybe for a technomarine- I will take your models and try to apply what works on them into mine.


If you ever come with the fluff for a DIY chapter, let us know!


I dig the idea. Cool fluff. ;)


I want more pictures of your tac marines - they look like they're friggin sweet up close.


As for the power weapon, if you want to try at it, making a nifty looking zappy arc is easy as sin, if you have a good detail brush.


Lay down black undercoat, follow it wish a drybrush of boltgun metal, and then a really thin wash of whatever base color you want the sword to be. (I use DA Green, but obv you can do whatever you want)


When the wash is dried, you should have a clean thin coat of color, that lets hints of the metallic shine from underneath - so it looks glowy. (Ish.)


Grab the fiiiiiiine detail brush and a lighter shade of your base color (or just add white to your base color) and water it down to ink consistency - apply them in flowing arcs wherever they feel like going. Best to just kinda let it happen.


Go over the swirls you created with some heavily watered down white, and you should come up with something that looks pretty sweet.


I will try to answer your call for more tac marine pics. There are 3 of them which were the first I made, given from a friend even before I bought Black Reach or any paint -I borrowed it from our gaming group, of which I have become a member- they are clearly different and some can be seen in the background, with a much lighter pattern. I will try to get my other tactical marines to become a middle ground among the newest ones and the oldest ones, so my squads blend propperly.


Regarding your advices for power weapons, I will be using that method for my next weapon, which will probably be the terminator sargent one's. The Captain was already given a pair of barnish layers before I posted it, and I am kinda afraid of painting over varnish, not to mention stripping it. But be sure you will be extremely helpful when I start building my newer power weapons.

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Awesome models. Not much of a fan of the background, to be perfectly honest. I don't like chapters with 'one mission', I prefer them just to kick aliens and shoot them, with background more focussed on how they do it, thier homeworld, and battles they have been in. However, it is your chapter, so good luck to you.
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Well, to each their own, I suppose.


And I have to say it is admirable that you didn't just make a "washed" army as your first, instead going into highlighting. I have to say that I'll agree with what you said, the white was a tad thick on the back, but the front looks really well done. The background is also very unique. I'm sure it will lead to many interesting narratives within your group.

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What I'm doing with my own Chapter is kind of similar to yours. Both Chapter come from snow-covered planets, and to represent this, my Marines always stay in silver. So the Captain will again be silver, with an Ice Blue cape. But to offer some interesting juxtaposition into this, I'm painting his power sword in fiery colours. His specialist weapon, Sol Rising! maybe you could adopt this technique with the next power weapon model you do?
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